SAP v GAAP Flashcards
SAP: based on the liquidity ie liquidation based accounting where is important to give approp valuation of surplus during event of liquidation. The focus is on the balance sheet
GAAP: based on on-going concern ie aim to match inflows and outflows in order to provide more accurate measure of profit. The focus is on the income statement
-investors, shareholders, creditors, management
SAP: values more conservatively; does not admit value of certain assets (non-admitted)
GAAP: does not have non-admitted assets
Bonds Valued
SAP: Valued according to the grade
- Investment grade Bonds: amortized cost
- Non-Investment grade Bonds: min(amortized cost, market value)
*interpret “good standing” as class 1/class 2
GAAP: Valued according to the purpose
- Available for Sale=purchased with the intention to sell before maturity, but after a year: fair value
- Held to Maturity=intent & ability to hold till maturity: amortized cost
- Held for Trading=purchased with the intention of selling within hours or days: fair value
*change in MV have no effect on bonds valued at amortized ie no unrealized capital gain
SAP: Reserves are held net of reinsurance recoverables on unpaid losses. The recoverables on paid losses are held separately as an asset.
GAAP: reserves are held gross of reinsurance recoverables. The reinsurance recoverables are reflected as an asset (ceded recoverables are asset)
-Unpaid losses under high deductible policies are treated as an asset and loss reserves are grossed up for high deductible losses
SAP: has a formula based Provision for Reinsurance (liab) to account for the recoverables that may not be collectible; includes amount to recognize penalty for unauthorized that is unsecured as well as unauthorized that is overdue or in dispute (reduces surplus to degree to acct for unauthorized reins)
GAAP: has no provision; relies on management estimates bc usually more accurate indication than what is provided by a formula (need reason to believe something is uncollectible)
-SAP avoids situation when insurers are in trouble and more likely to underestimate uncollectible in order to hide how bad sitch is
Retroactive Reinsurance
SAP: recognizes undiscounted ceded reserves as negative write in liability; any gain is treated as write-in gain in other income and restricted as special surplus until actual paid recovery is excess of consideration paid
GAAP: requires ceded reserves to be recorded as a reinsurance asset. Any gain is deferred, thereby resulting in no immediate income or surplus benefit
SAP: insurer has the option about whether to record the reserves in Schedule P gross or net of anticipated S&S
GAAP: reserves must be recorded net of anticipated S&S
Policy Acq costs
cost to write policy incl commissions, prem taxes, other acq expenses
SAP: expensed as incurred (not available to pay PH liabilities so treatment consistent with objective)
GAAP: are amortized to match the revenue recognition (ie expenses them in prop to prem earned). unamortized portion is the deferred acquisition cost and is asset and created at inception of policy (produces more accurate indication of income)
-deferred acq cost must be reduced by any PDR
SAP: does not allow discounting apart from tabular or if regulator permits non-tabular; by not recognizing time value of $, implicitly create margin in event of liquidation
GAAP: allows SAP discount to be used but rate can differ from risk free rate used in SAP as long as the alt rate “is reasonable on the facts and circumstances applicable to the registrant at the times the claims are settled”; necessary to factor in time value of $ bc aim to provide accurate measurement of earnings
Federal Income Tax
SAP: recognize deferred taxes if it is more likely than not that they will be realized but imposes limits
GAAP: recognize deferred taxes if it is more likely than not that they will be realized
SAP: recognize amounts which are more certain of immediately recoverable, strict admissibility test
GAAP: recognized and valuation allowance established when it is more likely than not to be realized
DTA=tax%*[loss reserve discount-(DAC-20% of net UEPR)-unrealized cap gains-accrual of market discount not for tax purposes]
(difference between purchase price of company and its book value)
SAP: goodwill = purchase price – statutory surplus; capped at 10% of acquiring firm’s capital&surplus; amortized to unrealized capital gains over period in which acquiring firm benefits economically (up to 10yrs); value of company is dependent on stat accounting (value may be lot smaller bc conservative nature so higher amount of GW)
GAAP: goodwill = purchase price – (FV assets – FV liabilities), balance tested for impairment annually; value of company is dependent on fair value accounting
Surplus vs GAAP equity
GAAP Equity = SAP surplus + diff in val of bonds + DAC + non-admitted assets – special surplus from retroactive reins
“only timing differences”
Timing differences means that ultimately the difference between GAAP and SAP will unwind. For example if bonds are amortized under SAP and at market value under GAAP, when they are sold or redeemed the SAP/GAAP differences will be resolved.
Renting Furniture benefits
-can expense so can reduce income tax rather than reducing surplus from non-admitted asset