SAP Policy Flashcards
Section 119, Title 10 United States Code
SAPs Congressional Oversight, requires SAPs to report to Congress annually. It also subjects SAPs to oversight in the form of inspections and audits.
Executive Order 13526
“Classified National Security Information,” is the foundation of national policy for classified information. This Executive Order directs the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) under the direction of the National Archives, to develop implementing guidance. They issued ISOO Directive No. 1, “Classified National Security Information,” which sets forth more specific guidance to agencies on the implementation of the Executive Order
DoDI 5205.11
Management, Administration, and Oversight of DoD SAPs, is the implementing document for the DoDD 5205.07. It disseminates policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for implementation and use in the management, administration, and oversight of all DoD SAPs.
DoD Manual 5205.07 v1
Volume 1 assigns responsibilities; implements policy established in DoD Instruction or DoDI (Dee-oh-Dee-Eye) 5205.11 and describes the general procedures for the administration of DoD SAP security.
DoD Manual 5205.07 v2
Volume 2 assigns responsibilities and provides procedures for personnel security for DoD SAPs.
DoD Manual 5205.07 v3
Volume 3 implements policy established in DoDI (Dee-oh-Dee-Eye) 5205.11 and assigns responsibilities and provides procedures for physical security for DoD SAPs.
DoD Manual 5205.07 v4
Volume 4 provides guidance and procedures for the application of control markings on DoD SAP information
DoD Manuals Overview
The DoD Manuals were published by the DoD and applies to all DoD SAPs. It standardizes the foundational SAP security guidance throughout the DoD, outlining the minimum security procedures for DoD SAPs. This policy applies to all Industry as well as to all non-DoD organizations that require access to DoD SAPs.
Executive Order 13526 - Classified National Security Information
Prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information • Directs the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) to develop implementing guidance
Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) 32 CFR Parts 2001 and 2003 Classified National Security Information; Final Rul
Defines specific guidance to agencies on the implementation of the Executive Order 13526
DoD 5220.22-M: National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM
Establishes the standard procedures and requirements for all government contractors with regard to protection of classified information in the interest of national security
DoDM 5200.01-M, Volume 1-4, Information Security Manua
• Prescribes the defined procedures for the DoD Information Security Program
DoD 5200.02-R: Personnel Security Program
• Outlines the responsibilities of personnel to safeguard classified information
DoD 5200.08-R: Physical Security Progra
Implements the policies and minimum standards for the physical security of DoD installations and resources
DoDD 5205.02E: DoD OPSEC Program
Implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for managing DoD operations security (OPSEC) program