San Manuel Quotes Flashcards
What San Manuel cannot say:
“creo en la resurección de la carne y la vida perdurable”
Quote about idleness and the mind:
“Pensar ocioso es pensar para no hacer nada”
We must live:
“Lo primero es que estén todos contentos de vivir… Nadie debe querer morirse hasta que Dios quiera”
Hay que vivir.
San’s suffering seen by Angela:
“una infinita y eterna tristeza que con heroica santidad recataba a los ojos y los oídos de los demás”
Repetition of huir:
“parecía querer huir de sí mismo, querer huir de su soledad”
What San Manuel says he fears (not exact):
He says he cannot live alone, die alone – he must live for his village and die for it, how can he save his soul if he does not save his town
Repetition throughout of:
“Dios mío, Dios mío, por qué me has abandonado?”
What Angela says about her relationship with San Manuel:
“Empezaba yo a sentir una especie de afecto maternal hacia mi padre espiritual”
Manuel’s influence over the town:
“la clase de imperio que Don Manuel ejercía sobre el pueblo” - “imperio espiritual sobre las almas”
When Angela asks San what he really believes he responds:
And she says back:
In what? Does he believe in the next life? Or does he believe that we will die completely, does he think we will see each other again – he wept, and said leave it. She then asks why he has ‘decieved/tricked’ her – and also how has tricked everyone else? Then why could he not deceive himself, and then her?
What does Manuel ask of Angela?
Does she absolve him in the name of the village? And she says yes, father.
Marx quoted:
“religión es el opio del pueblo. Opio…opio..opio, sí”