San Diego Fundamentals Flashcards
Everything in ServiceNow is built on a relational database. The ServiceNow Infrastructure includes.
tables | records | fields
Scripts in ServiceNow execute on the…
the client or the server.
Roles should be assigned to…
The Now Platform UI
Provide a common user experience across all browsers and web-based devices.
The Now Platform interfaces include which of the following?
All of the above
Contextual searching of the Knowledge Base…
displays potentially relevant articles to the user before submitting the record.
The three key attributes of a field are…
label | name | value
The following is a component of the Now Platform UI
Content Frame
The articles in a Knowledge Base are grouped by…
Assignment rules are used to…
set the assignment group and assigned to fields.
What is a ServiceNow Instance?
A single-tenant instance of the ServiceNow platform.
To make immediately updates and/or changes to a forms use……
UI Policies
Data Policies are used to…
Standardize data across ServiceNow applications
Connect Chat is…
a real-time messaging tool.
Groups are…
a collection of users that share a common purpose.
A reference field stores a reference to a record…
in another table.
Knowledge Base workflows are used to…
publish and retire knowledge articles.
User Presence facilitates collaboration…
within a record.
With a UI Action you can….
All of the above
Roles are…
a collection of permissions used to grant access to applications and other parts of the platform.
Tables can be related to each other in this way.
Work Notes are not…
customer visible.
Who can read and contribute articles is controlled by…
User Criteria.
The following is a component of the Now Platform UI
Application Navigator
This Role is required by all system administrators.
The conversational bot that helps users obtain information is called the…
Virtual Agent.
To view the ServiceNow instance from another user’s perspective.
Users can transform lists into an interactive graphical experience using…
Visual Task Boards (VTBs).
Make realtime changes to the appearance of a form by using….
Client Scripts
Tables can extend other tables, creating…
parent and child tables
The ServiceNow Platform User Interface contains the following.
Banner Frame | Content Frame | Application Navigator
This Role is required to create new knowledge bases and manage all knowledge bases.
The types of Client Scripts include…..
onCellEdit() | onChange() | onLoad() | onSubmit()
Email notifications can be triggered by…
A Base table is a table that…
is not extended from another table.
List of records are displayed in the…
Content Frame
Global Search is used to…
search for information across applications and records
A Core table is a table that…
exists in the base system of ServiceNow.
Search the whole instance of ServiceNow for records that match keywords using…
Global Search.
Notifications contain…
when to send the Notification and who will receive it.
Business Rules execute on the…..
Service Catalog Categories are used to…
organize Service Catalog Items.
The Application Navigator is…
a list of available Applications and Modules.
A user-friendly alternative to a form, that is used to create a record is called…
a Record Producer.
Dot-Walking gathers information from a series of tables through…
reference fields.
The tool that is used to modify a form layout is…
Form Design
Search for a specific Module by using the…
Application Navigator filter
Business Rules can be set to run……
Before | After | Async | Display