Sampling and Participants Flashcards
What is sampling?
The selection of participants from the sampling frame with the aim to create a representative selection of people from that group
What is a sampling frame?
The source material from which a sample is drawn such as an electoral roll or telephone directory
What is opportunity sampling?
The recruiting of people that are available, for example walking by someone in the street or students that are at your school
What are the advantages of opportunity sampling?
It is these easiest as you will be using people that are available so it is less time consuming and easier to find people
What are the disadvantages of opportunity sampling?
It is biased as it limits the sample group that is going to be representing a target population. For example, if you were to be out in town on a Monday morning looking for a sample, your sample would only be limited to people that possibly don’t work or have school. Any person that might be at work or in school would not be involved thus restricting the diversity of the sample group
What is random sampling?
The sample group is taken through the use of the lottery method or a random number generator. The lottery method is when the names of everyone in a target population are put into a “hat” and a certain number of names are drawn. The researcher might allocate the first ten people to condition A and the next ten to condition B. The random number generator method is when the researcher numbers everyone in a target population and uses a random number generator to select different numbers. A person is chosen if the number matches theirs.
What are the advantages of random sampling?
It is unbiased as all members of a target population have an equal chance of being selected
What are the disadvantages of random sampling?
It can be quite time consuming as you would need to gather a list of names of everyone in a target population and then contact each individual drawn
What is snowball sampling?
Current participants recruit further members who are people that they know thus creating a snowball effect
What are the advantages of snowball sampling?
It enables a researcher to locate groups of people that are difficult to access such as drug addicts
What are the disadvantages of snowball sampling?
The sample would not be a great representation of the target population as they participants would mainly consist of friends of friends
What is self-selected sampling?
People that volunteer as a result of seeing an advertisement in a newspaper or on a noticeboard or on the Internet
What are the advantages of self-selected sampling?
It gives access to a variety of participants, such as people that read a particular newspaper, which might make the sample more representative and less biased
What are the disadvantages of self-selected sampling?
It is biased in other ways as the participants would mainly consist of those who are available with free time on their hands and/or motivation to volunteer. This is also known as volunteer bias
What is stratified and quota sampling?
Subgroups (aka strata) are taken from a target population (such as boys and girls or a particular age group). Participants are then selected in proportion to their occurrence in the subgroups. Stratified sampling selection uses a random technique whereas quota sampling selection uses a non-random technique