sampling Flashcards
any set of things we want to study
when we collect data about every member of a population
sampling frame
list of every member of a population
pros of a census
data for every member of the population
cons of a census
-may not have a sampling frame
-time consuming and expensive
-might be destructive
opportunity sampling
taking the opportunity to collect data for a sample as and when it arises, without any more planning
opportunity sampling pros
-quick cheap easy
-doesnt require a sampling frame
opportunity sampling cons
unlikely to give a representative sample
quota sampling
involves making sure that proportions of groups in a sample are the same as they are in the population
quota sampling pros
-quick, cheap and easy
-easy to compare data for groups within a sample
-more representative sample than opportunity sampling
quota sampling cons
-may still not give a representative sample
-need the right data for the population to create the quotas
simple random sampling
involves taking a list of the entire population and selecting numbers totally at random from that list
simple random sampling pros
by giving every member of the population an equal chance of being selected, we are likely to get a representative sample
simple random sampling cons
-you need a sampling frame
-you need a way of choosing randomly from your sampling frame
-doesnt guarantee a really representative sample
systematic sampling
involves taking a list of the entire population, choosing a random starting point, and then sampling every nth person from that point on, until the sample is large enough
systematic sampling pros
you don’t need to randomly select every member of your sample
-more likely to get a representative sample than with opportunity sampling or quota sampling
systematic sampling cons
-you need a sampling frame
-doesnt guarantee a really representative sample
-there are certain samples you could never get
stratified sampling
dividing a population into groups, ensuring that our sample has the same proportion of members from the different groups, and then randomly selecting numbers from each group
stratified sampling pros
very likely to give a really representative sample
stratified sampling cons
-can be tricky to decide which groups in your population are the most important
-incredibly time-consuming to do well
random sampling methods
stratified, simple random, systematic. Each member of the population an equal chance of being selected