Samplex 2014 Set B Flashcards
Most common congenital heart disease in adults
a. atrial septal defect
b. transposition of the great arteries
c. right heart failure
d. bicuspid aortic valve
e. congestive heart failure
f. none of the above
Most common cyanotic congenital heart disease in neonates
a. atrial septal defect
b. transposition of the great arteries
c. right heart failure
d. bicuspid aortic valve
e. congestive heart failure
f. none of the above
Most common associated heart anomaly with coarctation of the aorta
a. atrial septal defect
b. transposition of the great arteries
c. right heart failure
d. bicuspid aortic valve
e. congestive heart failure
f. none of the above
Most common cause of death due to pulmonary stenosis
a. atrial septal defect
b. transposition of the great arteries
c. right heart failure
d. bicuspid aortic valve
e. congestive heart failure
f. none of the above
Most common heart lesion associated with coarctation of the aorta
a. atrial septal defect
b. transposition of the great arteries
c. right heart failure
d. bicuspid aortic valve
e. congestive heart failure
f. none of the above
What is the most common cause of death for patients with TOF in developed countries
a. atrial septal defect
b. transposition of the great arteries
c. right heart failure
d. bicuspid aortic valve
e. congestive heart failure
f. none of the above
What is the most common cause of death for patients with PDA
a. atrial septal defect
b. transposition of the great arteries
c. right heart failure
d. bicuspid aortic valve
e. congestive heart failure
f. none of the above
72/F diabetic with severe stabbing chest pain during deep inspiration. She had a one-week history of productive cough and low-grade fever.
A. Typical Angina B. Atypical Angina C. Gastroesophageal chest pain D. Pleuritic E. Musculoskeletal chest pain
54/M smoker. sever retrosternal burning pain waking from sleep, abdominal pain relieved by antacids.
A. Typical Angina B. Atypical Angina C. Gastroesophageal chest pain D. Pleuritic E. Musculoskeletal chest pain
64/F, with piercing pain on left chest after carrying her grandchild, aggravated by movement of left arm, relieved by anti-inflammatory drugs.
A. Typical Angina B. Atypical Angina C. Gastroesophageal chest pain D. Pleuritic E. Musculoskeletal chest pain
56/M hypertensive smoker with mild chest heaviness when taking 2 flights of stairs and relieved by resting
A. Typical Angina B. Atypical Angina C. Gastroesophageal chest pain D. Pleuritic E. Musculoskeletal chest pain
Which type of angina is most likely associated to cardiac ischemia?
A. Relieved by nitrates
B. Severe pain lasting for 12 hours
C. Radiating to left arm and jaw
Which of the following is not a typical cardiac syncope:
A. Post ictal confusion
B. sudden onset
C. without aura
D. effort related
A 53 year old mother gave birth to a cyanotic baby. You were tasked to break in the bad news that he has tricuspid atresia. The parents were devastated and asked you how and why this happened. Your best response would be:
A. “It’s probably because of the old age of the mother.” B. “Do not ask me. I’m just a medical student.” C. “Tricuspid atresia is common in boys.” D. “No one really knows why some babies are born with heart defects.”
A 2-day old baby born at 33 weeks gestation presented with tachypnea.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
The magnitude of left to right shunting in VSD is determined by:
A. sex of patient B. RV compliance C. size of defect D. age of patient
Which bacterial organism causes RF?
A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Pseudomonas aeruginosa C. Group A β-hemolytic Streptococcus D. Group B β-hemolytic Streptococcus
The most common major anifestation among patients with acute rheumatic fever admitted to the hospital:
A. arthritis B. carditis C. chorea D. erythema marginatum
35-year old man with CHD claims that he has “anomalous pulmonary drainage”. In your readings, you remember it is related to ASD. What type of ASD is most commonly associated with APD?
A. primum B. secundum C. sinus venosus D. coronary sinus
What is the most common cyanotic heart disease in adults?
A. TOF B. corrected TGA C. PDA D. VSD
What condition is associated with Marfan’s syndrome?
A. mitral stenosis B. mitral regurgitation C. aortic dissection D. aortic stenosis
A 43/M had exertional dyspnea for the past 6 months. You appreciated a systolic murmur at the 5th ICS midclavicular line that radiates to the back. Your diagnosis will be:
A. mitral stenosis B. mitral regurgitation C. aortic regurgitation D. aortic stenosis
Clinical finding expected with aortic regurgitation.
A. pulsus parvus et tardus
B. concentric LVH
C. opening snap
D. bounding pulse
54/F with mitral valve prolapse has low grade fever and seen vegetations on her mitral valve during 2D echo. She had fractional curettage for uterine bleeding 3 months ago.
A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Enterococcus C. Streptococcus viridans D. Staphylococcus epidermidis E. Pseudomonas
A 42/M with mitral stenosis had 3 months history of malaise and fever. 2D echo showed mitral valve vegetations. He has no history of dental or heart surgery.
A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Enterococcus C. Streptococcus viridans D. Staphylococcus epidermidis E. Pseudomonas
A 42/M was admitted due to dyspnea and decrease in sensorium. He was diagnosed to have infective endocarditis. It was noted that he has an abscess on his shoulder area.
A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Enterococcus C. Streptococcus viridans D. Staphylococcus epidermidis E. Pseudomonas
A 42/M who recently had aortic valve replacement developed fever for 2 weeks and developed perivascular abscess.
A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Enterococcus C. Streptococcus viridans D. Staphylococcus epidermidis E. Pseudomonas
A 24/M crack addict was admitted for sudden necrosis of his distal fingers and toes. He had 1 week history of high fever, anorexia and somnolence.
A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Enterococcus C. Streptococcus viridans D. Staphylococcus epidermidis E. Pseudomonas
Result of Eisenmengerization
A. Right to Left shunt
B. Left to Right shunt
C. No shunt
Probe patent foramen ovale
A. Right to Left shunt
B. Left to Right shunt
C. No shunt
Tetralogy of Fallot
A. Right to Left shunt
B. Left to Right shunt
C. No shunt
membranous VSD
A. Right to Left shunt
B. Left to Right shunt
C. No shunt