Sample Questions Flashcards
Shoring is required for trenches how deep per Osha guidelines?
5 feet
The conversion of liquid water to gaseous water is known as?
Who does the distribution operator ultimately answer to?
The water consumers
What does a water distribution system consist of?
Pipes, tanks, valves, hydrants, and other appurtenances
What is the leading cause of water-borne illness in the United States?
Backflow of non-potable water into potable water systems
What type of records should be kept daily in a water distribution system?
Chlorine residuals, flows and time cards
What is in a surge tank that helps prevent water hammer?
Air space
If a utility takes a monthly coliform sample and the results show that the same was positive, what should the utility do first?
Restest, site, upstream, downstream, and notify primacy agency with 24 hours
Elevated storage tanks are usually located in towns where the land is?
A centrifugal pump should never be operated unless the impeller is submerged in water or primed. What could cause a centrifugal pump to lose its prime?
A malfunctioning foot valve
What is the best preventative measure to protect a water storage tank from corrosion?
Painting the tank
When a person is working inside a water storage tank, how many people should be standing by in case of emergency?
What is the most efficient way to prevent the water in a storage tank from freezing?
Raise and lower water levels often
In a water distribution system the hydraulic grade line will always slope?
Downward in the direction of flow
Name two types of displacement meters
Nutating disc and piston meters
What is the most common type of valve used to isolate sections of main lines to permit repair or replacement?
Gate Valve
All water pipes shall be installed at least 10 feet horizontally away from any and all sewer lines and how many feet above any and all sewer lines?
12 inches
When installing new water main, there must be a minimum cover of how many inches?
30 inches
Fire hydrants are usually installed at intersections and should never be more than how many feet apart?
500 feet
What is a double check valve used for?
How can a buried plastic water pipe be located using electronic equipment?
Tracer wire or tape
The absolute minimum pressure psi delivered by a water distribution system is?
15 psi
Breakpoint chlorination is?
The addition of chlorine until the demand has been met
Where should a self-containing breathing aparatus be stored when a water utility uses chlorine gas as a disinfectant?
Just outside the chlorine room
What advantage does using monochloramines as a disinfectant have over free chlorine?
Less chance of THMs
If a chlorine cylinder were to leak one liter of liquid, how many liters of gas would be produced?
460 liters
If a water source has a large quantity of inorganic reducing agents, the chlorine dose will be probably..?
Be increased
If an operator enters a building and finds that a chlorine cylinder is leaking, what is the first thing the operator should do?
Exit the building
When disinfecting a newly laid water main, what type of disinfectant is usually used?
Calcium hypochlorite tablets
When taking a bacteriological sample, the chlorine must be neutralized in the sample. What product is used to neutralize the chlorine in a bacti sample?
Sodium thiosulphate
What happens when calcium hypochlorite comes into contact with petroleum products?
What could cause a decrease in a free chlorine residual within a distribution system?
Increased turbidity
Airborne problems that an operator may experience in a confined space are?
Flammable substances
All public and private utilities are required to notify other utilities within how many days before working in a utility right of way?
2 days
What type of chlorine is used most often to disinfect groundwater wells?
Which of gas is considered flammable?
Hydrogen Sulfide
The oxygen concentration in normal breathing air is 20.9% What percentage does the level need to drop below in a confined space before the operator will need to wear SCBA gear in order to enter the confined space?
What happens to a nutating disc meter when the water freezes?
Bottom plate breaks away to prevent damage
Confined spaces should be checked regularly for oxygen deficiency or enrichment and what must be worn to protect the workers
PPE (personal protection equipment)
Pumps and mechanical equipment used in a distribution system have guards over moving parts because?
It insures operator safety from injury