Sample Questions Flashcards
Personal Skills, Workplace Skills, and Technical Skills grounded in academics
The three components
17 skills identified within the SkillsUSA Framework
Essential Elements
Personal skill
Work Ethic
Personal Skill
Personal Skill
Personal Skill
Personal Skill
Personal Skill
Computer and Technology Literacy
Technical Skills Grounded in Academics
Job Specific Skills
Technical Skills Grounded in Academics
Safety and Health
Technical Skills Grounded in Academics
Service Orientation
Technical Skills Grounded in Academics
Professional Development
Technical Skills Grounded in Academics
Workplace Skill
Decision Making
Workplace Skill
Workplace Skill
Multicultural Sensitivity and Awareness
Workplace Skill
Planning, Organizing, and Management
Workplace Skill
Workplace Skill
Doing the right thing in a reliable way
Putting forth my best effort to meet expectations
Work Ethic
Meeting the behavioral expectations of others
Taking ownership of my work, my behavior, and my actions
Embracing change
Exhibiting a passion for life and career
Effective use of technology
Computer and Technology Literacy
Unique knowledge and skills required by a job
Job Specific Skills
Following workplace health, wellness, and safety guidelines
Safety and Health
Meeting the needs of internal and external customers
Service Orientation
Intentional learning experiences that enhance your career path
Professional Development
Sending and receiving clear messages
Ability to choose between choices
Decision Making
Working with others to achieve a common outcome
Respecting those who are different from yourself
Multicultural Sensitivity and Awareness
Process to be efficient and productive
Planning, Organizing, and Management
Igniting human potential and influence
Be honest
Do what I say I will do
Hold myself and others accountable
Make choices consistent with my values
Engage in meaningful work to make a contribution
Be productive at all times of the day
Reflect and evaluate my productivity
Do what it takes to get the job done
Work Ethic
Be loyal to my peers, supervisor, and myself
Adhere to dress codes and other policies
Be aware of the impact of my words and actions
Use good judgement in the decisions I make
Resolve conflicts peacefully
Honor my commitments
Complete my work and assignments on time
Work efficiently and effectively without supervision
Persevere in accomplishing my work
Overcome barriers and roadblocks
Understand that multiple solutions will accomplish the same goal
Maintain composure during adversity
Be curious to explore and expriment
Purposefully connect what I do today to my future
Positively contribute to every project
Seek to learn and develop new knowledge and skills
Disciplined to achieve my purpose and goals
Be willing to learn and integrate new technology
Use work-based platforms and products efficiently
Effectively employ technology to solve problems
Improve information flow through technology
Use technology to improve and document accountability
Computer and Technology Literacy
Know my job roles and responsibilities
Perform my job confidently
Seek ways to improve my job performance
Follow personnel manual policies
Perform responsibilities without direct supervision
Teach others job specific tasks
Open to coaching and feedback
Job Specific Skills
Follow safety procedures including wearing appropriate safety attire
Maintain a clean work environment
Identify potential hazards and notifies appropriate parties
Use tools and equipment according to safety best practices
Stay current with safety regulations and standards
Safety and Health
Acknowledge customers, and be present with the interaction
Stay focused and customer-oriented while at work
Demonstrate respect and courtesy to customers at all times
Know and implement company’s service policy
Handle difficult situations with tack and self-restraint
Know when to involve supervisor in a customer service situation
Service Orientation
Develop a career plan
Assess current skill sets and determine areas for growth
Use professional and personal mentors
Seek professional and personal growth opportunities
Find application of new learning
Stay current with workplace-related resources
Seek new responsibilities to gain additional skill sets
Professional Development
Write and speak effectively
Use appropriate body language
Check for understanding when articulating complex issues
Practice active listening skills
Choose appropriate mode of communication
Analyze key facts, data, and situations
Practice resourcefulness
Follow a systematic process
Weigh every possible outcome
Identify possible options
Determine the best outcome
Decision Making
Work collaboratively with my peers, classmates, and co-workers
Honor the contributions of others
Be flexible and open
Honor my commitments and responsibilities to the team
Respect and support my team members
Learn about other cultures
Value diversity
Demonstrate tact in words and actions
Treat everyone with respect
Empower everyone equally
Multicultural Sensitivity and Awareness
Break down projects into tasks with timelines
Know my role and responsibility
Identify resources and standards for completing projects
Communicate progress with teammates
Anticipate and plan for possible obstacles and setbacks
Planning, Organizing, and Management
Confront issues
Build trust
Foster hope
Express compassion
Model Stability
The three components
Personal Skills
Technical Skills Grounded in Academics
Workplace Skills
17 Essential Elements
Work Ethic
Computer and Technology Literacy
Job Specific Skills
Safety and Health
Service Orientation
Professional Development
Decision Making
Multicultural Sensitivity and Awareness
Planning, Organizing, and Management
SkillsUSA Motto
Preparing for leadership in the world of work.
SkillsUSA Pledge
Upon my honor, I pledge:
To prepare myself by diligent study and ardent practice to become a worker whose services will be recognized as honorable by my employer and fellow workers.
To base my expectations of reward upon the solid foundation of service.
To honor and respect my vocation in such a way as to bring repute to myself.
And further, to spare no effort in upholding the ideals of SkillsUSA.
SkillsUSA Creed
I believe in the dignity of work
I hold that society has advanced to its present culture through the use of the worker’s hands and mind. I will maintain a feeling of humbleness for the knowledge and skills that I receive from professionals, and I will conduct myself with dignity in the work I do.
I believe in the American way of life
I know our culture is the result of freedom of action and opportunities won by the founders of our American republic, and I will uphold their ideals.
I believe in education
I will endeavor to make the best use of knowledge, skills, and experience that I will learn in order that I may be a better worker in my chosen occupation and a better citizen in my community. To this end, I will continue my learning now and in the future.
I believe in fair play
I will, through honesty and fair play, respect the rights of others. I will always conduct myself in the manner of the best professionals in my occupation and treat those with whom I work as I would like to be treated.
I believe satisfaction is achieved by good work
I feel that compensation and personal satisfaction received for my work and services will be in proportion to my creative and productive ability.
I believe in high moral and spiritual standards
I will endeavor to conduct myself in such a manner as to set an example for others by living a wholesome life and by fulfilling my responsibilities as a citizen of my community.
The Shield
Represents patriotism
Denotes our belief in democracy, liberty, and the American way of life.
The Gear
Represents the industrial society
Symbolic of the industrial society, denotes the interdependence and cooperation of the individual working with labor and management for the betterment of mankind
The Torch
Represents knowledge
The flaming torch reflects the light of knowledge, which dispels the darkness of ignorance. In the light of the torch, progress will be made toward the vocational goals of the individual
The Orbitial Circles
Represents technology
Represent the challenge of modern technology and the training needed to accept and master the challenge of new technical frontiers and the need for continuous education.
The Hands
Represents the individual
Portray a search for knowledge and our desire to acquire a skill. In the process of attaining knowledge and skill, we will develop a respect for the dignity of work and become productive and responsible citizens.
SkillsUSA Colors
The colors red, white, blue, and gold represent the national SkillsUSA organization
Red and white represent?
The individual states and chapters
Blue represents?
The common union of the states and of the chapters
Gold represents?
The individual, the most important element of the organization
SkillsUSA Attire
Wearing the official SkillsUSA attire adds a sense of unity and identification, as well as enthusiasm, to meetings, ceremonies, presentations, and activities.
Official Attire
Red SkillsUSA blazer, Windbreaker or sweater, or black or red SkillsUSA jacket
Button-up, collared, white dress shirt (accompanied by a plain, solid black tie), white blouse (collar less or small-collared) or white turtleneck, with any collar not to extend into the lapel area of the blazer, sweater, windbreaker, or jacket
Black dress slacks (accompanied by black dress socks or black or skin-tone seamless hose) or black dress skirt (knee-length) (accompanied by black or skin-tone seamless hose)
Black dress shoes
Which group of individuals did the list of employability skills within the SkillsUSA Framework originate with?
Industry Representatives
The Chapter Excellence Program recognizes chapters for excellence in chapter programming and ______.
Framework integration