Samlet spørgsmål Flashcards
GTY: Nævn de tre grundlæggende tilgange til forhandling
- Hard Position
- Soft Position
- principled negotiation Position
GTY: Hvorfor er de to typiske positioner i en forhandling ikke efficient, for nogle parter?
- Den er meget tidskrævende
- man indblander sig ego, idet man ikke vil tabe ansigt overfor modpart.
- Fører ofte til konflikt, og bitterhed
- Fordi vigtigste parameter er vilje.
- Der kan være mange nederlag forud for et kompromis.
GTY: Hvad er de fire grundlæggende punkter i “principled negotiation” positionen?
• People: separate the people from the problem
- Interests: Focus on interests, not positions
- Options: invent multiple options looking for mutual gains before deciding what to do.
- Criteria insist that the result be based on some objective standard.
Hvad står BATNA for?
‘Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement
Beskriv BATNA tankegangen:
-BATNAs may be developed for any situation that calls for negotiations, from negotiating a pay hike to resolving complex conflicts.
Simple three-step process for determining BATNA: Develop a list of actions to take if no agreement is reached; convert the more promising ideas into practical options; and tentatively select the option that seems best.
Beskriv hvad der menes med ZOPA?
Zopa er “Zone of possible aggrements”
Det er i det interval hvor du vil være “tilfreds” med en forhandling. Det er forskellen på din reservation price, og modpartens reservation price.
NG: Hvilke steps går forud for en forhandling?
Sv: • Asses Your BATNA • Calculate your reservation price • Asses the other party´s BATNA • Calculate the other party´s reservation price • Evaluate the Zopa - The Zopa is the “Zone of possible agreements” the difference between seller reservation price and Buyer reservation price. • Search for information
NG: Nævn de 7 “common mistakes” man laver i en forhandling.
- You made the first offer when you were not in a strong position to do so.
- You made the first offer that was not sufficiently aggressive
- You talked but did not listen
- You tried to influence the other party but did not try to learn from her.
- You did not challenge your assumptions about the other party
- Yoy miscalculated the ZOPA and did not re-evaluate it during the negotiation
- You made greater concessions than the other party did.
Hvad er “the Anchor”, hvad gør det, hvordan fastsættes det?
Et anker, er et aggresivt første-bud i en forhandling, hvori meningen er at sætte et udgangspunkt for forhandlingen. Ankeret bevirker at modpart i mange tilfælde mindsker deres planlagte bud, idet tvivlen omkring pris gør dem usikre, idet modpart tydeligvis har vuredet objektet anderledes.
NG: Hvilke fem strategier kan benyttes, for at besvare modparts anker?
A. Ignore the anchor
B. Seperate information from influence
C. Avoid Dwelling on their Anchor
D. Make an anchored counteroffer, then propose moderation
E. Give them time to moderate their offer without losing face.
NG: Hvilke overvejelser bør du gennemgå forud for dit første-bud?
A. Keep the ZOPA in play - give et bud udenfor din ZOPA
B. Provide justification for your offer (retfærdigør buddet)
C. Set high, bur realistic aspirations (desto højere du sætter overliggeren, desto bedre bliver outcome, har en undersøgelse vist)
D. Consider the context of the relationship (hvilket forhold ønskes med modparten, ved gentagne forhandlinger kan det være en fordel ikke at være for aggresiv, idet modparten her kan føle sig forurettet.
Hvilke effektive syv handelsstrategier findes der ?
- Focus on the other party´s BATNA and reservation value
- Avoid making unilateral concessions
- Be comfortable with silence
- Label your concessions
- Define what it means to reciprocate
- Make contingent concessions
- Be aware of the effect of diminishing rates of concessions.
Hvordan besvarer du fornuftigt et “rigtig godt tilbud” ? nævn de 4 tilgange.
A. Diskuter tilbuddet, uden at vise entusiasme, og pånå enighed med modpart om hvorfor det er et “fornuftigt” tilbud. (velvidende at det ikke er)
B. Forhandel et marginalt bedre tilbud hjem, idet det vil øge modparts tilfredshed med handlen.
C. Foreslå at modpart får en bedre pris, dette vil virke forebyggende for et godt samarbejde.
D. Revurder din ZOPA, modpart kan have information du ikke har, udspørg modpart. Er tilbuddet for godt til at være sandt, så Tænk, istedet for at fejre handlen.
Getting to YES har en metode, hvad går den ud på?
- Seperate the people from the Problem
- Focus on interests, Not positions
- Invent Options for Mutual Gain
- Insist on using objective criteria
GTY: Beskriv hvilke oberbejelser der ligger bag- “Seperate the people from the problem”
- Negotiators are people first
- Every negotiator is interested in both the substance and in the relationship.
- Perception (sætte sig i den andens sted)
- Dont deduce their interests from your fears
- Discuss each others perceptions
- Give them a stake in the outcome by making sure they participate in the process. - Emotions, recognise and understand emotions.
- Pay attention, allow the other side to let the steam off s 33 - Communication
- Listen actively, and acknowledge what is being said s 36
- Speak to be understood s 38
GTY: Beskriv hvilke oberbejelser der ligger bag- “Focus on interests, Not positions”
GTY: Beskriv hvilke oberbejelser der ligger bag- “Invent Options for Mutual Gain”
GTY: Beskriv hvilke oberbejelser der ligger bag- “Insist on using objective criteria”
Hvad er et “pareto improvement”?
En ændring i en forhandling, der tilgodeser mindst en af parterne, uden at andre parter stilles dårligere.
Hvad vil det sige at den aftale er pareto efficient?
Sv: at den ikke kan forbedres for nogen parter, uden at det skader andre.
NG How far can you push in a negotiation?
- Exhaust all pre-negotiation sources of information
- identify your assumptions prior to the negotiation
- Ask questions that challenge your assumptions
- Ask indirect questions
- Protect yourself from lies and uncertainty with contingency contracts
NG: Nævnde syv “effective haggling strategies”
- Focus on the other party´s BATNA and reservation value
- Avoid making unilateral concessions
- Be comfortable with silence
- Label your concessions
- Define what it means to reciprocate
- Make contingent concessions
- Be aware of the effect of diminishing rates of concessions.
NG: Hvordan bør du besvare “offer you love”?
- Diskuter tilbuddet uden at vise entusiasme
- selvom tilbuddet er godt, så forhandel en marginal bedre pris
- Overvej at give modpart noget tilbage, idet dette vil forbedre fremtidige forhandlinger
- Revider din ZOPA, hvorfor er modparts tilbud så godt, hvad har du overset? stil spørgsmål til tilbuddet.
Hvad menes der med “Logrolling”?
Logrolling: the act of trading across issues is called logrolling. Logrolling requires that you not only know your own priorities, but that you learn about the priorities of the other side.
Create value by adding issues. Which issues?
Sv: Etc: • Delivery date • Financing • Quality • Contract length • Last-look provisions • Arbitrary clauses • Exclusive clauses • Level of service support • Warranties • Future business
Hvad er en “Contingency contract”?
Contingency contracts: usually occur when both negotiating parties fail to reach an agreement. The contract is characterized as “contingent” because the terms are not final and are based on certain events or conditions occurring.
Hvilket skal man være opmærksom på før man indgår en contingency contract?
• Contingency contracts is dangerous if the other party is more knowledgable than you
- Contingency contracts are usefull only if uncertainty will be resolved in ways that can be measured objectively
- Make sure you understand the effect of contingency contracts on the incentives of the other party
Nævn de fire “preperationstrategies for value creation”
1. Strategy: Identify your multiple interests
- Strategy: Create a scoring system
- Strategy: Calculate a package reservation value
- Identify the other party´s multiple interests
Nævn de tre “ececution strategies for value creation”
1. Strategy: Negotiate multiple issues simultaneously
- Strategy: Make package offers
- Strategy: Leverage differences of all types to create value
Hvad betyder begrebet PPS?
PSS= Post-settlement settlements
Nævn de syv “principles of investigative negotiation”
- Dont just ask What – ask Why
- Seek to reconcile interests, not demands
- Create common ground with common allies
- Interpret demands as opportunities
- Don’t dismiss anything as “their problem”
- Don’t let negotiations end with a rejection of your offer
- Understand the difference between “selling” and “negotiating”
Nævn de frem strategier for at skaffe information fra en modvillig part.
- Build trust and share information
- Ask questions – especially if you are surprised or sceptical
- Give away some information
- Negotiate multiple issues simultaneously
- Make multiple offers simultaneously