Samestellings bl 53 - 55 - Sheet1 Flashcards
huis + plan
huisplan (houseplan)
kleur + blind
kleurblind (colour-blind)
hond + hok
hondehok (kennel)
kind + dae
kinderdae (childhood days)
meisies + skool
meisieskool (girls’ school)
mans + skoene
manskoene (mens’ shoes)
dans + skool
dansskool (dancing school)
plaas + seun
plaasseun (farm boy)
Suid + Afrika
Suid-Afrika (South Africa)
pa + hulle
pa-hulle (dad and them)
boom + huis
boomhuis (tree house)
broek + pyp
broekspyp (leg of pants)
drie + uur
drie-uur (three o’clock)
eet + tyd
etenstyd (time to eat)
gras + snyer
grassnyer (lawnmower)
hand + sak
handsak (handbag)
kalf + liefde
kalwerliefde (young love)
kind + dokter
kinderdokter (doctor for children)
knoop + gat
knoopsgat (button hole)
kop + ent
koppenent (top side)
man + hemp
manshemp (shirt for a man)
noord + wind
noordewind (north wind)
oos + wind
oostewind (east wind)
padda + stoel
paddastoel (mushroom)
pot + plant
potplant (pot plant)
seuns + skool
seunskool (school for boys)
slaap + kamer
slaapkamer (bedroom)
stad + kind
stadskind (child from the city)
vis + stok
visstok (fishing rod)
aarde + appel
aartappel (potato)
aarde + bewe
aardbewing (earthquake)
aarde + wurm
erdwurm (earthworm)
hoog + veld
hoëveld (high field)
koning + ryk
koninkryk (kingdom)
lewe + verhaal
lewensverhaal (biography)
os + wa
ossewa (ox wagon)
rib + been
ribbebeen (rib bone)
skip + dokter
skeepsdokter (ship doctor)
skip + kaptein
skeepskaptein (ship captain)