Salvation Flashcards
What is the problem of salvation?
I. Man is hopelessly lost in sin and needs a savior.
II. God is righteous and must punish all sin.
Why is man hopelessly lost in sin and in need of a Savior? A and B
A. Every man is a sinner by birth.
B. Every man is a sinner by choice.
Why is man hopelessly lost in sin and in need of a Savior? C and D
C. No man can live up to the holy and perfect standards of God’s righteousness. God’s standard is perfection. Only one sin would be required to doom us to eternity in hell.
D. Our entire nature is corrupt.
Why is man hopelessly lost in sin and in need of a Savior? E and F
E. Our corrupt nature corrupts any act of righteousness which we attempt, rendering even our righteousness as filthy rags.
F. Our hearts are desperately wicked and deceitful.
Why is man hopelessly lost in sin and in need of a Savior? G and H
G. To even think that you could be righteous enough to save yourself in itself is a sin of gross pride. The Pharisee in the parable of Christ went home condemned for this sin.
H. To attempt to be saved by any means other than Christ is to be guilty of rejecting Christ, as well as disobeying the gospel of God, despising the cross of Christ, spurning the love of God, refusing the Holy Spirit’s call and conviction, trampling underfoot the very blood of Christ, and disbelieving the word of God, which failure to believe renders us condemned already.
What are the two possible paths of salvation? Plan one:
A home in heaven for all eternity could be earned by good works of perfect and sinless righteousness.
What are the two possible paths of salvation? Plan two:
A home in heaven for all eternity could be given freely without good works based upon God’s perfect and sinless righteousness.
Why can’t salvation be earned by good works of perfect and sinless righteousness (man).
- This was God’s plan for the angels.
- This was not God’s plan for man. This would leave all men lost for all have sinned and fall short of God’s standard of perfect holiness.
What is the necessity of saving faith?
Salvation had to be by faith for this is the only way it could be if by grace and grace is the only way sinful man could be saved.
Why is salvation possible?
I. Because God loves all men.
II. Because God desires all men to be saved.