when you should you sanitize
before/after each client
if you should drop comb
use another implement
what procedure follow when blood/bodily fluid are present
universal precautions
signs of swelling
if infection is present
don’t perform service
how does disease enter body
any openings/mouth/nose/broken skin
when unclean tools on station
contamination is present
all disinfectants should be
sanitizing hands reduce
pathogenic bacteria
disinfectant destroys growth
micro organism
change wet disinfectant
place implement where after disinfect
covered storage container
safety data sheet info about chem in products
practicing w/o license
Always follow manufacturers instructions when
Working with chemicals
What should you do if you suspect infection
Recommend medical treatment
Immerse implements in disinfectant after
Cleaning all visible debris
Body ability to fight disease
Disinfectant must stay moist how long to be effective
Contact time
What occurs if moist/hair/chemical left o shears
Not a level of decontamination
Tools should soak in epa disinfectant
10-30 mins
Disinfectant should be
Bacterial, fung, viruidal
To avoid bacteria in container use
Single use spatula
Never place comb
All bloodspill should be dispose
Clearly label bag
Govt agency Regulated safety and health for employee
SDS contains
First aid/handling/ingredients
Cosmetologists can’t perform
Tattoo / full body massage/ electrolysis
What’s not part of cosmo study
Don’t use products containing
MMA methyl methacrylate
Poisonous substance should be
Clearly marked
According to state law new cosmetology salons should
File application with agency, meet safety requirement , pay appropriate fees
State licensing agencies have power to determine
Continuing education req, fees for licenses and health and safety in salons
Primary purpose of state board cosmo
Ensure public health and safety thru enforcement of cosmo laws and rules
If an implement can’t be disinfected if should be
Thrown away
State board cosmetology can do what with a cosmetologist license
Deny revoke suspend
Tweezers are an example of
Multi use implement
Misuse or overexposure to chemical can result in
Occupational disease