Salesforce Admin Flashcards
When mass transferring Accounts you can else can you transfer (Two child objects and two teams)
Account and Opportunity Team
Recycle Bin
You can restore reports and dashboards, deleted stay in folder for 15 days, records in recycle DON’T count to storage limit
Lightning Sync - what can be synced from email
Events and Contacts
Combination Charts Features
Display more than one summary value and add a second axis range to the chart.
Conditional highlighting
Can only be used in summary and matrix reporting
Record Name Data Types (2)
Text and Auto-Number
For multicurrency orgs
Opp currency tied to associated pricebook entry.
Activity Management
Open Acitivities and History Tasks and Events Can relate to objects and start and end Can link to Objects and Contacts Customers
What objects can be mass transferred (4, 3 under Account)
Accounts (Opps under, Activities, Attachments), Service Contracts, Custom Objects, and Leads
Charts with Multiple Segments
Barcharts and line chart allow for multiple segments, others don’t (ie pie, funnel)
Allow you to control access to apps, features, objects and fields within Salesforce.
Can access System - Login Hours, IP ranges, Session Settings, Password Policies, Default Community
Company Settings Sections
Name Address Newsletter Local Time Currency Disk Space API Currency Setup Business Hours License amounts and usages Company info No IP Addresses
What can be used to generate PDF Quote
Opportunity, Quote, Products, and Pricebooks
Mass Transfer
Under Data Management in Setup gives you the ability to Mass Transfer records, such as Accounts in this scenario, from one user to another. This is the quickest and easiest way to accommodate this request, which you will run into frequently.
Chatter Streams
custom feeds that you create by combining multiple related feeds into one feed. Look for streams on your Chatter home page. Create up to 100 streams that each combine posts from up to 25 different feeds and feed types. Create streams that combine feeds from people, groups, and records, like accounts, opportunities, cases, and more.
Search Layouts
On object and shows what appears
Sales Productivity Features
- Update Reminders to manager
- Similar opps - related list given criteria on opp
- Competitors
- Team Selling - access to Opp to read or read/write
Standard Fields
Standard fields are fixed and their field type can’t be changed. You can’t delete them either but some standard fields you can hide from view or remove permissions from them so users can’t access them. You can re-label them.
Owner Based Record Levels
Org Wide - Role Hierarchy - Sharing Rules - Manual Sharing
Those in Role in Hiearchy can SEE records in role or below. Cannot see other roles at the same level.
Compact Layout
create on Campaign the compact layout assignment
List View
Cannot mass delete from the record
Controlling and Dependent Fields
Controlling field - standard picklist, custom picklist, and checkbox
Mulitselect cannot be controlling
Dependent field can be custom and mutli-select picklist, but not checkbox or standard picklist
Security Token
Needed for Data Loader and Salesforce for Outlook
The difference between Knowledge and Solution Management
Data Categories (can have security - profiles, users) Solutions doesn't have security You can manage articles - Side bar can search for articles You can also post articles to community so customers can see Articles help you resolve cases Solutions has groups. Knowledge has categories.
List View
Cannot mass delete from the record
Data loader and Mass Delete link for leads
Workflow Rules allow you to fire Email Task Field Update Outbound Message (API) actions based on a criteria when a record is either Created or updated (not deleted!).
Can only create tasks - no other objects.
If field updated, by workflow, user who changed other field to trigger is listed as last modified.
Can add a time trigger after some criteria are met.
NOT chatter posts and cannot create an Event
Can update a record when created, updated, or in future, but NOT deleted
Fires actions immediately, cannot be used for approvals
No associated UI.
You can update a field on a record or change the record type.
Which two related lists should be added to track campaign contribution to the overall campaign
Contact roles and campaign influence
Process Visualizer
It is the Process Visualizer that provides a visual representation of an Approval Process. This will be helpful in gaining buy-in from step owners and reinforce company policies by documenting the decisions you reached when the approval process was designed.
Dynamic Dashboard
Will show per user’s security settings.
If manager wants to see those of this team members from their perspective check “View my team’s dashboard”
What can the admin change in user interface
Enable spell checker, hover details, enhanced list view
Flow Builder
Created a wizard (UI) UI Design, delete, update unrelated records
Flow generally not needed for exam, but know Flow needed of UI
Flow cannot create actions in the future
Delegated Administration
Use delegated administration to assign limited admin privileges to users in your org who aren’t administrators.
Account Object
For standard objects, cases are related to Account
But campaigns, products, and case comments are not
Opportunity, Contact, and Case are children of the Account object
If creating user to user look-up what type of field is needed
Data Loader
Create, Update, Upsert and Delete. Can only import one object at a time.
When updating a record using data loader, can update with External ID, Parent ID, Record ID
NOT Record number
50k-5 million
Difference Between Profile and Permission
1) Can only assign a user to one Profile at a time 2) But can assign multiple Permission sets to the user
Profile - base permission - say all Sales Reps (basic functions)
Permission sets give additional capabilities
Case Escalation Rules
To people or queue
Do we need to send an email for these people
First setup queue then set up escalation rule
Works in same way as assignment rules - goes top to bottom until a match is found
Escalated by time or area
Cloud Types
Sales Cloud (Sales process, opps, products) Service Cloud
User Management
Can click box and select Reset Password(s)
Features setup checkboxes - access to service marketing, etc.
Freeze just prevents login
Deactivate - removes from records
Page Layout what changes can you make on a field
Make a field required, read only, visible and change the label
Changing a label on a field is done under
Settings>Object>Fields and Relationships
Create paths to guide your users through steps of a business process, such as working an opportunity from a fresh lead to a successfully closed deal. At each step of a path, you can highlight key fields and include customized guidance for success.
Not to be confused with In-App guidance which is used for share information, train, or on-board users.
Bucket Field
Summary field not on object, just on the report - on picklist items. Groups picklist values into ranges.
Detailed description of a customer issue and the resolution of that issue. Solution managers, administrators, and users with the appropriate permissions can create, review, and categorize solutions. They can also publish solutions to the Self-Service portal and make solutions public
Mulitlingual search enabled in Public Knowledge Base and Self-service Portal
Encrypted Text
No Credit card or PCI check box, just called encrypted text
Ways to upload files into Salesforce
Files -> Chatter, Newest way
On record - Notes and attachments
SF CRM Content and libraries
Documents - public/read write
Dashboard Refresh
Can be refreshed hourly, weekly, monthy, send an email to notify, refresh button - but not whenever displayed.
Import Wizard
Standard Objects that IW can import: Accounts and Contacts, Leads, Solutions
Can import data for Custom Objects and Campaign Members Status
Cannot import cases or opportunities.
Can choose to activate workflows.
Need to use DL for other standard objects
LACSCC(5) - Lead, Account, Contact, Solutions, Campaign member and Custom Objects
IW can match by Name or Email OR ID (External or Internal)
Can de-duplicate
Cannot schedule in advance
Can import custom objects
You can just import and limited in object types,
Can only add records of one object at a time
Can be used to update campaign status and members
Tabular - just rows and table
Summary report - has record summaries
Can add three charts to layout
Cannot add a gauge to a report.
Can schedule a refresh time.
Reports run as permissions of the user.
Folder access control access to Report.
Can share folder with Users, Roles, Internal and Portal Subs, Roles and Internal Subs, and Groups
Folder access can be Viewer, Editor, or Manager
Reporting Snapshot
Report on historical data. Authorized users can save tabular or summary report results to fields on a custom object, then map those fields to corresponding fields on a target object. They can then schedule when to run the report to load the custom object’s fields with the report’s data. Reporting snapshots enable you to work with report data similarly to how you work with other records in Salesforce.
Service Cloud
Knowledge and Entitlements
Enabled in User Profile (Feature)
Dashboard Elements that show multiple groupings
Donut, Pie chart, and Funnel chart
give additional capabilities
Automated Case User
Listed in the Case History related list when automated case actions occur in Salesforce, such as assignment rules, escalation rules, created via web-to-case, etc.
Assignment Rules
Can only create on Lead and Case
Assign to User or Queue, NOT GROUP
Can email notify.
Can also prevent reassignment.
Uses Rule ordering to assign lead ownership
When creating a lead need to indicate to you assignment rule
Can go to layout properties, and set Lead Assignment to checked by default
Option to not reassign owner as well
Validation Rules
Fire at record import, web to lead, edited and saved
Error condition formula and message are fields
User License Types
Marketing, Offline, Knowledge, Flow, Service,,
Report Sharing and Running
Reports have running users or login-in user
Can sent reports to groups, roles, users, subordinates
Contact Roles
Contact Roles are instrumental if helping determine Campaign Influence. Users can manually add Contacts Roles on an Opportunity manually, but they seldom do. There are two primary ways that Contact Roles are automatically filled in on new opportunities, and that is whenever an Opportunity is created from a Contact Record or when a new Opportunity is created during the Lead Conversion process.
Metric Dashboard Component
Displays the grand total from a report, along with a label that you enter.
Field Disappearing Causes
Page disappearing
User switched profiles
Role setting does not dictate access to field, but to object
User Management
Can click box and select Reset Password(s)
Features setup checkboxes - access to service marketing, etc.
Freeze just prevents login
Deactivate - removes from records
Knowledge One
Enable lightning knowledge Cannot be disabled after enabled Knowledge One - Can create multilingual responses Case settings - can create an article from a case
To resolve cases and to display for customer self-service portal.
Formulas Field
To get parent data to child
Are not searchable, do not appear on edit pages, and are read-only.
Sharing Rules
Can share across
1. Roles and Subordinates 2. Public groups (Internal Users, Portal Users, Customer users)
The rule can be 1, Private 2, Read only or 3, Read/Write
Rules are one way
Rule Type can be
1) Owner - sharing based on who own the record in hierarchy
2) Criteria (Field) - depends on record’s field
Salesforce Communities (Two valid cases)
External customer can track cases, external partner can track joint opportunities
Content (Salesforce CRM) and Content Pack
A content pack can be created (add files from Library)
You can then Share the pack with other users
Can share URL to customer with password to view pack
Can manage files, videos, PPT, web pages
Version control, voting, reporting, list views
Can use password protection and associate with a record.
Summary reports are similar to tabular reports, but also allow users to group rows of data, view subtotals, and create charts. They can be used as the source report for dashboard components. Use this type for a report to show subtotals based on the value of a particular field or when you want to create a hierarchical list, such as all opportunities for your team, subtotaled by Stage and Owner. Summary reports with no groupings show as tabular reports on the report run page.
Update Reminders
Email send to manager of team opportunities
About when opps are being updated.
Number of opps, dates, etc.
By default, records can’t be reparented in master-detail relationships. Administrators can, however, allow child records in master-detail relationships on custom objects to be reparented to different parent records by selecting the Allow reparenting option in the master-detail relationship definition.
How lead can be imported
Lead import and web to lead - no email to lead
Default Activity View Settings
Related Lists and Activity Timeline.
Duplicate Configuration Rule Options
There are two primary options available to you in Duplicate Rules to Alert and/or Report potential duplicates On Create and/or On Edit
Alert - Warn users in the user interface of potential duplicates, but will add a row to the error.csv file when doing an insert, update or upsert from the Data Loader (i.e. when not using the interface).
Report will create a report of potential dupliates.
Salesforce Knowledge Features
Categorize Articles Multiple Languages Using articles to solve cases Searching for Articles via Portals Rating Articles
Set up in Communities
can integrate with Service Console.
Helps with self-service
Articles can be accessed from the case feed, customer community, and public knowledge base site
Upload files in Zip format.
What should a systems admin consider before importing records
Data should be de duplicated and each record should have an owner
Sent Received Responded
Custom Domain
Visualforce page URLs will change and new domain cannot be un-deployed.
Lookup Relationship and Filter
Field that relates to another. The Filter is created when the lookup field is created to limit the number of filter items.
If user cannot Login where do they go and what can the admin do?
Login history on a user’s record
Click Reset password on detail page or unlock on user detail page
Default Case Owner
Automatically assign a user or queue to all cases that don’t match any case assignment rule entries. This user must be Active.
Only one case assignment rule can be active at a time.
can put in competitor names on opportunities
Default Forecast Display
Currency, start date, forecast period (monthly or quarterly),
Standard Salesforce Profiles (7)
System Administrator Solution Manager Read Only Marketing User Contract Manager Standard User Customer Community Partner
Data Loader
Data Loader can only update by ID (SF or External)
Delete Update and Upsert (Need Salesforce ID) and Insert Records, Backup
Can’t de dup and can schedule.
Will fire workflows and validations
Data loader itself won’t dedup, but duplciation and validation rules in SF may cause data loader to fail uploading certain values
Customer Community - customer can log in to view cases and knowledge
Partner Community- data sharing, event tracking, MORE security, get dashboards, categorization
Employee Community - contacts and accounts (read only)
Objects that can have queues
Custom, Cases, and Leads
Default Case Owner
Automatically assign a user or queue to all cases that don’t match any case assignment rule entries.
This user must be Active.
Only one case assignment rule can be active at a time.
Exporting Reports Formats
Auto Response Rules
Only available only on Leads and Cases
Can send different emails on different lead attributes.
I no rule match, then nothing will send, so set generic.
Solution Management
Knowledge Based Sharing
Find into that is handy
Selecting “Select” on a solution on a case
You can see how well Solutions are working (Solutions list cases)
To enable Solutions - need to enable in Solution Settings
You can create categories
Bread crumbing and categorization
Person Account created when
Lead coversion without a company name
Dashboard Settings
Can filter entire dashboard based on Fields, but must be a common object across all reports.
Can filter by user but may not be able to drill down further.
Tabular Report Type
Tabular reports are the simplest and fastest way to look at data. Similar to a spreadsheet, they consist simply of an ordered set of fields in columns, with each matching record listed in a row. Tabular reports are best for creating lists of records or a list with a single grand total. They can’t be used to create groups of data or charts, and can’t be used in dashboards unless rows are limited. Examples include contact mailing lists and activity reports.
Support Settings
Automated Case User- - Listed in the Case History related list when automated case actions occur in Salesforce, such as assignment rules, escalation rules, created via web-to-case, etc.
Can be set to a generic system user account.
Default user when assignment rules fail to locate an owner.
What can be adjusted in a sales process
Probability, Type, and Forecast Category
What is included when Mass Transferring an Account
Associated items that are also transferred are Contacts (on business accounts only), attachments, notes, open activities, open opportunities owned by the current account owner,
open and closed opportunities and open opportunities owned by other users.
You may also optionally transfer open and closed cases that were owned by the account owner. Refer to. Not Leads.
List Standard Objects (18)
Invoices isn’t a standard Salesforce object
Standard Objects include: Account, Contact, Opportunity, Products, Pricebooks, Cases, Users, Case Comments, Activities, Events, Tasks, Leads, Contracts, Orders, Solutions (in Classic only), Ideas, Assets, Knowledge.
Manual Sharing
Manual sharing allows someone to grant access to a specific user, group or role access to a specific record on a record by record basis. Manual sharing involves a user looking at a record and deciding to share the record with someone else.
Manual Sharing - can create sharing button with layout and private OWD
Can Share with Public Group, Role, Roles and Subordinates, and Users
There is a button you can put on the record
If no button because record is public read/write
Dashboard Report Visibility
If Person can see report from dashboard, Refresh or no permission to see records
Login IP Address
Can only be set in a profile, not in a permission. Cannot login.
Login IP Ranges in Profile - only allow user to login between ranges
With Network access- don’t need to activate connection (with a code), they can log in any case
When logging in these are checked:
Organization trusted IP ranges, Profile defined login IP ranges, Hours of access
When successful login, IP added to trusted list and cookie placed.
Hidden Fields in Reports, Searches, Views, Lists
If you simply hide a field from a page layout and assign that page layout to a user, that user can still see the field and get to the data by way of search results and reports. To fully hide a field and its data from a user, you will need to set the field to Hidden at the Profile level.
A package is a container for something as small as an individual component or as large as a set of related apps. After creating a package, you can distribute it to other Salesforce users and organizations, including those outside your company. Packages come in two forms—unmanaged and managed and can be distributed on App exchange.
A managed package differ in that some components are locked allowing managed to be updated later.
Duplicate Rule Options
There are two primary options available to you in Duplicate Rules to Alert and/or Report potential duplicates On Create and/or On Edit
Alert - Warn users in the user interface of potential duplicates, but will add a row to the error.csv file when doing an insert, update or upsert from the Data Loader (i.e. when not using the interface).
Workflow Queue
Shows workflows triggers that are pending
Have to delete workflow queue entry to be able to re-edit a timed workflow
Time-Based Workflow Queue - displays pending actions in your org, along with the time that they are set to happen. If the corresponding record is updated and the criteria that originally places the action in the Time-Based Workflow Queue is no longer valid, the action is removed from the Time-Based Workflow Queue automatically.
Scheduled Reports
Can run Quantity and Revenue Scheduled Report
Approval Processes
Only place you can approve and decline
Process begins when you submit a record for approval
Approves can accepts or reject via Chatter, App, Email, can recall, and can create Tasks, Field Updated and outbound messages
Email, Task, Field Update or Outbound Message
SAME AS WORKFLOW RULES - no Chatter (Process Builder)
Approval process workflow actions:
1) Update a field
2) Create a task
3) Send an email alert
4) Send an outbound message
Process Builder
CRU, Chatter Posts, Quick Actions, Quip, Notifications, approvals.
Can create and update records.
Can be used to Automate Contact Role assignments.
No UI capability.
Cannot support outbound (API) messages
Create a chatter post or submit records
CANNOT send outbound messages
Can create a record
If need to calculate ROI from campaigns put into a hierarchy.
Joined reports let you create multiple report blocks that provide different views of your data. Each block acts like a “sub-report,” with its own fields, columns, sorting, and filtering. A joined report can even contain data from different report types.
Matching Rules
Exact or Fuzzy
User Details Options
Locale - user local overrides org Language Time Zone Set Profile Permission Set NOT hire date
Topics (and Tags)
Topics are basically hashtags that you may be used to from other social media (e.g. twitter, facebook). Topics are newer and getting updated/integrated with recent releases from salesforce. Tags are old, precede Topics and are likely getting phased out (although I can’t point to anything that says that specifically).
You can use Topics in list views.. like “All Accounts with Topic=Hot” and as of Winter ‘16 you can pull records associated to specific
determine access regardless of who owns the record.
Big Deal Alerts Deal
An Opp alert when threshold, trigger probability, email to send to and opp owner or group
Rich text
Allows users to enter text, images, and links
- collections of content (Files cannot password protect or see who read)
Can put content in library
You can add Members (Ind. Pub Group, or Standard Users)
Matrix reports are similar to summary reports but allow you to group and summarize data by both rows and columns. They can be used as the source report for dashboard components. Use this type for comparing related totals, especially if you have large amounts of data to summarize and you need to compare values in several different fields, or you want to look at data by date and by product, person, or geography. Matrix reports without at least one row and one column grouping show as summary reports on the report run page.
Three Types of Relationship Fields
Lookup, Master Detail, and Many to Many
Relationship always on child object.
Password Policies
Password policies - 90 days default, lockout time, password type
webinar, tracking email, tracking leads through SalesForce to see if it gets a sale - so can determine ROI
Can put
Sent, Received, Responded - three Lead/Contact statuses
Can add a lead to Campaign
Campaign stays with the Lead when converted to Contact, Opportunity, Account
To grant profile access to custom object
Clone a standard profile and grant additional access
Opportunity Splits
Enable the opportunity owner to be able to credit team members with a percentage, based upon their level of helping close deals and receive a percentage.
Sharing Rules
Can share across
1. Roles 2. Public groups 3. Users and subordinates 4. Portal users
The rule can be 1, Private 2, Read only or 3, Read/Write
Rule Type can be
1) Owner - sharing based on who own the record
2) Criteria (Field) - depends on record’s field
Lead Conversion
Create a task, set a reminder, and create an opp or not
Can’t create a call
Chatter Group Visibility
Broadcast Only Groups allow group owners and managers to post messages but other members of the group can only post comments to the posts.
Chatter groups can be private, public, or broadcast only.
There is an “Allow customer” checkbox
Chatter allows you to create and join groups,
create and share files, and follow records.
Admin and owner can only invite.
What values can be modified standard field?
Help text
Picklist Values
Salesforce for outlook
Validation rules applied each time data is synced with server. Events and Contacts synced.
Salesforce Communities (Two valid cases)
Customer Community – allow your customers (B2B and B2C) engage with both your organisation and other customers via an online portal.
External customer can track cases,
Partner Community – give your resellers, distributors, brokers limited access to your Salesforce to pass you leads and work on deals with your sales team
external partner can track joint opportunities
What does changing local change
Date and time
Users’ names, addresses, and commas and periods in numbers.
The start day of the week for calendars varies per locale.
For single-currency organizations, locales also set the default currency for the organization when you select them in the Currency Locale picklist on the Company Information page.
Create paths to guide your users through steps of a business process, such as working an opportunity from a fresh lead to a successfully closed deal. At each step of a path, you can highlight key fields and include customized guidance for success.
Modify All and View All,
Where are they located.
All permission s overwrite sharing rules.
Available under Profiles and Permission sets.
Custom Field
Can make required and unique.
Field setting can also make color same in each salesforce component.
Triggers assignment, escalation, and workflow rules, and automatically assigns customer email replies with the case
Customer Portal what tabs should exist
Ideas and Knowledge
Themes and Branding
Up to 300 themes and one at a time. Themes don’t apply to to both Lighning and mobile.
The difference and between Chatter Free and Chatter Exernal
Chatter Free is “Designed for Unlimited, Enterprise, and Professional Edition users that don’t have Salesforce licenses but need access to Chatter. These users can access standard Chatter people, profiles, groups, and files. They can’t access any Salesforce objects or data.” Chatter can follow people
Chatter External is “Designed to allow customers in Chatter groups. Customers are users outside of your company’s email domains. They have very limited Chatter access and can only see groups they’re invited to and interact with members of those groups.”
Password Policies
Password policies are set at the Profile level and are not accessible via Permission Sets, and therefore by extension, also not accessible via Permission Set Groups.
Here are examples of Password Policies on a Profile:
User passwords expire in: Never expires
Enforce password history: 3 passwords remembered
Minimum password length: 8 characters
Password complexity requirement: Must include alpha and numeric characters
Password question requirement: Cannot contain password
Maximum invalid login attempts: 10
Lockout effective period: 15 minutes
Obscure secret answer for password resets __
Require a minimum 1 day password lifetime __
Don’t immediately expire links in forgot password emails __
You can set number of attempts, length of time before passwords expire, complexity requirements.
Roll-up Summary Fields
Needed to get data in Master from detail
Field Tracking and Deletion
Can get changes to field. Need to add related list to layout. If deleted sits in recycling for 15 days.
Making Fields Required
Page layouts, validation rules, field settings
Undeleting Fields
You can recover deleted custom fields in Salesforce as long as you do so soon after the field is deleted but there are a couple of steps you need to perform after the field is undeleted which depends on the field type and how you have Salesforce setup. If the field was Erased rather than deleted, the field cannot be undeleted and you would have to re-create the field and recover the data from a backup.
Default forecast display
Can set monthly or quarterly
Assignment Rules
Can only create on Lead and Case
Assign to User or Queue
Can email notify.
Can also prevent reassignment.
Uses Rule ordering to assign lead ownership
When creating a lead need to indicate to you assignment rule
Can go to layout properties, and set Lead Assignment to checked by default
Option to not reassign owner as well
Junction Object
Many to many, with two Master-detail relationships
How to relate an opportunity to campaign
Use campaign influence list and set primary campaign source in the opportunity
Home Page Layout
The Home Page Layouts section in the Setup menu displays any Home Page layouts that have been created for your org, and from which you can assign home page layouts to individual Profiles. You can edit a Home Page Layout by clicking Edit next to its name and then selecting the Wide Components to Show (for the Right side of the Home Page) and the Narrow Components to Show (for the Left side of the Home Page), by checking the desired checkboxes - one of which is Create New.
What can the admin change in user interface
Enable spell checker, hover details, enhanced list view
Show quick create, collapsible sections, sidebar components
What are the four different types of sharing rules
Account, Custom Object, Case, Lead
Search Layouts
On object and shows what appears in search results, recent tabs, etc. Does not affect appearance in reports.
Products and Pricebooks
Standard and list price can be in more than one currency.
Products without a price ARE NOT automatically added to a standard price book.
A product needs to be active check box and a standard active price before they can be added to a price book.
Pricebook Entry = product + pricebook + currency
Unresolved Items
Salesforce for Outlook, Lightning Sync, or Email to Salesforce to sync items or add emails from your email app to Salesforce, any items that these features can’t automatically assign to Salesforce records appear in My Unresolved Items.
Emails, Contacts, Events, Tasks appear in items.
That are not associated/assigned to a record.
How can Admin give view all access to campaigns
Assign permission to marketing user and assign all users to a custom profile.
Checkbox on user and in profile
Approval Processes
Just need to know when to use and capabilities, versus workflow etc. These allow for record to get approval for one or many people
Can approve records through chatter posts. Must enable in chatter settings.
On homepage you can see approvals.
Custom Summary Formulas in Reports
Can be used in a report built form a custom report type
Can reference a formula field within the report
Cannot reference another custom summary formula
Can have a maximum of 5 formulas
Lead Conversion
Create a task, set a reminder, and create an opp or not
(Can’t create a call)
Standard fields automatically mapped to Account Contact and Opportunity
Custom fields can be mapped to ACO
Cannot map custom lead fields to custom object fields
Can choose to disable validations
Cannot convert any roll-up summary fields
Create paths to guide your users through steps of a business process, such as working an opportunity from a fresh lead to a successfully closed deal. At each step of a path, you can highlight key fields and include customized guidance for success. Made specific to a record type and can add Confetti Celebration.
Cross Filter on Report
Show objects with and without a secondary object
Cloud Types (Two types)
Sales Cloud (Sales process, opps, products) Service Cloud
Campaign Influence
allows you to replicate, so can see what campaigns have influenced. On buying decision. Can limit campaigns by time for influencing factor. Need to add Campaign Influence in Opportunity layout. But lists the Campaigns the person was added to. Campaign influcence does not change. If no New Campaign button, need to make user a Marketing User permission. Lists campaigns on Opportunity record.
Components may be selected to display in a Home Page Layout (7)
Items to Approve, Dashboard Snapshot, Calendar, and Tasks, Tags, Create New, Flow Interviews. NOT unresolved items.
Salesforce for outlook
Validation rules applied each time data is synced with server.
You can add Quick Actions to layout
Org Wide Default
For Org-wide, there are three categories- Public Read/Write, Public Read, and Private
What you set as the access level or Org wide cannot be made more restrictive later
If even a single record needs to be private- org wide must be private and then need to give access later on
Ways to open
Role Hierarchy - my boss can see
Sharing Rules - could say by role in company etc.
Manual Sharing - record by record
If OWD is Read/Write Public- then need to restrict access to object in Profile or Permission
Process Builder
CRU, Chatter Posts, Quick Actions, Quip, Notifications, approvals.
Can create and update records.
Can be used to automate contact role assignments.
No UI capability.
Cannot support outbound (API) messages
Create a chatter post or submit records
CANNOT send outbound messages
Can create a record
If need to calculate ROI from campaigns put into a hierarchy.
What objects can be mass transferred (4)
Accounts (Opps under), Service Contracts, Custom Objects, and Leads
Activities (Tasks) and what can be created
Created from an Approval Process, Manual Creation, and Workflow Rule
Can create
1) validation rules
2) custom fields
3) record types for tasks.
4) workflow rules
5) page layouts
Data Backup
- Data Loader - stores in CSV
- Manual export reports and data
- App Exchange App for back-up and restore
- Salesforce Data Export (Monthly baked-in, as frequently as weekly)
Export All also exports Recycling bin items.
Owner Based Record Levels
Org Wide - Role Hierarchy - Sharing Rules - Manual Sharing
Chatter Components
Groups, People, Bookmarks, Topics, Location
Dashboard Components
Horizontal Bar Chart, Vertical Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, Donut Chart, Funnel Chart, Scatter Chart, Gauge, Metric, Table, Visualforce Page, and S-Control.
A Custom Report Type nor a Reporting Snapshot are Dashboard components.
Record Types
Users can see any record type even if Record not assigned to them
Users are assigned a default type (if no others created)
Record type determine which Record Types can edit and create
Each Record type has a corresponding layout
Quick Create
Is not Create New on Homepage. Quick create is a way to create objects when doing a lookup.
Ownership Types for Custom Objects and Leads
Custom: User, Partner User, and Customer/Portal User
Leads: Can change to User, Queue, and Partner User
Ownership if OWD is private
Only user can see.
How can you restrict users from seeing certain fields in searches, reports and list views?
Read only required or visible at Profile level and field level.
What to do if the lookup record is deleted?
Clear the value of this field. You can’t choose this option if you make this field required.
Don’t allow deletion of the lookup record that’s part of a lookup relationship.
Also can make field required.
User Management Settings
Self deactivate, hide data, scrambe,
Data on converted leads
Once Leads are converted, they are no longer visible in the Leads List View. You can use a standard Lead Report or create a Custom Report type to view a list of all Converted Leads.