Salesforce 101 Flashcards
What are the URL prefix for the following Objects. Account, Opportunity, Lead, Contact, Case,Campaign, and User
Account: 001 Contact: 003 Opportunity: 006 Lead: 00Q Campaign: 701 Case: 500 User: 005
How does ‘IF’ Logic Work
IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_fales)
Want to test a statement such a IF(status=true, 1, 2) suggests if the status is equal to true, value is equal to 1, if not equal to 2
For salesforce what is the order of process rules ?
- Validation Rule
- Assignment Rule
- Auto Response Rule
4 Workflow-Immediate Action - Process Builder
- Assignment Rule
Where in settings do you go to see images?
static resources
if field is checkbox and is used in process builder or formula, what is special to remember about how its used ?
can be by itself and will be assumed to be evaluted to true for instance ‘verify_bill_too_date’ is a checkbox field and is assumed to be true in logice, if you change to NOT(verify_bill_too_date), assume is not checked
How does ‘CASE’ function work for salesforce?
CASE(expression,value1, result1, value2, result2,…, else_result)
Example: CASE(Days_Open__c, 3,
“Reassign”, 2, “Assign Task”, “Maintain”)
in example above checking the days open field, if value is 3 then result is Reassign, if value is neither 3 or 2, than mantain is result. Maintain is else result, similiar to IF data
When creating a new user, what does the user account have to contain? What is special about logging in for the first time
Username: always has to be in form of email address and has to be unique across all orgs. why is different from
Email Address: does not have to be unique across all orgs
User’s First and Last Name
License: What licenses does the user have
-can only have one liccense , type of liscense determine the type of permissions you can have
Profile: must have a profile; what the user can do
-liscense determine what profile is available to user
Role: optional: what the user can see , role hiearchy
When logging in for the first time, user has to reset their password
What can you do when viewing and managing users in setup for salesforce ?
create new users create multiple users at once log in as them reset their password view/edit their detail page
What is “SalesforceA”? What can it do ?
Salesforce A is a system admin app for your phone. When you enter will give you an overview of trust status, recent people you have looked at , and number of frozen accounts. Can also get onto trailhead from here, look at release notes, add users. and etc.
Difference between permission set and permission set license?
Permission set licenses extend the functionality of user licenses. With permission set licenses, you can assign more permissions to users than their user license supports.
Permission sets contain settings that grant users permissions. Permission sets extend users’ functional access without changing their profiles.
What are the four ways to configure access to salesforce data?
organization: highest level, determine authorized users, password policies, long in hours
object: create, read, edit, delete, modify all, view all
fields: resrict certain fields
records: control what records a user sees that is not theres
* org wide defaults: default level access a user has to other person records private, public read, public read/write, public read write transfer
* role hiachery: inherit access to all records owned by users below them in the hiearchy
* sharing rules: allow you to make execpetions to org wide defaults. Cannot restrict access, only give more. Done with groups generally
* manual sharing: not automated, but can be useful
How are permission on a record evaluated?
What happens when an object and record level permission have conflict ?
permission on a record are evaluated with a object, field, and record level permission
When object and record level permission have conflict then the most restrictive wins
What can org wide defaults never do when compared to object permission for granting access
. You can never use organization–wide defaults to grant users more access than they have through their object permission.
what are the four types of org wide defaults and what do they mean
Private: Only the record owner, and users above that role in the hierarchy, can view, edit, and report on those records.
Public Read Only:All users can view and report on records but not edit them. Only the owner, and users above that role in the hierarchy, can edit those records.
Public Read/Write:All users can view, edit, and report on all records.
Controlled by Parent: A user can perform an action (such as view, edit, or delete) on a contact based on whether he or she can perform that same action on the record associated with it.
What is special about controlling fields and field dependencies ?
controlling field: can only be picklist/multi-picklist or checkboxes. Custom or Standard
Dependent fields: can only be picklis/multi picklist standard or custom
The only way to create a field dependency between a picklist and a text field is through a validation rule. The text field won’t be greyed out like a dependent picklist but it still works.