Sales Script Nov 2023 Flashcards




“Hello, is this ______? _______, it’s Eric from Willity, calling for your strategy discussion on optimizing your business and helping you take that next step.

I see that….[rapport note/what I love about them/]”

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Respectful of our time


“______, I really want to be respectful of our time and make sure we get 100% clarity on where your challenges are. So to do that, what I find works best is let’s take a quick dive in right now, look at what’s working, what’s not working and then look at where you want to go.

If we can help you get there, I will absolutely tell you and show you how. But if not, I am going to steer you to someone or something else that can support you to get that outcome.

So, no matter what, we’ll make sure you get massive value AND clarity so you know exactly what your next steps are to get to your goal. Sound good?”

Great - by the way, for housekeeping purposes, we always record the call.

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“SO, that being said… let’s start with the biggest question….. What is NOT working in your business right now?”

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OK, let me rephrase “what is NOT working in your business at the level you want right now?”

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Bridge to Uncover


“Thank you for that, that helps a lot. Let me get some clarity around a couple of points.”

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Compassion Frames


I totally honor your journey… AND…
I honor you as a [trait]… AND…
You’re obviously very intelligent and driven… AND…
May I ask (and I only ask because I’m concerned)…

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Basic question structure


What sucks about it?
Who else is suffering because of it?
What would he lose if they chose to keep doing it?
How many times per day?
What was the worst in the last week?
What is most ____(stressful, frustrating, etc) about your situation right now?
Tell me more about that.

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SPOUSE Questions

  • Can I ask you (I’m also married), when you’re frustrated and exhausted, is that creating a gap with your spouse?
  • Does he/she feel your frustration?
  • Does he/she even understand how hard this is for you?
  • Can I ask, are you able to give yourself fully to her when you’re together
  • Are you fighting with your spouse? What is the worst fight? Was it about that, or about your time, stress, and income?
  • Does your spouse want you to quit and close?
  • How does your spouse feel about that income?
  • How does it feel to feel like a failure/let them down in their eyes?
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MONEY Questions


-What was your revenue last month? The month before that?
-What was your take home/profit last month? The month before that?
-How are you keeping the lights on?
-When your capital and funding runs out, what will you do?
-You’re a smart business owner, how much money do you think you’re leaving on the table because you can’t do __________?
-How does that feel to be operating for [time], and still being at that level?
-May I ask, what’s the worst part about only making $X a year?
-May I ask, How long can you keep that up?
–What happens then?
-How does this affect your children?
-How does your spouse feel about that income?
–How does it feel to feel like a failure/let them down in their eyes?
-What scares you about losing your business?

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KIDS Questions


-Do you have kids? Can I ask their names?
-I wanted to ask (I also have kids), when you’re with your kids, are you finding yourself somewhere else because you’re so stressed about work or someone not doing their job?
-Are you at their game but you’re not fully there?
-What else is this costing you?
-Do your kids notice it that you’re not present?
-And heaven forbid that this continues, what is your greatest fear about that?
-When you told him/her/them that you had to go to work and you saw the disappointment in her face, what hurt the most?
- I understand and honor you as a father/mother and a provider and I know that broke your heart.
-Tell me the hardest part of ________________ off to work because your team didn’t do their job and you didn’t get time with your kid/daughter/son?
-I’m a father/parent too and that’s why I build my business and help people, because I hate thinking about looking in my son’s eyes and having him cry saying Daddy, don’t go. Thats why I built this.
-What are you most worried about setting this example with your kids, because they’re always watching and learning.
-When they said Daddy, I know you have to go to work and they’re pulling back from you because they doesn’t want to disappoint you, how much did that rip your guts out?

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TEAM Questions


-How many A-players do you have on your team?
-When you feel like your team isn’t delivering and you’re having to train them over and over again, wasting your time. -You can’t scale your business. What frustrates you the most about a team like that?
-How is that killing your growth?
-What is the hardest part about a team that you’re constantly either having to retrain or fire? And now hire and start the process over again?
-How much time are you finding yourself wasting? What frustrates you the most about wasting so much time that you could be building the business? Tell me more about that.
-What frustrates you the most about wasting your time and having the replace people because they won’t step up?
-What is the worst part about not having people accountable for their outcomes? What frustrates you the most?
-How is this negatively affecting your bottom line?
-What is the hardest part about having this as a small business, because even 2 people not producing is like 40% of your labor.

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Additional frustration questions


-You’ve got to be frustrated, correct? What frustrates you the most when you’re alone and you’re pissed off?
-What is the hardest part of about not having systems in place and constantly jumping from thing to thing and can scale and can’t get the freedom you want?
-Heaven forbid you end up losing the business and it collapses after all this work and investment?
-What would you do?
-What would happen with your relationship with your spouse? Your children?
-How would it affect your finances?
-How would that affect your house? Your activities for your kids? Your retirement?

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COPING Questions


-In the last month, how many times where you totally exhausted and burned out?
-What was your most stressful day in the last month?
-How long have you felt this level of exhaustion and burnout?
-How long is this sustainable?
-What happens when you can no longer take it?
-How are you coping with this stress? When was it the worst?
-What happens if this continues?
-What is the worst part about this cycle of brain fog, stress, coping, and not being able to escape it?

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Bridge to Dream


“Okay, thank you for being honest with me about what’s happening right now. Tell you what - let’s shake it off for a second. We’re clear on what’s not working, so let’s take a look at what you DO want, and where things can go if we get this right.”

“Let’s say we invite you in, and we (OUTCOME, get your schedule and priorities sorted out so you can streamline your work in 20 hours a week while maintaining your revenue, get the systems in place you get you out of the daily grind of your business while unlocking your growth, where your team is a well-oiled machine, etc). Tell me what your life looks like in that world.

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Dream Questions


-What is the first thing that you do with 20 extra hours in your week?
-We’re helping you cut down your workload - what is a weekly schedule look like that would make you say - wow, this is awesome.
-What does your income look like? What revenue and profit margin would make this amazing?
-How much more revenue could you create if you were focusing on the business rather than doing everyone’s job for them?
-What would be the best part of never having to go through these growing pains again?
-All right, I love that. Okay whats the first thing you would do for your (kids / spouse / etc)? What do you think they would say?
Okay, so let’s say it’s 3 months from now and you have [OUTCOME, a playbook for your work and life that gives you freedom, flexibility, and impact]. And you’re shocked, but you start to realize, this is your new normal. What’s the first thing you do for yourself when you [OUTCOME, have your work systems running like clockwork]?

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3 Traits


“Here’s what I’m seeing. I love your dream. But everyone I talk to wants to [OUTCOME, ]. But you know what? I’ve been doing this for over ten years now and the most successful clients have 3 traits that make all the difference when it comes to [OUTCOME, ]. Those traits are
Decisive: I mean they won’t go one more day without a proven plan, a roadmap, and an expert mentor, like me, to guide them through this process step by step. They refuse to wing it.
Coachable: They empty their cup and ready to take everything they learn and put it into action. We know how to fix this and we know how to solve this and we’re not going to work with anyone who is going to argue or make it harder than it needs to be.
Resourceful: There is always a challenge, time, money, life. But those committed, always find a way. They pay whatever the cost, be it time, money, or discomfort in learning a new skill - they pay it happily to get what they need to get to their dreams.

“From this moment forward, is there any reason why you can’t be all 3 of those things? Because that’s what it’s going to take to get you [OUTCOME, unstuck from your business and schedule], and [describe their DREAM, unlock your freedom, impact, and profit in less time].”




“Alright, let me make sure I have everything. You’re struggling with [describe problem in their words] and you want to get [OUTCOME] so that you can [reason why, in their words]… and the reason you’re reaching out to us is that if we don’t get this fixed now, in [DEADLINE] you’re looking at [consequences]. Do I have that right?”

“You’re on the phone because you are sick and tired of wasting time doing the same thing over and over again with your team not delivering. And the bottom line is, it breaks your heart when you have to look in your kids’s eyes and tell them you can’t go play. That is absolutely unacceptable any more. And you’re here because you’re frustrated. You’re sick and tired of people not doing their jobs. And you can’t scale. You feel like you’re a prisoner in your own life. You don’t have any freedom and don’t see a way out. And thats not a life.

Now you’re on with me because you know that if you have a proven plan and world class support, you can fix this. You’re not stupid, and you’re not lazy, but you’re on with me because you know that you need an outside voice and an outside expert who can look at it and show you how to do it and implement it NOW so that you can get your life back.”

So that you can [their why, have more meaningful connection and time with your kids, to get your marriage out of the stress you’re currently under, get your finances ]

That’s why you’re here now, because you realize that time is running out with your kids and those magical moments before they grow up, and if you don’t, if you’re not there, that gaps gets bigger and you don’t want that.

You’re smart and you’re ambitious and you’re smart enough to know XX years in that you don’t have freedom yet. This is a prison, and you’re ready to break the cycle. Did I get that right or did I miss anything?


100% Confident


“Okay great. Well, the good news is that based on everything you’ve told me, I am 100% confident we can help you fix this problem and get to [OUTCOME, the life of freedom, impact, and growth you dream about]. And the reason I say that is because that is exactly what our program is designed to do… to get you thriving in your business again, where your work and systems run basically on autopilot, and where you’re able to scale back your own work while you optimize your business to grow. And I say that with great confidence because I’ve worked with dozens of clients in your exact situation, and they’ve been able to build their business and schedule in a way that fills them with joy, where they’re able to dedicate their time to what they are most passionate about and where they can leverage the best outcomes, all while maintaining and growing their revenue.”

“In any case, this is what we do every day, and we’re the very best at it and that’s what I’m 100% confident we can help you with this.”


5 Pillars


“Alright, great. Based on what I’m hearing, there are 5 key pieces we need to optimize to get you to [OUTCOME, mastering your schedule and systems to make your business work for you and your dream] in the next few months. I’m going to cover these one by one, and please write this stuff down. Here’s specifically how we do that.”

“Alright, the first thing we need to do is…”
- Structured Deconstruction - Select all areas of work that need to fixed, and break apart the key aspects of those tasks and workflows. Systematically take them apart and categorize what we need to do with each. along five different dimensions.
- Paradox Workflow Building - Rebuild a schedule and process that works for you and your business. Reorganize the critical paths, current information flow, training and development processes, along with deadlines, timelines, and project management practices.
- Energy Flow Mapping - Determine where, how, and why you do your best work to 2x to 5x your hourly output. Focus on creating an environment that maximizes your contribution and allows you to leverage those times when you flow through your work, while limiting the energy drains in your current work.
- Essential Leadership Toolbox - A collection of practical tools, techniques, and resources to empower you to move into your new powerful identity as a business owner, not just someone else working in your business. We’ll dive into and review where you are with your skills and processes, and optimize your onboarding, training, management, tracking, communication, and culture.
- The Habit Catalyst System - We know moving into consistency for the long term is really where the magic builds on itself, so we’ll cover how to roll out these new systems and practices, adopt them within your organization, reinforce the new norms, and ultimately make the change stick.

“Alright, so when you put those 5 key pieces together, what you basically have is a formula for [OUTCOME, Streamline business operations, eliminate 80% of tasks and put your business on autopilot so it can run without constant crisis management and long work hours]. So once this is in place, every day you wake up and [describe THEIR day to day in heaven]. Can you see why this is so powerful and why optimizing each of these 5 pieces is going to get you to [OUTCOME] fast? That’s why this is a no-brainer.”


How we do this


“So, as far as how to do this, to build all this stuff out and get you everything you need, we’ll be working together for 12 weeks. And here’s what’s cool - everything is customized to you, so once you enroll, we’ll schedule a one-on-one call to welcome you into the program, and we’ll map out the exact game plan for the next 12 weeks, what I’m responsible for, what you’re responsible for, and we’ll make sure you have everything you need to get [OUTCOME, clean out your schedule, cut 20+ hours from your schedule, and get your business on a growth trajectory]. We’ll walk you through all of that on your Welcome Call to make sure you have everything you need. Make sense?”

[Any Questions] “So, the next steps are that if we agree to work together, you come into the program. You get access to the first week of training right away. We set up that one-on-one call to welcome you into the program and get you everything you need, and you’re going to realize very quickly this is exactly what you need and what you’ve been looking for, and that’s why we have the best results in the business.”




Great, so the only thing left is the investment. So again, what we’re talking about here is taking you from a business where you [short describe problems, e.g overworked, overwhelmed, not making any money, not seeing kids or spouse], and getting you to a business where you [paint the dream, you’re working only 20 hrs/wk, have the freedom and flexibility to spend time with family you’re putting another $20k/mo in your pocket (meaning $240k/year or $2.5 million over the next 10.”], right?
The entire Will+Ability program and your time and freedom, is only $12k. Any day of the year. BUT on this call ONLY, we have a huge incentive to reward the decisive and committed. We take off $4,000. So the Investment on this call is ONLY $8k. To make it even easier, we’ll split that into 2 payments of $4k. Most people want to pay it in full and just slap it on a credit card, in that case; we’ll take off another $1000; so it’s only $7k.
So two payments of $4k or one payment of $7k, which option works best and how can we support you getting off the sidelines and getting you the help you need [OUTCOME, get to a life of freedom, impact, and success]?


Button Down


In a few minutes you’ll get a welcome email telling you what to expect and how to prepare. As I said before, you start _____. On that date you’ll get an invite to access the materials. You’ll also get an email agreement – it’s just a simple agreement for us to work together, sign electronically and send back.

And lastly, if history has taught us anything, anytime we strike out to do the great, people will try to knock you down – you know what I’m talking about? Don’t let ANYBODY steal you dream – just because they’re not committed or they’re scared or they don’t want you to get hurt or fail or be disappointed if it didn’t happen – you can’t have that in your realm. Including your own internal dialogue. Don’t let anybody steal your dream. Even if it’s a well-meaning mom or a dad, a spouse/partner or friend, DON’T LET THEIR FEAR BECOME YOURS.

Does that make sense?

So, #3 before we get off the phone, give me 10 minutes of your time. When we hang up, spend 10 minutes writing down exactly what success means to you. Write exactly what you want out of your business, what your revenue goals are, and what your dream schedule looks like. What does it feel like, what does it look like when your business is at the next level. I want you to have clarity on where you want to go and what you want your business and schedule to look like. Spend the time preparing and be ready to come to work hard. And email it to me when you’re done. Does that sound good? Can you do that?

Awesome! See you on _____ [date]!




Hey, I can appreciate that. Can I ask, [NAME], is [OBJECTION: thinking about it / talking to your spouse / feeling like you don’t have the money] the only thing stopping you from getting out of a prison where you are [HELL] totally overworked, overwhelmed, and burned out and getting the help you need so that [DREAM] you feel powerful, in control of your days, and have a thriving business again.


Feel Felt Found


I get it. Others have felt that way too. I’ve been doing this a long time - Almost 20 years between coaching senior leaders and entrepreneurs and building teams and operations myself. So I know this topic. And here’s what I’ve found to be true…
[OBJECTION: thinking about it / talking to your spouse / feeling like you don’t have the money] is actually the worst thing you can do. Here’s the truth. Your problem is not going away. It’s not about joining the program it’s about whether you are sick and tired of being worn out, barely getting through the day, while your business and your dream are slipping through your fingers.
[MORE HELL] Your business is falling apart because you’re overworked. You’re a fraction of who you want to be. You’re barely getting through the day. You’re losing the best years of your life and time with your family. I don’t believe you need to think about that.
What I want to know and why I made you an offer is because I believed you when you said you’re done with being [HELL] overworked and overwhelmed.
So it really comes down to this: are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? AND are you ready? OR do you want more [HELL] anxiety, endless work days, and time away from your family? Because if you don’t choose this now you’re choosing to stay stuck where you’re at, and I know that’s not what you want.
So don’t overthink this. The only thing I need you to think about is: I’m sick and tired of being overwhelmed, and I want help, and if that’s the case, then put your VISA card or Mastercard to work.
Let’s give you your freedom, your time, and your passion back. So you feel good every single day, get your business on autopilot, and get back in control of your life. Does that make sense? Which card works best? Because I know we can get you out of this prison of overwhelm where you’re trapped and show you how to get your freedom and time back.


Exactly Why


And no offense, [NAME], but that is exactly why you need to
Quit thinking and start acting.
The reason I made you an offer, and the reason you’re still trapped in your business is because the one thing you’re lacking is decisiveness.
And I get it. You don’t like to make decisions, but not making a decision is ironically making a decision to say trapped, overworked, and totally burned out, making a decision to feel that every single day.
You can’t just work more to get yourself out of this. You can’t Youtube your way out of this. You need help. And every day you think about, you are risking staying here for the rest of your life, and I know that isn’t what you want.
Until you defiantly claim “I want help” and raise your hand and take my hand. You’re going to stay stuck. It’s a dead end road to keep grinding through your days until it magically changes.
I made you an offer because I know the pain you’re in, because I lived myself, and I’ve worked with dozens of clients to break through this transition. I made you an offer because I have the solution.
You’re going to make 2 to 10 million dollars in a lifetime. We’re talking about one tenth of one percent to save your life and get this handled.
So I don’t believe you need to [OBJECTION: think about it / talk to your spouse / don’t have the money]. What you need is to stop thinking and start acting.
So which option works best because I know we can help you. Let’s just get you started. We can do a split pay or pay in full because I know the pain you’re in, and I want to help you build a life of freedom. I want you to feel good again. Which option works best?


Come to Jesus


“Can I be honest?” (Speak from your ❤️) (Speak to their Inner Superhero)
“You’re an amazing person. Please know I only say this because I care, but…”
Drive deep back into their ❤️.
“I made you an offer because…” / “I know this will work/I believe in you because…”
Close the Loop: “So, which cards do you want to put it on, so we can help you (Dream Sandwich)?”


Keep in Context


Restate Chunk Up-Chunk Down. “This is really simple. Remember, we’re talking about…”
Drive deep back into their ❤️.
Close the Loop: “Don’t overthink it. You deserve to have an amazing life which is why you are on the call. Let’s just do the split pay so we can (Dream Sandwich). Go grab your cards, and I’ll hold while you do.”


You Have a Choice


“I can appreciate that, and it’s really simple. Keep doing what you’re doing and the (Hell/Big Problem) will only get worse OR choose to take my hand and let me help you change your life. I wouldn’t have made you an offer if I wasn’t certain this would work for you. But I can’t want your dream more than you do…”
Drive deep back into their ❤️.
Close the Loop: “You deserve a great life. Doesn’t it make sense to take a small step and let me help you do that now? Of course. Which option works best, so we can (Dream Sandwich)?”


Come to Jesus 2 (Final Truth) (Speak from your ❤️)


Can I be honest? You’re an incredible person, and I honor you for having the courage to make it this far. But I’m not sure we’re on the same page. We’ve spent over an hour where you’ve told me X, Y, & Z and how you must change, but now you’re fighting for your limitations. I’m not here to close you. I’m simply here to help you solve the problem. I’m going to be fine either way, but this is really about you.”
Close the Loop: “This is exactly what your cards should be used for. So, go grab them, so we can help you (Dream Sandwich).”


Close the Loop


Which card works best? Because I know we can get you out of this prison of overwhelm where you’re trapped and show you how to get your freedom and time back.
So which option works best because I know we can help you. Let’s just get you started. We can do a split pay or pay in full because I know the pain you’re in, and I want to help you build a life of freedom. I want you to feel good again. Which option works best?
So, which cards do you want to put it on, so we can help you (Dream Sandwich)?
Let’s just do the split pay so we can (Dream Sandwich). Go grab your cards, and I’ll hold while you do.
Which option works best, split pay or pay in full, so we can (Dream Sandwich)?
This is exactly what your cards should be used for. So, go grab them, so we can help you (Dream Sandwich).