Sales questions Flashcards
Starting the meeting question to understand value to the audience
What are you hoping to get out of this meeting that will make it time well spent today?
Hospital discovery question
What are the discharge challenges that are leading to high LOS in your org?
Customer does ALF transitions
How do you manage transitions to ALF today?
Customer uses a competitor service
What do you wish you had?
Customer wants pricing information?
We offer a pricing range based on customer budget and needs. Do you have a sense of you would pay for this service, and if so, how did you arrive at that number?
Pricing objection; for example, I’d be open to paying the community fee (in reference to a contract patient).
How did you arrive at that number?
Revisiting all that we do and ask what is most important of that.
Two wrapping up question (smaller group setting)
- What should I have asked that I didn’t?
- Was there anything you were expecting to hear that you didn’t?
- Based on what you heard is there anyone else you’d suggest we speak with inside or outside your organization?
We have our own team of SWs that work on ALF placement.
What challenges do they face?
How is the speed (referral to discharge)?
How are readmission rates for these patients?
What does this team wish they had?
Five key things to do at the start of a meeting
Confirm time
Introductions on both side
Review agenda
Prepare them to be asked a lot of questions
Ask them what will make this meeting valuable on their side
Day before the meeting
Send agenda and confirm
What are you closing for?
Every meeting you’re closing for something. What is it?
What level of service is a new account going to get?
In 24 hours, we’ll take your referral, get our team onsite, and have options ready.
Discovery question on competitors
Who do you use for ALF placement?
What do you like?
What do you wish they could do better?
Testing question after having gone through our service pitch
How does this differ from what you’re seeing or use to?
Three closing questions for an in-service
- For which of your past cases do you wish you had SilverStay involved?
- Who’s here today that’s happy they came to this meeting because SilverStay is an option for them?
- Who can we help you with today?