Sales Flashcards
To study
Definition of goods
Tangible movable things -not services -not securities -not future rights that don’t currently exist
Dominant Purpose Test
what is the purpose of the contract. What was the K for at it’s core? At the time of contract formation.
Gravamen / Source of Complaint test
what has gone wrong - where as part of a commercial transaction, consumer goods are sold which retain their character as consumer goods after completion of the performance promised to the consumer, and where there is injury or loss from a defect in the goods, then UCC even if transaction is predominately one for the rendering of consumer services.
Merchant Buyer / Seller - Narrow
People who are in the business of dealing in goods of that kind. Implied warranty of Merchantability applies the narrow ust look at how often you sell the item. One time sales aren’t usually regarded as a merchant seller. Once a year maybe not, but consistent litters of puppies, then, yes.
Merchant Buyer/ Seller - Broad
by his occupation, having knowledge or skills of the goods OR practices involved in the transaction. (or practices is very important- see comment 2 of 2-104)
Statute of Frauds - Generally
2-201(1) - Writing requirement for K’s worth $500 or more. 1) Needs quantity term. 2) Needs signature of person against whom enforcement is sought or agent/broker. 3) Needs a writing which 4) includes some evidence of the contract / sufficient to indication of the contract.
Statute of Frauds - Merchant Confirmation Memo
if between merchants - RECEIVED in a reasonable amount of time(under facts and circumstances of the contract per St Ansgar) - party receiving has reason to know its contents - person receiving doesn’t give written rejection after 10 days. - Memo must contain everything in subsection one but must contain the sender’s signature instead of the receivers.
Exceptions to Statute of Frauds - Generally
Statute of frauds may not apply to:
- Specially manufactured goods
- Admission in court proceedings/filings (not enforceable beyond quantity of goods admitted)
- Part performance of the K
- not enough started to perform K, must be payment and acceptance
- merchant confirmation memo
Parol Evidence Rule
trying to argue that there was an additional term agreed to even though it was not evidence in the writing. Either before the writing was created or at the same time the writing was created - but it did not make it into the writing. The focus is on what was originally agreed to, not what do we change.
Parol Evidence Steps
- Is the writing integrated
- is there a merger clause
- Determine what comes in and what stays on if integrated or partial
Parol Evidence - if Integrated
a. Must stay out - contradictory AND consistent additional terms
b. May come in - course of dealing, usage of trade, course of performance
Parol Evidence - Merger Clause
TATES that it is a complete integration. If merger, then strong argument of completely integrated (pg 50 in Royster). Argument against is that both parties didn’t actually agree to it - form contract; location matters. But if not, then default is court considers it partial.
1) counter to merger clause - no evidence that both parties agreed to the merger clause. Sort of boiler plate.
Parol Evidence - if Partial
a. Must stay out - contradictory terms (inconsistent with the K)
b. can come in - Course of dealing, usage of trade, course of performance , AND consistent additional terms.
Parol Evidence - Consistent Additional Terms Test
a. If going against a term specifically addressed int he writing and another term is explicit in the K, then contradictory term.
b. If K is silent to a term, and arguing party is trying to get that term admitted, then it is an inconsistent term.
c. If the term is so important that it certainly would have been included in the writing, then it is going to be deemed to be INCONSISTENT and must be kept out.
Course of Performance
how the parties have behaved in the course of performing that particular K - prior actions of the parties in this particular transaction
Course of Dealing
how parties have dealt with one another in the past - prior to this transaction.
Usage of Trade
how the industry generally behaves - especially in regard to the certain terms in the K.
Hierarchy in determining terms
xpress terms, COP, COD, then UOT.
Indefinite Contract
a contract won’t fail if there are terms left open, including price or delivery date. As long as there as intent to contract and some way to come up with a remedy.
- Open terms can be advantageous.
- Underlying code to encourage commercial transactions
Merchant Firm Offers
a. certain circumstances a merchant cannot revoke his offer.
b. Can’t take promise off the table if say “think about it” or something like that, even if unsupported by consideration.
c. Must be a merchant in the broad sense.
d. . If merchant firm offer that won’t be open indefinitely, then open for up to 3 months.
Shipment of Nonconforming goods
Acceptance of contract (and breach of K)
UNLESS it includes an accommodation letter then, not acceptance and not contract.
Battle of Forms Overview
- How is it created - how do we know we have a 2-207 issue - (comment 1)
a. Oral contract - followed with a conformation document that includes additional or different terms.
b. Buyer sending order form, seller sending acceptance form which includes different things. The forms don’t match up. (common)
Battle of the Forms - K formation
acceptance that includes additional or different terms still qualifies as a contract and forms a K.
(proviso clause - conditioning your acceptance on other party’s acceptance of conditional terms) It is not an acceptance if the acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to the additional or different terms.
Battle of Forms - if K based on writings
Determine if merchant or not
if merchant - additional terms become part of K. if not merchants, then additional terms must be assented to.
If not on writings, then knockout rule applies (inconsistent terms excluded, UCC fills gaps)
Battle of forms - K based on writing re merchants
a) Re-imposing the mirror image rule - want your acceptance to mirror the offer. It’s a difference between “i want you to accept it as i put it” and “i won’t K with you unless you do.”
b) Between merchants (broad), additional terms become part of the contract
- If terms material alter K, then not part of the K - or if given notice of rejection of additional terms.
c. If terms not between merchants - additional proposal that needs to be assented to by the other side.
Battle of the Forms - Knockout Rule
the knockout rule - where do the parties agree in the writing. Parts where parties don’t agree will be knocked out. And the UCC covers any gaps.
Battle of the Forms - Proviso Clause
proviso clause - conditioning your acceptance on other party’s acceptance of conditional terms) It is not an acceptance if the acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to the additional or different terms.
whether conduct is enough to accept the proviso clause: NO IT’S NOT. Court says have to specifically and unequivocally say yes, they agree.