Sailmaker Quotes Flashcards
‘So I made it up by borrowin off the bookie’
‘What is it that gets intae ye? Wi the bettin ah mean?’
‘Did you gamble wi that bursary money’
‘Yer mammy’s dead’
‘But ah’ll see what ah can do’
‘Just wan a these things. Ah suppose it’s the feelin that you at least got a chance’
‘Materials’ll be dear’
‘Ah’ve lost ma job’
‘Couldnae pay the bill’
‘Ma bursary money’ll be comin through this week, can pay wi that’
Alec and Davie’s relationship
‘Ah’ve lost ma job’
‘Now will ye fix it up’
‘Ah wish yer mother could see ye.’
Alec’s growth
‘What’ll we dae’
‘Ma bursary money’ll be comin through this week, can pay wi that’
‘What is it that get intae ye? Wi the bettin ah mean’
Religion and bigotry
‘I felt this glow’
‘Cannae burn a hymnbook’
‘Thats the colour ae Mary, the mother ae God’
‘they Catholics have made it bad’
‘Anyway there’s yer yacht. An blue and white it is’ (represents Billy taking on the fathers responsibilities)
Fix on the a bowspirt for the jib’ (represents Davie’s old trade)
And it sailed in the fire, like a Viking longboat’ (represents the end of his childhood) ‘Then the wood began to blister and bubble. I will love.’ (represents the loss of his mother and chance of them being a normal family being burnt away.)