Safty- Test Questions Flashcards
How many years must a practitioner keep a patient’s records after the records are closed?
5 years - Alberta
10 years- BC
The person infected by an infectious agent, can be referred to as the:
1-Reservoir of infection.
2-vulnerable host.
3-portal of entry
2- vulnerable host
An infection as a result of being contaminated by the splatter from a nearby patient is an example of:
1-droplet transmission
2-direct contact transmission
3-airborne transmission
4- vector transmission
1- droplet transmission
What method for decontaminate SOILED hands do you choose If running water is not available?
Use wipe to remove soil and follow by ABHR
What is the name of the most serious contaminant found on the skin and other surfaces?
What is the most common opportunistic infection cause in patients with AIDS?
What are the 5 infections that pose a significant risk in an acupuncture clinic?
Hepatitis, ABC
What are the four most common types of biological hazards?
What are the recommended control measures to protect against blood-borne and respiratory infections?
What is the recommended control measure that can be taken to prevent the 4 most common types of biological hazards?
Blood-borne, respiratory, intestinal, other
Proper disinfection of:
What is a recommended control measure to prevent respiratory infections?
Proper ventilation
What are 2 control measure specific for the prevention blood borne pathogens?
Use of sharps, disposable containers
Use of disposable single use needles
Clean equipment placed on unclean surface is an example of what?
Linens that are not clean thoroughly can potentiate what?
cross contamination
How long can HVB live on a fomite?
Up to 1 week
If an unsterilized cup is used on a patient with open cuts, what could this result in?
Infections through cross - contamination
If contaminated bodily fluid was left on a unsterilized cup, and the practitioner made contact with the bodily fluid, and proceeded to touch their eye, this would be an example of what?
Cross contamination
If a person with a cold, touches their mouth with their hands and makes contact with a door knob,
What type of transmission is present?
Indirect contact transmission
For example: if the practitioner, then touches the door knob and touches their eyes, the contamination could be passed
Mononucleosis is an example of what type of transmission?
Mononucleosis is passed through saliva. It is also known as the kissing disease.
If a patient has a cold, and is speaking to a practitioner and small droplets spray from their mouth while they’re speaking what potential type of transmission is present?
Droplet transmission
If the droplets were to land, near mucous membrane of the practitioner, they could potentially become infected. Masks, or PPE are best preventative measure
What can cause contamination or cross contamination?
Inadequate Acupuncturists
Influenza can be spread through droplets, what other ways can it be spread?
Direct contact
(contaminated hands)
Indirect contact
(contaminated objects)
Is a registered Acupuncturist expected to train others under his/her supervision in infection, prevention and control?
Our routine practises are based on the assumption that all patients are potential sources of infection?
Are tears and sweat considered body fluids that could be potentially contagious?
True or false?
A practitioner may require fewer precautions for interactions that do not involve physical contact.
If an acupuncturist decides their procedural interaction with a patient is of high risk it would be best to wear PPE .
What is the most common vehicle of transmission of disease?
When cleaning hands with ABHR, how long must our hands remained moist?
And will you use a paper towel afterward?
15 seconds
No paper towel after.
Hands must air dry
Do hands need to be cleaned after contact with environmental surfaces or equipment?
What type of gloves are used when an acupuncturist is cleaning their table after their patient has left using a low level disinfectant.
Medical or utility?
Are masks, less effective, or more effective in protecting against airborne infections?
Masks are most effective in reducing risk of droplet born organisms or splatter.
The only mask to protect against airborn infections are N95’s
What does communicable disease mean?
Easily transmitted
If you are arranging additional precautions for infectious patients within your clinic, should you:
post a sign that requires patients with respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms to identify this to the practitioner or staff?
This is not discrimination
It is protection
For droplet transmission precautions what type of disinfectant would you use at the end of treatment to wipe horizontal surfaces?
Low level disinfectant
You would also use low level disinfectant for ‘contact transmission precautions’
For prevention of airborne transmission there are 2 specific precautions you are required to take.
What type of mask would you wear?
When would you treat the infected patient?
Treat at end of day
What type of transmission precaution requires:
Use of mask and gloves when working within 2 meters of the patient
Droplet transmission precautions
Are detergent wipes, suitable for blood and body fluids spillages?
Detergent wipes are suitable for environmental cleaning
Sterilization is the only process that destroys or eliminates, all forms of microbial life, including bacterial spores.
What are the two ways to do this? 
Auto clave
chemical sterilants with prolonged exposure of 3 to 12 hours
After cupping over a needle, what type of cleaning is required?
Are needles considered:
Semi critical
Non critical
They enter sterile tissue, including bloodstream
require cleaning followed by sterilization
Are electrical clips and Tuina equipment considered:
Semi critical
Non critical
non critical
They make contact with skin, but not mucus membrane or does not directly contact the patient .
requires cleaning and low level disinfectant
Can high-level disinfectant be used on items that cannot withstand heat sterilization?
If a client appears sleepy,
Is this subjective data?
this is considered objective data
The primary purpose of a provincial regulatory body is…..
A. To ensure the quality of education in the profession.
B.To ensure the public receive safe and ethical care.
C.To ensure the well-being of the healthcare, professional.
D. To assist the healthcare, professional and continuing education.
What is the most common form of inhaled poison?
Carbon monoxide
If you pierce a vein during an acupuncture treatment, you should apply direct pressure for how long?
One minute
What is the most likely injury due to using a TDP heat lamp?
The arm gradually lowers due to lack of regular maintenance and causes a burn
Clean needle technique is a system designed for what purpose?
Prevention of blood-borne infections like hepatitis B
Can we safely needle, skin sores, and carbuncles?
Would you treat stroke with prolapse by using a three edge needle?
What is the incubation phase of a disease?
The time period in which the pathogen is replicating, but not producing symptoms
If a patient has oppressive sensation in the chest and palpitations, can this be a sign of potential fainting?
If a patient has just finished playing an intensive sport for multiple hours and they come for acupuncture treatment immediately after, should you give them Treatment?
Acupuncture should not be applied to patients who have just finished vigourous physical activity
If a patient has a phobia of needles, should you proceed with treatment?
Acupuncture should not be applied to patients who have a needle phobia
If a patient tells you that nearby objects are beginning to sway, and you notice that their lips are turning pale. What do you suspect could be happening?
Patient is experiencing potential fainting symptoms
During your treatment, you use forceful, needling manipulation. You also find out partway through the treatment, that your patient has not eaten in over 12 hours.
What could happen to this patient during treatment?
They could faint
If you notice your needle becomes bent during insertion, what should you do?
Withdraw and replace with another needle
How much of the shaft should remain above the skin?
1/4 of the shaft should always remain above the skin never insert the needle all the way up to the handle
If a patient tells you they are going to a loud rock concert in the evening on the same day they receive treatment, what should you advise?
Advise the patient not to experience intensive stimulation for the rest of the day, following treatment.
They should also try to go to sleep early
How does the filtration function of a mask become impaired?
Saturation from moisture with breathing