SAFMEDS Flashcards
A relationship between
1) a stimulus that evokes a response and 2) the response-product of that response in which the STIMULUS and the RESPONSE-PRODUCT are both in the SAME modality and their physical patterns or sequences RESEMBLE ONE ANOTHER
Formal Similarity
An INCREASE in the REINFORCING EFFECTIVENESS of a stimulus, object or event caused by a MOTIVATING OPERATION
Reinforcer Establishing Effect
When a CONTROLLING VARIABLE evokes a response and there is POINT-TO-POINT correspondence between the controlling variable and the RESPONSE
Formal Control
A relatively PERMANENT CHANGE in an organism’s repertoire of MO, stimulus, and response relations caused by REINFORCEMENT, PUNISHMENT an EXTINCTION procedure, or a RECOVERY from punishment procedure
Function-Altering Effect
Behavior REINFORCED THROUGH THE MEDIATION of another person who has been specifically trained to provide such reinforcement
Verbal Behavior
The FUNCTIONS A STIMULUS has for a person can be CHANGED on the basis of how it is related to other stimuli
Transformation of Stimulus Functions
A GENERALIZED pattern of RELATIONAL RESPONDING that is arbitrarily applicable and has the properties of MUTUAL ENTAILMENT, COMBINATORIAL ENTAILMENT, and TRANSFORMATION of stimulus function
Relational Frame
a MOTIVATING OPERATION that DECREASES the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object, or event
Abolishing Operation
a DECREASE in the current frequency of BEHAVIOR that has been reinforced by the stimulus that is increased in reinforcing effectiveness by the same MOTIVATING OPERATION
Abative Effect
a stimulus change that occurs AFTER a response has been emitted, INCREASES the future probability of that response, and results from the action of ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL
Mediated Reinforcement
An environmental change or event that precedes the response to which it is functionally related and INCREASES the EFFECTIVENESS of a particular STIMULUS change as REINFORCEMENT
Establishing Operation
RESPONDING to one stimulus based on its RELATION to another stimulus or stimuli
Relational Responding
a DECREASE in the REINFORCING EFFECTIVENESS of a stimulus, object or event, caused by a MOTIVATING OPERATION
Reinforcer-Abolishing Effect
The occurrence of a previously punished type of response without its PUNISHING consequence. This procedure is analogous to the EXTINCTION of previously reinforced behavior and has the effect of undoing the effect of the punishment
Recovery from Punishment Procedure
TWO or more STIMULUS RELATIONS can mutually Combine
Combinatorial Entailment
A stimulus that acquires its MO EFFECTIVENESS by being PAIRED with another MO and has the SAME value-altering and behavior-altering EFFECTS as the MO with which it was paired
Surrogate Conditioned Motivating Operation
a MOTIVATING OPERATION whose value-altering effect depends on the LEARNING HISTORY
Conditioned Motivating Operation
A form of verbal behavior in which the RESPONSE IS WRITING, the controlling variable is a response-product of someone’s PRIOR VOCAL BEHAVIOR, and their is POINT-TO POINT correspondence between the stimulus and the response
Taking Dictation
A form of verbal behavior in which the RESPONSE IS VOCAL and controlled by a prior AUDITORY STIMULUS, there is POINT- TO -POINT correspondence between the stimulus and the response, and there is formal similarity between the stimulus and the response-product
Echoic Behavior
an ALTERATION in the FUTURE FREQUENCY of BEHAVIOR that has been reinforced by the stimulus that is altered in effectiveness by the same motivating operation
Repertoire Altering Effect
Individual is given MULTIPLE opportunities to make a response in a given context, the IRRELEVANT FEATURES of the task VARY across opportunities, but the CONDITION FOR obtaining REINFORCEMENT remains the SAME
Multiple Exemplar Training
an ALTERATION in the CURRENT FREQUENCY of BEHAVIOR that has been reinforced by the stimulus that is altered in effectiveness by the same motivating operation
Behavior-Altering Effect
a VERBAL RESPONSE in which the form of the response is controlled by an ESTABLISHING OPERATION
an ALTERATION in the REINFORCING EFFECTIVENESS of a stimulus, object, or event, as a result of a motivating operation
Value-Altering Effect
Mutual Entailment
a STIMULUS that is the RESULT of someone’s behavior
Response Product
A form of verbal behavior in which the RESPONSE IS WRITING OR PRINTING, the controlling variable is a response-product of PREVIOUS WRITING BEHAVIOR, there is POINT-TO-POINT correspondence between the controlling variable and the response, and there is formal similarity between the controlling variable and the response-product
Copying a Text
DERIVED: B<a></a>
Mutual Entailment
a MOTIVATING OPERATION whose value-altering effect does NOT depend on a LEARNING HISTORY
Unconditioned Motivating Operation
a VERBAL RESPONSE in which the controlling variable is a NON-BERBAL STIMULUS
TWO Kinds
A) the occurrence ALONE of a stimulus that acquired its function by being PAIRED with an already effective stimulus OR
B) the occurrence of the stimulus in the ABSENCE as well as the presence of the effective reinforcer
a PHYSICAL ENERGY CHANGE capable of effecting an organism’s sensory receptors that has a specific form or pattern which as a unit has controlling effectiveness and is the result of BERBAL BEHAVIOR
Verbal Stimulus
A relationship between a DISCRIMINATIVE STIMULUS and the RESPONSE it controls in which both the stimulus and the response have TWO OR MORE components and each component of the STIMULUS CONTROLS a specific component of the RESPONSE
Point-to-Point Correspondence
a form of verbal behavior in which the RESPONSE IS VOCAL, the response is controlled by a prior stimulus that is the response-product of WRITING BEHAVIOR, and there is POINT-TO-POINT correspondence between the stimulus and the response
Textual Behavior
A verbal response in which the controlling variable is a VERBAL STIMULUS, and there is NO POINT-TO-POINT correspondence between the stimulus and the response
A type of controlling variable that is usually A LISTENER in the presence of whom verbal behavior is typically reinforced and that controls a group of response forms
DERIVED: A>C & C<a></a>
Combinatorial Entailment
an OPERANT in which the form of the individual responses in the CLASS VARY considerably
Generalized Operant
an ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLE that, as a rusult of a LEARNING HISTORY, establishes or abolishes the reinforcing effectiveness of another stimulus and EVOKES OR ABATES the behavior that has been reinforced by the other stimulus
transitive conditioned motivating operation
A relation in one direction between two stimuli (e.g. A to B) entails a relation in the other direction (e.g. B to A)
Mutual Entailment
a stimulus that acquires MO effectiveness by preceding some form of worsening or improvement. It is exemplified by the WARNING STIMULUS in a typical escape-avoidance procedure, which establishes its own offset as reinforcement and evokes all behavior that has accomplished that offset
Reflexive Conditioned Motivating Operation
a MOTIVATING operation that INCREASES the EFFECTIVENESS of some stimulus, object, or event as a reinforcer
Establishing Operation
An environmental variable that:
A) ALTERS the reinforcing or punishing EFFECTIVENESS of some stimulus, object, or event
B) ALTERS the CURRENT FREQUENCY of all behavior that has been reinforced or punished by that stimulus, object or event
Motivating Operation
When a CONTROLLING VARIABLE evokes a response but there is NO POINT-TO-POINT correspondence between the controlling variable and the RESPONCE
Thematic Control
an INCREASE in the current frequency of BEHAVIOR that has been reinforced by the stimulus that is increased in reinforcing effectiveness by the same MOTIVATING OPERATION
Evocative Effect