SAFMEDS Flashcards
Problems a person with a disability or an impairment encounters when interacting with the environment
Reduced functioning or loss of a particular body part or organ
Not currently identified as having a disability but is considered to have a greater-than-usual chance of developing a disability if intervention is not provided
At risk
Percentage of school-age children receiving special education services
Percentage of students with disabilities served at least in part in regular education classrooms
Supreme Court ruled that education must be available to all children on equal terms
Brown v. Board of Education
PL 94-142, law regarding the education of children with disabilities
IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Act
Part of IDEA, all children must receive a free, appropriate public education at public expense
Free and appropriate education (FAPE)
Part of IDEA, schools must educate all children with disabilities, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability
Zero reject
Part of IDEA, students with disabilities must be educated with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate
Least restrictive environment (LRE)
Part of IDEA, schools must collaborate with parents and with students with disabilities in the design and implementation of special education Services
Shared decision making
Part of IDEA, schools must protect the rights of students with disabilities
Due process
Part of IDEA, schools must use no biased, multi factored methods of evaluation to determine whether a child has a disability, and if is so whether special education is needed
Nondiscrimitory identification and evaluation
Intervening to keep potential or minor problems from becoming a disability
Eliminating the effects of the disability through instruction
Teaching the use of skills or devices that enable successful functioning in spite of the disability
Part of the reauthorization of IDEA (97), determining if a behavior problem is the result of a disability
Manifestation determination
All interested parties that develop an IEP
Trainsdisciplinary team
Breaking down complex or multiple step behaviors or skills into small, easier to teach subtasks
Task analysis
An observable student response made to an instructional antecedent
Active student responding (ASR)
Immediate, affirmative feedback for correct and/or appropriate behavior that serves to increase the likelihood that the behavior will occur again in the future
Positive reinforcement
An instructional antecedent, a student’s response, and positive or corrective instructional information
Learning trial
The extent to which students extend what they learn across settings and over time
Generalization and maintenance
A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological process involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations
Learning disabilities (LD)
The inability to accurately and fluently decode written text
A standardized achievement test that measures one student scores on the test to other children of the same age who have taken the same test
Norm-referenced tests
A test that measures achievement according to a predetermined standard
Criterion referenced tests
The frequent assessment of a student’s progress in learning the objectives that make up the actual curriculum in which the student is participating
Curriculum based measurement
Carefully designed materials and activities that provide structures and supports that enable students to make sense of new information and concepts
Explicit instruction
Special transportation, counseling, speech, physical, or occupational therapy required to meet the student’s IEP goals
Related services
Devices such as visual aids, augmentative communication boards, special equipment, or computers
Assistive technology
A written, legal, document that specifies the student’s short and long term educational goals, learning environment(s), and related services
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
IEP component for students with special health care needs; specifies health care procedures and services administered by school personnel and a plan for emergencies
Individual health care plan (IHCP)
A significant loss of hearing that makes some special adaptions necessary
Hard of hearing
A group of inherited disorders marked by progressive atrophy of the body’s muscles
Muscular dystrophy (MD)
A term for students who demonstrate or have the potential for demonstrating a high level of performance of academic skills, artistic achievement, or leadership qualities that necessitate the need for special services
A person whose visual acuity is 20/200 or less in both eyes
A disorder of voluntary motor function resulting from a lesion to the brain or abnormality of brain growth. Characterized by paralysis, extreme weakness, lack of coordination, involuntary convulsions, and other motor disorders
Cerebral palsy (CP)
The inability to use hearing to understand speech
Limited active involvement in educational activities commensurate with a student’s functioning level
Partial participation
Chronic abnormal electrochemical activity of the brain that causes a person to lose control of the muscles temporarily
Seizure disorder (Epilepsy)
A term for students who need instruction in basic skills such as feeding, communication and mobility
Severe disability
A developmental disability characterized by stereotypic repetitive behavior, resistance to environmental change and unusual responses to sensory experiences
A term for a congenital defect in the vertebrae that enclose the spinal cord
Spinal bifita
Basic behaviors such as dressing, brushing teeth, etc., that sometimes need to be taught to children with severe disabilities
Daily living skills
A battery of behavioral assessments used for determining environmental events that are setting the occasion for and maintaining challenging behavior
Functional assessment
An impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s educational performance
Visual impairment
Part of the reauthorization of IDEA (97). A written legal document with goals and objectives specifically developed to aid in the transition from school to vocational skills for exceptional children age 16 and above
Individual transition plan (ITP)
Using the findings of assessment data (i.e., functional assessment) to construct a comprehensive, individualized program of interventions
Positive behavioral support
Part of IDEa, a written document prescribing family focused early intervention services for the family of and young child who is at risk or has a disability
Individualized family services plan (IFSP)
A systematic approach to teaching based on scientifically demonstrated principle that describe how the environment affects learning
Applied behavior analysis
Behavioral or emotional responses in school programs so different from appropriate age, cultural, or ethnic norms that they adversely affect educational performance
Emotional or behavioral disorder
Behavior that falls significantly outside that norm that characterized as withdrawn, fearful, or depressive
Internalizing behaviors
Behavior that falls significantly outside the norm that is characterized as aggressive, abusive or disruptive
Externalizing behaviors
A problem with the transmission and reception of speech, language and/or communication
Communication disorder
A wide variety of educational, nutritional, child care, and family support services, all designed to reduce the effects of disabilities or prevent the occurrence of problems later in life
Early intervention