SAFMEDS Flashcards
Behavior reinforced through the mediation ofothers
Verbal behavior
A stimulus in the presence of which aparticular response will be reinforced’ (SD/S-dee)
Discriminative stimulus
An antecedent that increases or decreases thevalue of a reinforcer
Motivating operation
Operant controlled by nonverbal SD, results ingeneralized conditioned reinforcer
Operant controlled by an EO, results innamed reinforcers
Persons who shape one’s verbal repertoire
Verbal community
Reading without necessarily understandingwhat is read
Writing what you hear
Operant controlled by vocal verbal SD, pointto point correspondence & formal similarity,results in generalized conditioned reinforcer
Controlled by verbal SD, no point to pointcorrespondence, results in generalizedconditioned reinforcer
A written, spoken, or signed response that haspoint to point correspondence and formalsimilarity to its antecedent is referred
Response is controlled by a verbal stimulus,point to point correspondence, NO formalsimilarity
A speaker emits a verbal response and alistener serves as an audience, responds, andreinforces the speaker’s behavior
Verbal episode
Behavior within the skin
Private events
Two different topographies of behaviorthat produce the same consequence
Functional equivalence