Safety Rules Flashcards
Wear safety goggles and laugh aprons/coats when instructed.
Wear closed shoes.
Please all books and bags away from work area.
Food and drink in the lab
Do not chew gum eat or drink in the lab.
Smelling chemicals
Use appropriate techniques for checking odours. waft/fan the vapour towards nose, keeping the container at a distance.
Never use the contents of a bottle that has no label. Always label any container that you put chemicals into.
Washing hands
Always wash hands with soap and water before leaving the lab.
Chemical waste
Dispose of chemical waste properly
Safety equipment
No the location of safety equipment.
Housekeeping rules
Tieback long hair. Roll of loose sleeves
Report all injuries to the teacher no matter how minor they seem.
Chemicals in eyes
It’s chemical splash is in the eye rinse with water at the eyewash station
Chipped eye ware
Do not use cracked or chipped eyewear
Never pick up broken glass with your hands. Use a broom and a dustpan and put into the broken glass receptacle.