Safety rules Flashcards
rule 1
report any incident to the teacher immediately, no matter how minor, including reporting any burn, scratch, cut, or corrosive liquid on skin or clothing.
rule 2
Prepare for each laboratory activity by reading all instructions before coming to class. Follow all directions implicitly and intelligently. Make note of any modification in procedure given by the instructor.
rule 3
any science project or individually planned experiment must be approved by the teacher.
rule 4
use only those materials and equipment authorized by the instructors.
rule 5
Inform the teacher immediately of any equipment not working properly
rule 6
Clean up any non hazardous spill on the floor or workspace immediately
rule 7
Wear appropriate eye protection, as directed by the instructor, whenever you are working in the laboratory. Safety goggles must be worn during hazardous activities involving caustic/corrosive chemicals, heating of liquids, and other activities that may injure the eyes.
rule 8
Splashes and fumes from hazardous chemicals present a special danger to wearers of contact lenses. Therefore students should preferably wear regular eyeglasses during all class activities or purchase personal splash proof goggles and wear them whenever exposure to chemicals or chemical fumes is possible.
rule 9
Students with open skin wounds on hands must wear gloves or be excused from the laboratory activity.
rule 10
Never carry hot equipment or dangerous chemicals through a group of students
rule 11
Check labels and equipment instructions carefully. Be sure correct items are used in the proper manner.
rule 12
Be aware if the chemicals being used are hazardous. Know where the material safety data sheet is and what it indicates for each of the hazardous chemicals you are using.
rule 13
Never taste anything or touch chemicals with the hands, unless specifically instructed to do so.
rule 14
test for odor of chemical only by waving your hand above the container and sniffing cautiously from a distance.
rule 15
Eating or drinking in the laboratory or from laboratory equipment is not permitted
rule 16
use a mechanical pipette filler when measuring or transferring small quantities of liquid with a pipette
rule 17
When heating material in a test tube, do not look into the tube or point it in the direction of any person during the process
rule 18
never pour reagents back into bottles, exchange stoppers of bottles, or lay stoppers on the table
rule 19
when dilutin acids, always pour acids into water, never the reverse. Combine the liquids slowly while stirring to distribute heat builddup throughout the mixture.
rule 20
Keeps hands away from face, eyes, and clothes while using solution, specimens, equipment, or materials in the laboratory. Wash hands as necessary and wash thoroughly at the conclusion of the laboratory period.
rule 21
To treat a burn from an acid or alkali, wash the affected area immediately with plenty of running water. If the eye is involved, irrigate it at the eyewash station without interruption for 15 minutes. Report the incident to your instructor immediately,
rule 22
know the location of the emergency shower, eyewash and face wash station, fire blanket, fire extinguisher, fire alarm box, and exits.
rule 23
Know the proper fire and earthquake drill procedures.
rule 24
Roll long sleeves above the wrist. Long, hanging necklaces, bulky jewelry, and excessive and bulky clothing should not be worn in the laboratory
rule 25
Confine long hair during a laboratory activity
rule 26
wear shoes that cover the toes, rather than sandals, in the laboratory
rule 27
keep work areas clean, floors and aisles should be kept clear of equipment and material
rule 28
Light gas burners only as instructed by the teacher. Be sure no volatile materials are being used near by
rule 29
Use a burner with extreme caution. Keep your head and clothing away from the flames and turn it off when not in use
rule 30
Use a fire blanket to extinguish any flame on a person
rule 31
dispose of laboratory waste as instructed by the teacher. Use seperate, designated containers for the following:
-Matches, litmus paper, wooden splints, tooth picks, etc
-broken and waste glass
-rags, paper towels, or other materials used in the cleanup of flammable solids or liquids
-hazardous/toxic liquids and solids
rule 32
Place books, purses and such items in the designated storage area. Take only laboratory manuals and notebooks into the working area.
rule 33
Students are not permitted in laboratory storage rooms or teachers’ workrooms without the approval of the teacher.
rule 34
To cut small diameter glass tubing, use a file or tubing cutter to make a deep scratch. Wrap the tubing in a paper towel before breaking the glass away from you with your thumbs. Fire polish all ends.
rule 35
When bending glass, allow time for the glass to cool before further handling. Hot and cold glass have the same visual appearance. Determine whether an object is hot by bringing the back of your hand close to the object.
rule 36
Match hole sizes and tubing when inserting glass tubing into a stopper. If necessary, expand the hole first by using an appropriate size cork borer. Lubricate the stopper hole and glass tubing with water or glycerin to ease insertion, using a towel to protect the hand. Carefully twist glass tubing into stopper holes.
rule 37
Remove all broken glass from the work area or floor as soon as possible. Never handle broken glass with bare hands; use a counter brush and dustpan.
rule 38
Report broken glassware, including thermometers, to the instructor immediately
rule 39
Operate electrical equipment only in dry area with dry hands
rule 40
when removing an electrical plug from its socket, pull the plug, not the electrical cord
rule 41
Treat all animals in the science laboratory humanely; that is, with respect and consideration for their care
rule 42
Always approach laboratory experiences in a serious and courteous manner.
rule 43
Always clean the laboratory area before leaving
rule 44
Students and teachers wash hands with soap and water before leaving the laboratory area