Safety Quiz 2 Flashcards
what is BCMA?
Bar code medication administration
scanning stuff at pt bedside aka AT POINT OF ADMINISTRATION
what is CPOE?
computerized provider order entry
what is a PHR?
personal health record
an electronic app used by pts
subtypes of systems of PHRs?
standalone (ex: google health PHR)
tethered (tied into healthcare system - MyHealthvet from PHR)
networked (access data from multiple locations)
what is meaningful use?
goal: to increase EHR adoption and improving
quality of care!!
CMS gave out money for rewarding ppl to to do EHRs then after time they would penalize ppl
what is HIE?
health information exchange
ultimate goal of HIE?
NHIN (national health information network)
Hx of HIE:
what was the first initiative? and the problems with it?
in 1990 - Hartford foundation
grants given to different communities
endpoints to assess - quality and cost reduction
problems: technology wasnt good enough for this/slow internet etc
Hx of HIE:
what was the second initiative? main issue?
in mid- 1990s CHINs (community health information networks)
these were commercial endeavors
political groups against public health data
Hx of HIE:
what was published in 1999/2001 that said HIE’s could help pt safety
To Err is human
IOM reports on pt safety and quality
Hx of HIE:
what was the initiative in 2000? what was the downfall?
RHIOs! (regional health information organizations)
downfall: getting everyone on board/funds/political/competitive
all RHIO’s across the country were SOOO different
Hx of HIE:
In 2004 the DHHS began developing ______
*DHHS - department of health and human services
NHIN (national health information network)
Hx of HIE:
in 2006 - the prominent RHIO located in ______ closed after 8 years
Santa barbara, CA
Hx of HIE:
In 2008: _________ specifies HIE as a component of “meaningful use” incentives
Hx of HIE:
In 2009: the _____ assures stakeholders that NHIN will NOT exchange data with government angencies
ONC (office of the national coordinator for Health IT)
electronic medical record
medications approved for use by the pharmacy and therapeutics committee
automated dispensing cabinet
barcode medication administration
computerized prescriber order entry
clinical decision support - automated tools used to help assist with clinical decisions
Medication use process
Multistep process involved in getting a prescribed medication to the patient
Which of the below are factors associated with effective implementation of pharmacy automation? A. Usability B. Integration and interoperability C. Stability and reliability D. Adaptability and flexibility E. All of the above
What dispensing technologies could have prevented these heparin errors?
A. Barcode scanning when removing the medication from the carousel
B. Barcode scanning prior to loading into the automated dispensing cabinets
C. Patient monitoring
D. A and B
E. All of the above
Which of the below are reasons to implement Carousels?
A. Better security of medications
B. Reduces medication errors
C. Maximizes floor space and storage capacity; improves space efficiency
D. All of the above
Smart Pump = an infusion pump w/
______ of medications that provides _____ guidelines for concentrations and dose limits
different types of infusion pumps?
LVP - large volume pump PCA - pt controlled analgesia Syringe Elastomeric Enteral Insulin Pumps
Types of smart pump data?
drug libraries alerts DERS compliance rate alarms pump status (up to date?)
what is DERS?
dose error reduction software — used in smart pumps!
this get measured for compliance
the the “medication use process” what is a part of the monitoring portion?
lab testing
refill data
the the “medication use process” what is a part of the prescribing portion?
the the “medication use process” what is a part of the transcribing portion?
Medication alerts are one form of ______________ and are intended to improve medication decision-making and thereby improve patient safety.
computerized clinical decision support
Medication Alert challenges?
Alert Fatigue
Wide variation in alert display
Lack of alert clarity
Barriers to prescriber-pharmacist communication
what does C-HIP model stand for and why is it related to med safety?
C-HIP = communication-human information processing model
related to med safety because it is the process that ppl go thru while looking at warnings
and is a way to see why a warning did not work
what is the C-HIP model process?
source –> channel –> delivery –> attention switch –> attention maintenance –> comprehensive memory
Examples of portions of the C-HIP model process?
Source - initial transmitter of warning info
hospital system, ISMP, FDA
Examples of portions of the C-HIP model process?
medium in which warning is presented
prescription label, sticker, EHR
Portions of the C-HIP model process:
aka if the dr sees it
problems arise if a nurse puts it in and Dr just signs it
Portions of the C-HIP model process?
Attention Switch
what is considered a success and what is considered a challenge
success = dr sees alert…
challenge = competing with other environmental stimuli
Portions of the C-HIP model process?
Attention Maintenance
what is considered a success and what is considered a challenge
Success: Prescriber views the alert; attention is sustained long enough to understand the information
Challenges: stress, workload, competing demands
Alert components - what should be in the message content
a signal word
the hazard itself
Workarounds in IT:
harmful if….
creates gaps in EHR documentation
circumvents safety mechanisms
reduces efficiency for individual or others
Workarounds in IT:
beneficial if…
assists with complex tasks and decisions
tracks information
reminds or prompts
fills a gap in IT functionality
Public Health or Population Health informatics?
promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play
Public Health or Population Health informatics?
Tends to focus on governmental PH
Public Health or Population Health informatics?
Tends to focus on clinical populations as well as payers
Public Health or Population Health informatics?
Health outcomes of a group of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group
Public Health or Population Health informatics?
Goals emphasize disease management, outreach, care coordination, and integration of services
Public Health or Population Health informatics?
Goals emphasize assessment (surveillance) and prevention of disease; also pertains to other areas of PH like food safety, nutrition
Public Health or Population Health informatics?
Tends to emphasize outcomes and needs of a more narrow population
Public Health or Population Health informatics?
Tends to emphasize health needs and outcomes of the total population
what are the 5 V’s of big Data
volume velocity variety variability veracity/value
Role of informatics (esp related to Big data)
data management (storing/maintaining) develop systems to make sense of big data Developing systems that can deliver the right data, derived from Big Data, to clinicians at the point-of-care
Analytics definition?
Analytics often involves studying past historical data to research potential trends, to analyze the effects of certain decisions or events, or to evaluate the performance of a given tool or scenario.
step by step process of BCMA?
scan nurse scan pt scan med respond to alerts administer and document
what are the 2 types of barcodes used with BCMA
and 2D barcode (looks like QR code)
Linear Barcode:
advantage: easy to print! universally readable
disadvantage: curvature (on pts wrist); limited amt of data
2D Barcode:
advantages: Compact; High data density; Less susceptible to curvature issues
disadvantages: Require high quality printer (i.e. 600x600 resolution); Not universally scannable (requires imager)
what are some of the BCMA workarounds?
pt scan
medication scan
scan post administation
rationale and ways nurses do pt scan workarounds
“i know the pt” hard to scan wrist band/will disturb the pt
print extra armband/remove armband/override
rationale and ways nurses do medication scan workarounds
hard to scan med/threw out packaging/ “its just saline”
keep old packages/barcode stickers; override
rationale and ways nurses do BCMA workaround of scan post administration
aka give med now and scan later because it is time consuming
Required Readings: EHR article
article focuses on what 3 parts of EHR functions that pharmacists use?
medication reconciliation
pt evaluation and monitoring
Required Readings: EHR article
T or F: pharmacists are currently not considered providers for CMS and do not receive incentive funds based on meaningful use
Required Readings: EHR article
T or F: There are a lot of pharmacists involved in informatics
false (there are not a lot and there should be more!)
Required Readings: 9/20 ISMP Article
Misconnections of __________ ports with IV infusions can result in fatal outcomes
tracheostomy pilot balloon ports
Required Readings: 9/20 ISMP Article
T or F: tubing misconnections are widely reported
false — probably a lot are NOT reported
Required Readings: 9/20 ISMP Article
when a tracheostomy pilot balloon ports is connected to a fluid — it will inflate with fluid and lead to what?
the lumen of the trachesotomy will collapse and the airway will be obstrcuted
Required Readings: 9/20 ISMP Article
what was a recent nebulizer mix up?
ipratropium and racepinephrine
(v similar packaging)
both are bronchodilators but act differently
manufacturer was contacted
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
what were the 4 severe ADEs talked about?
SS (serotonin syndrome) and NMS (neuroleptic malignant syndrome)
SJS/TEN (steven johnson syndrome/Toxic epidermal necrolysis)
PML (progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy)
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
some drugs destroy skeletal muscle cells and lead to the contents of ______ and _____ being released
creatine kinase; myoglobin
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
If rhabdomyolysis is severe enough – ____ failure is possible
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
Signs and Symptoms of Rhabdomyolysis?
muscle pain
dark urine (bc myoglobin)
elevated creatine kinase
arrhythmias (bc Ca2+/K+/Na+ release)
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
two most common drug classes to cause rhabdomyolysis
statins and antipsychotics
for antipsychotics rhabdo was secondary to NMS
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
what 2 newer/novel drugs were found to cause rhabdoyolysis
entresto (sacubitril/valsartan)
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
Serotonin Syndrome and NMS
SS: happens within ______
and NMS happens within ______
SS: hours
NMS: days
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
Symptoms of SS and NMS?
CNS disruptions
irrgular heartbeats or breathing
loss of body temperature CONTROL!! (fever)
clonus (can be severe enough to CAUSE rhabdo)
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
SS: caused by drugs that _________
NMS: caused by drugs that _______
SS: drugs that affect serotonin uptake
NMS: drugs that block dopamine
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
Common drug classes that cause SS?
antidepressants (SSRI and SNRIs) opioids antipsychotics anti-emetics (aka drugs that also block serotonin receptors)
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article NMS is caused by the drug class of \_\_\_\_\_\_
which drug caused the most cases?
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
why does SS and NMS diagnosis get messy?
pts on both antidepressants and antipsychotics
aripiprazole affects both dopamine and serotonin
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
what drug classes are known to cause SJS/TEN?
anticonvulsants (lamotrigine, carbamazepine)
analgesics (ibuprofen..)
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
what is SJS/TEN?
T cells attack/kill dermal cells - skin sloughs off
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
PML - caused by a VIRAL infection of the brain - happens when immunosuppresive drugs or HIV cannot hold in check the _______ (that is common but also normally harmless in pts)
JCV (john cunningham virus)
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
what drugs can cause PML?
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
problem with Nucala?
the vial says 100 mg/vial 00 but it actually ahs 144 mg bc overfill!!!
should say 100 mg/mL after reconstitution
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
Suppository mix up?
how found?
and what to do?
one manufacturer makes APAP, bisacodyl, promethazine suppositories - look the same with packaging
found by bar code scanning (good job nurse)
to fix: buy each from different manufacturers… (manufacturer was contacted)
Required Readings: 9/06 ISMP Article
Drug Shortage - Pain Med case/issue?
Woman had pain - gave morphine - not enough relief could NOT do hydromorphone because out of stock
Dr ordered fentanyl - option was 250 mcg (bc vial said 250 mcg/5 mL)
got thru Dr, Rph, and nurse because no one familiar with fentanyl dosing
Opioid pain conversion table was made for Drs and and high dose warning made if anything over 50 mcg