Safety Midterm Flashcards
OSH Act was signed into law in this year
Who has the authority to that you follow OSHA regulations while you are on the job?
What is the most important key to controlling chemical hazards?
Many tools have a special switch as a safety feature, what is it?
What kind of circuit presents a special hazard to the users of electrical tools?
Which is the best type of wrench to use on a nut that is frozen to a bolt?
Striking face wrench
When a forklift operator comes to the end of an isle he should always do what?
Sound horn, stop, and look both ways
What part of our body should we use to lift heavy loads in order to prevent injury?
Presses have this type of safety control requiring both hands to reach them
Two hand trip control
The tension in a cable sling depends on the weight being lifted and what other factor?
The angle between the two sides
When is it safe to work on a suspended load?
What color wire is used for equipment ground?
The housing of double insulated tools is usually made of?
Even though static electricity electrons do not normally move, when they do suddenly move they cause a ______ which may cause a fire or explosion.
If your appliance plug only has two prongs, this tells us that it doesn’t have which of the following?
Which type of fire extinguisher should be used on an energized electrical fire?
Class C
What does the letter “I” represent when used in ohms law?
If a 15-foot ladder is leaned against a wall with 3 feet above the top support, how far should the bottom of the ladder be from the wall?
3 feet
Which of the following should never be used on electrical fires?
What human organ is caused the most damage by asbestos particles?
The document provided with all hazardous materials?
Material Safety Data Sheet
What federal agency does OSHA stand for?
Occupational Safety Health Administration
All electrical/mechanical equipment should be _______ and ______ before making repairs.
Lockout and tag-out
Compressed air is sometimes used to blow dust or chips out of an area, the air pressure should not exceed ______ psi.
When operating an electrical tool that is not double insulated, it should always have a _________ cord.
Grounded or 3 prong
Approximately how far away from the grinding wheel should the tool test on grinder be?
1/8 inch
The two current carrying wires in an appliance cord are the hot (black) wire and the _______ (white) wire.
What organization controls the use of chemicals in our environment?
What is the minimum distance that a straight ladder should extend above the top support on which it rests?
3 feet
What type of fire extinguisher is used on electrical equipment that will not leave a residue?
Responsible for carrying out and enforcing OSH Act
Dept of Labor
Noise is measured in this unit
Self contained breathing apparatus
Two wire electric tools that can be operated safely
Double insulated
Should not be used on a wrench to increase leverage
Should be worn when chiseling, drilling, or grinding
Safety glasses
Tools operated by air pressure
Remove processed material from point of operation
Guidelines which make it impossible to activate a machine while being repaired
Zero energy state and lockout
Used to prevent a trailer from moving at dock
Not designed to use in folded position
Step ladder
Paint walkway lines
Yellow or white
Extinguisher used on combustible metals
Class D
Half filled containers are more dangerous than full containers
Gasoline cans
Fires that start with self ignition
Spontaneous combustion
Responds to ground hot to ground faults
Protects circuits that are overloaded
Emergency procedure used to rest or life
90% of toxic substances enter the body by this method
Path that conducts current