Safety and Quality Flashcards
What are the three aspects of the Australian safety and quality framework?
- Consumer centred
- Driven by information
- Organised for safety
Define quality
Quality refers to the extent to which a health care service or product produces the desired outcome
Define safety
Safety is defined by the avoidance or reduction of actual or potential harm from health care management, or the environment in which health care is provided.
Sources of error?
Human (random, systemic)
Systemic (organisational failures)
What is the purpose of role clarification?
Demonstrates developing knowledge of the role of their own and other professions.
Effectively communicates their point of view to others.
What is the purpose of interprofessional conflict resolution?
Describes common situations where conflict may arise in interprofessional teams and strategies that can be employed to address this.
Communicates in a manner that promotes positive interactions
What are Belbin’s team roles?
- Plant
- Resource investigator
- Coordinator
- Shaper
- Monitor evaluator
- Team worker
- Implementer
- Completer finisher
- Specialist
What are Tuckman’s stages of group development?
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
What are the main sources of conflict?
Priorities and goals (80%) Personality and ego (personal conflicts) Resources (power, status, recognition) Communication styles Values and cultural norms Change
What are the four core ethical principles?
Describe consequences
Maximises benefits
Minimises harm
Describe consistency
What would you want for yourself?
What would you want for others?
Describe care
Valuing and nurturing interpersonal relationships
Describe character
Making decisions that build our character positively