Safety Flashcards


What is network rails safety vision and what does safety mean to you?


Network Rail’s safety vision is “Everyone Home Safe Every Day,” .
It means ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals involved in railway operations, including passengers, employees, and the community.
It means creating an environment where individuals, including myself, feel secure, cared for, and empowered to speak up.

It’s understanding that in the vision “Everyone Home Safe Everyday” that the word “ everyone’ includes diverse individuals with unique needs, backgrounds, and perspectives, which reinforces the importance of an inclusive approach to safety.

Safety is also a value that extends beyond just physical well-being. It also includes mental health and emotional support.

To me, safety means prioritizing the well-being of everyone, caring for the people around me and taking responsibility for their safety as well as my own, adhering to strict protocols and procedures, and remaining vigilant at all times to prevent accidents and incidents. As a train signaller at Network Rail, safety is not just a priority, it’s a commitment to ensuring every train is safe and secure throughout its journey.

I am passionate about contributing to Network Rail’s safety culture and ensuring that everyone, from employees to passengers, can return home safely every day.

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Why is safety important/priority?


Safety is important because it protects the well-being of everyone involved in railway, including passengers, employees and the community.
Prioritising safety minimizes the risk of accidents, injuries, and potential loss of life.

It also helps keeps trains running on time, and also maintains customer satisfaction and trust in the railway system, which is crucial for upholding the company’s reputation for reliability and excellence

So it’s imperative that in all the decisions we make that safety is the key driver and the first thing that comes to mind in our decisions.

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Can you tell us a time you had to work under pressure?


As a security patroller at the airport, I encountered a situation where a breach of security was declared. A member of the public had climbed over the airside restricted fence, posing a potential threat to the security and safety of the airport.

My task was to respond promptly and effectively to ensure the situation was handled appropriately. Throughout these types of situations, I can always be relied upon to remain calm, composed, and most importantly, follow my training and the operational procedures required by my employer, and that’s what I did.

Upon receiving the emergency call, I immediately informed the control center that I would be responding to this incident. I located the individual, I maintained a safe distance in the vehicle while monitoring his movements. Despite verbally communicating at him to stop, the individual continued running around near the taxiway.

“It was a very dangerous, challenging, and pressurized situation, especially because it was dark as it was nighttime. I was unsure if any planes were still landing or if there were any aircraft movements in our area. Additionally, I wasn’t sure if the individual was aware of their surroundings and the present dangers. Despite this uncertainty, I remained focused and maintained situational awareness.”

I had to be proactive and make a quick, effective decision. I prioritised contacting air traffic control. In this emergency situation, I spoke assertively, clearly, and concisely because I know safety-critical communication is essential. I began with the words, ‘this is an emergency call,’ to ensure the air traffic controller understood the urgency of the situation.

I told them who I was, what i do and what my location is. I told them the situation and what action needed to be taken, which was to divert all aircraft movement in and around that area.

At the same time, I updated the control center on an open radio call, updating them of the situation and the actions I had taken. I also involved airfield operations in the communication to ensure their immediate assistance if the individual went onto the runway, as i was not authorised to drive on the runway.

Due to my proactive response, quick decision-making, and effective communication in managing the situation, the individual was apprehended before reaching the runway. Airport operations resumed without incidents, and safety was maintained

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Can you tell us a time you had to make a quick, effective decision?


As a security patroller at the airport, I encountered a situation where a breach of security was declared. A member of the public had climbed over the airside restricted fence, posing a potential threat to the security and safety of the airport.

My task was to respond promptly and effectively to ensure the situation was handled appropriately. Throughout these types of situations, I can always be relied upon to remain calm, composed, and most importantly, follow my training and the operational procedures required by my employer, and that’s what I did.

Upon receiving the emergency call, I immediately informed the control center that I would be responding to this incident. I located the individual, I maintained a safe distance in the vehicle while monitoring his movements. Despite verbally communicating at him to stop, the individual continued running around near the taxiway.

“It was a very dangerous, challenging, and pressurized situation, especially because it was dark as it was nighttime. I was unsure if any planes were still landing or if there were any aircraft movements in our area. Additionally, I wasn’t sure if the individual was aware of their surroundings and the present dangers. Despite this uncertainty, I remained focused and maintained situational awareness.”

I had to be proactive and make a quick, effective decision. I prioritised contacting air traffic control. In this emergency situation, I spoke assertively, clearly, and concisely because I know safety-critical communication is essential. I began with the words, ‘this is an emergency call,’ to ensure the air traffic controller understood the urgency of the situation.

I told them who I was, what i do and what my location is. I told them the situation and what action needed to be taken, which was to divert all aircraft movement in and around that area.

At the same time, I updated the control center on an open radio call, updating them of the situation and the actions I had taken. I also involved airfield operations in the communication to ensure their immediate assistance if the individual went onto the runway, as i was not authorised to drive on the runway.

Due to my proactive response, quick decision-making, and effective communication in managing the situation, the individual was apprehended before reaching the runway. Airport operations resumed without incidents, and safety was maintained

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Tell us a time you had to prioritise someone’s safety


Situation: As a security officer, I encountered a situation where there was an evacuation of the terminal building due to a suspicious package.

Task: My task was to ensure the safety of individuals during the evacuation procedure.

Action: While collaborating with airport staff to initiate evacuation procedures, I noticed that some passengers were being evacuated too close to the terminal buildings. Recognizing the potential danger posed by the suspicious package, I decided to go beyond standard evacuation protocols. I proactively directed passengers and airport staff to move further away from the terminal building.

Result: By making this proactive decision, I minimized the potential risk of harm to individuals in case the suspicious package contained an explosive device. This action ensured that passengers and airport staff were at a safer distance from the building.

Situation: During an evacuation due to a suspicious package at the terminal building.

Task: Ensure safety during the evacuation.

Action: Noticing passengers too close to the building, I directed them to a safer distance.

Result: Minimized risk by moving individuals further away from potential danger.

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Colleague makes mistake putting safety of others at risk-


Situation: During a routine walking patrol with a colleague, we encountered a Heathrow Express shaft that required sealing for safety purposes.

Task: My task was to ensure that the correct seals were used to secure the shaft, as using incorrect seals could pose a safety risk to passengers and staff.

Action: As my colleague attempted to seal the shaft, I noticed that they were using outdated seals that were no longer recommended due to safety concerns. Recognizing the potential risk, I intervened immediately and respectfully explained to my colleague the importance of using the correct seals. I emphasized the potential consequences of using outdated seals, particularly in emergency situations where door opening could be compromised.

Result: My colleague acknowledged their mistake and appreciated the clarification. They stopped using the incorrect seals and replaced them with the appropriate ones, ensuring that the Heathrow Express shaft was properly secured. This incident highlighted the importance of remaining vigilant and adhering to safety protocols at all times, even during routine tasks.

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