Safeguarding, services and early help Flashcards
s.17 duties are of a general nature, the LA decides how resources are allocated, not the court. An individual child cannot seek to compel LA to provide services as it only owes the duty to a section of the public (children in need)
R v Barnet LBC
Law concerned with the fact of “need” not its causes, in this case 18 yo girl was considered in need as she was radicalised into preparing to marry an older man
A v London Borough of Enfield
s.20 accomodation should not be used as a long term alternative to care proceedings. Parental consent is required.
Herefordshire Council V AB
Child who is 16+ is still treated as a vulnerable person and should still be offered accommodation under s.20
R (G) v Southwark London Borough Council
Under s. 20(7), someone with parental responsibility must consent to accommodation.
Under s. 20(8), a parent can remove the child from accommodation.
If the parent isn’t caring for the child, there’s no need for informed consent.
London Borough of Hackney v Williams