trade remedy measures adopted by the government to provide affected domestic industries relief against imports
safeguard measure
The purpose for the application of safeguard measures is to give the affected domestic industry time to prepare itself for and
adjust to increased import competition resulting from the reduction of tariffs or the lifting of quantitative restrictions agreed upon in multilateral trade negotiations
true or false
2 types of safeguard measure
general safeguard measure
special safeguard measure
imposed against imports if the products at issue are being imported in such increased quantities, either absolute or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause
serious injury to the domestic industry
general safeguard measure
imposed against importations of agricultural
products whose quantitative import restrictions were converted (tariffied) into
ordinary customs duties and agricultural products designated with the symbol “SSG” in the GATT Schedule of Concessions. It may be invoked if (i) the volume of imports exceeds a trigger level; or, but not concurrently, (ii) the price of imports falls below a trigger price. In either case, injury to the domestic industry need not be established.
special safeguard measure
otherwise known as the “Safeguard Measures Act” was signed on July 19, 2000 and took effect on August 9, 2000.
Republic Act (RA) No. 8800
General safeguard measures to relieve domestic industries suffering from serious injury as a result of increased imports;
true or false
Special safeguard measures on agricultural products marked “SSG’ in Schedule LXXV-Philippines when the import volume exceeds its trigger level or when the import price falls below a trigger price level
true or false
The provisions of RA 8800 were adopted in Section ____________ of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA).
What other issuances were promulgated to implement RA 8800?
Joint Administrative Order No. 03, s. 2000 - Implementing Rules and Regulations
of RA 8800 which took effect on October 11, 2000.
Tariff Commission (TC) Order No. 00-02 - prescribes the internal rules and
regulations governing the conduct of formal investigation by the Tariff
Commission pursuant to RA 8800.
Which government agencies administer the Safeguard Measures Act in General Safeguard Measure?
Department of Trade and Industry-Bureau of Import Services (DTI-BIS) or
Department of Agriculture (DA)
Tariff Commission
Bureau of Customs
Which government agencies administer the Safeguard Measures Act in Special safeguard measure?
Department of Agriculture
receives the application/petition (DTI for
industrial goods and DA for agricultural products) and conducts preliminary
investigation to ascertain whether or not to impose provisional measure.
Department of Trade and Industry-Bureau of Import Services (DTI-BIS) or
Department of Agriculture (DA)
conducts formal investigation and submits
recommendation to DTI or DA Secretary on the form of definitive safeguard measure to be imposed; monitors the domestic industry’s progress and its efforts to make a positive adjustment to import competition; conducts
investigation on any legitimate request for the extension and re-application of safeguard measures; the reduction, modification and/or termination of safeguard action; and evaluates the effectiveness of the safeguard actions
taken by the domestic industry to facilitate its positive adjustment to import competition after the termination of safeguard measure
Tariff Commission
implements the imposition of the safeguard measures
Bureau of Customs
receives the application/petition for safeguard
measure on sensitive tariffied agricultural products (marked “SSG” in Schedule LXXV-Philippines); conducts verification whether (i) volume of imports exceeds a base trigger level, or (ii) c.i.f. import price falls below a trigger price level and makes its finding within 5 working days from receipt of the petition; and issues a Department Order for the imposition a special safeguard duty on subject product.
Department of Agriculture
Who may file a petition for safeguard measures for General safeguard measure?
Domestic producers
The President, or the House or Senate Committee on Agriculture, or the
House or Senate Committee on Trade and Commerce;
DTI or DA Secretary
Who may file a petition for safeguard measures for Special safeguard measure?
any person
DA Secretary
What are the stages of investigation for the imposition of a general safeguard measure?
Prima Facie Determination
Preliminary Determination
Final Determination
In Prima Facie Determination, the DTI-BIS or DA, upon acceptance of a properly documented petition from a domestic industry, has _________________to decide whether a prima facie case exists to merit the initiation of a preliminary investigation. If no prima facie case exists, the application is rejected.
five (5) calendar days
in Preliminary Determination, once a prima facie case has been established, DTI or DA initiates the preliminary investigation to include notification to all known interested parties and the government of the exporting country, and
distribution of questionnaire to all concerned parties. DTI or DA has ___________ from receipt of the response to questionnaire to make its preliminary determination whether or not to impose a provisional safeguard measure. If affirmative finding, the Secretary of either DTI or DA issues a Department Order (DO) for the imposition of the provisional safeguard measure. In case of a negative finding, the DTI or DA Secretary terminates the investigation.
30 calendar days
In Final Determination, the Commission has _______________ (or 60 days if the Secretary certifies the case as urgent) from receipt of the endorsement from the Secretary to conclude its formal investigation and submit its report of findings and recommendations to the Secretary on whether or not to impose a definitive safeguard measure
120 calendar days