Safegaurding Flashcards
What are the 5 categories of abuse?
Physical, emotional, sexual, neglect and radicalization
What is the definition of physical abuse?
Deliberate injury to child or allowing injury beyond reason - physical striking, drugs and alcohol
What are indicators of physical abuse?
unexplained injuries, refusal to discuss, shrink from physical contact, fear of going home, aggression/bullying, pattern of absence, hiding sites of injuries
Whats the definition of emotional abuse?
Persistent undermining of childs self-worth, can include witnessing DV of primary carer
What are the indicators of abuse?
continual self-deprications, self-harm or mutilation, inappropriate responses, compulsive stealing, isolation/attention seeking, depression, eating issues
What is the definition of sexual abuse?
Sexual exploitation of any kind, including watching others and viewing pornographic material
What are the indicators of sexual abuse?
Awareness uncharacteristic of age, inappropriate drawing/games/vocab, public masturbation, trying to teach others sexual activity, aggressivem anger anxiety ect.
What is the definition of neglect?
Longstanding and severe effect on the child’s development with a non-organic failure to thrive
What are the indicators of neglect?
Constant hunger, smaller lunch, poor personal hygiene, untreated medical issues, low self-esteem
What is the definition of radicalisation?
The process which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.
What are the indicators of radicalisation?
Significant changes in appearance/behavior, justifying violence, high social isolation resulting in identity/personal crisis.
What highlights a concern?
Changes in behaviour, concerning comments, bruises/marks, reduced well-being, suspection of abuse, inappropriate staff behaviour
What question should you start with/avoid?
Good: When, what, how ect.
Bad: Why
What to do if child discloses?
Listen to everything, stay calm, don’t make judgments, not the only one, be sensitive to their needs
When must logging a concern form be completed?
Within 24 hours of incident