Safe Isolation Flashcards
What is the definition of a “lov voltage system”?
Systems operating up to 1000V AC
1500V DC
When it comes to safe isolation…
What three things are the employer’s responsibility to ensure?
- That there are safe systems of working implemented when doing work on or near electrical equipment
- That employees have the technical knowledge, training or experience to do the work safely
- That employees are provided with suitable tools, test equipment and PPE.
Which regulation of the EAWR 1989 states that dead working is the normal method of working when it comes to work on electrical equipment?
Regulation 14
When it comes to Safe Isolation…
What three things are you protecting when following safe practices?
- Yourself
- Others
- Buildings & building systems
When you correctly follow Safe Isolation procedures…
What are you ensuring won’t happen to yourself?
Electric shock/ burn/ electrocution
When you correctly follow Safe Isolation procedures…
What are you ensuring won’t happen to others?
What is meant by “others”?
Two things
- Others won’t be inconveienced by lack of knowledge about the isolation
- They won’t inadvertantly cause an explosion, fire or other dangerous occurance
Others refers to anyone else who may be in the same space as you: clients, members of the public, people who share the workspace with you, other tradesmen.
When you correctly follow Safe Isolation procedures…
What are you ensuring won’t happen to buildings/ building systems?
Reducing risk of damage to other electrical systems/ equipment and/ or building fabric
Potential loss of essential services, such as fire alarms, emergency lighting or data loss.
In the Safe Isolation Procedure…
What is the first thing you should do?
Assuming that everything is satisfactory
Obtain permission
In the Safe Isolation Procedure…
What is the second thing you should do?
Assuming that everything is satisfactory
Select an appropriate voltage indicating device which conforms to GS38.
In the Safe Isolation Procedure…
What is the third thing you should do?
Assuming that everything is satisfactory
Test that the voltage indicating device is working correctly against a proving unit, or a known live source.
In the Safe Isolation Procedure…
What is the fourth thing you should do?
Assuming that everything is satisfactory
Identify the point of isolation.
Lock off and place warning label.
In the Safe Isolation Procedure…
What is the fifth thing you should do?
Assuming that everything is satisfactory
Test for voltage to ensure it is dead.
In the Safe Isolation Procedure…
What is the sequence for single phase installations to ensure it is dead?
Line to Neutral
Line to Earth
Neutral to Earth
In the Safe Isolation Procedure…
What is the sequence for three phase installations to ensure it is dead?
L1 and L2
L1 and L3
L1 and Neutral
L1 and Earth
L2 and L3
L2 and Neutral
L2 and Earth
L3 and Neutral
L3 and Earth
Neutral and Earth
In the Safe Isolation Procedure…
What is the sixth thing you should do?
Assuming that everything is satisfactory
Retest the voltage indicator on a proving unit/ known live.
In the Safe Isolation Procedure…
What is the final thing you should do?
Assuming that everything is satisfactory
Begin work.