SAER Quizes Flashcards
What is the most common level of occult spine fracture after trauma that is missed by plain radiographs?
Type of neuropathy caused by:
axons (hate alcoholics); sensory first (drunks don’t feel), then motor (SAM Adams brewery)
Type of neuropathy caused by:
diabetes DAMS all 4. sensori-motor axonal demyelinating.
Type of neuropathy caused by:
motor, UE weakness
Type of neuropathy caused by:
sensory axonal
Type of neuropathy caused by:
motor, uniform demyelination, autosomal dominant
Type of neuropathy caused by:
motor demyelinating
Type of neuropathy caused by:
axonal, autosomal dominant
Type of neuropathy caused by:
sensory axonal
Type of neuropathy caused by:
inheritance pattern of myotonic dystrophy?
autosomal dominant disease
location of myotonic dystrophy gene
chromosome 19
common pathology seen in myotonic dystrophy?
cataracts, testicular atrophy, heart disease, dementia, and baldness in addition to muscular dystrophy.
Which of the following is a rare extra-articular manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis?
glomerular disease
Spinal instrumentation in neuromuscular scoliosis is indicated when?
primary curve exceeds 25° and forced vital capacity (FVC) is greater than 35% of normal.
characteristics of vincristine neuropathy
sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy that primarily affects the most distal aspects of the nerve
Nerve conduction studies reveal small amplitude/absent motor and sensory responses.
slow writhing movement of the limbs or other body parts. It is important to differentiate athetosis from spasticity, because athetosis does not respond to antispasticity treatment.
brief, irregular contractions, which affect individual muscles as random events that seem to flow from one muscle to the other.
rapid, shock-like or lightning-like jerks.
syndrome of sustained muscle contraction that frequently causes twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures.
A 10-year-old boy suffered a blunt injury to his arm with resultant wrist drop. Electrophysiologic studies done on the day of injury show normal nerve conduction studies in the nerves in the affected limb except for the radial nerve. The radial nerve responses are normal distally but with stimulation proximal to the site of injury responses are absent. Which finding is most consistent with a good prognosis for recovery?
Normal radial motor response with stimulation distal to the injury on day 5.
Which treatment or medication is effective in treating both the skin and joint disease in persons with psoriatic arthritis?
Methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trexall).
Which feature would more likely be seen in recurrent neoplasm than radiation plexopathy as the cause of the LSP?
Deep aching pain locally presenting within 3 months of treatment.
A 47-year-old man complains of generalized weakness and dysarthria that worsens throughout the day. He has dysphagia primarily with dinner and his wife reports that “he looks sleepy.” On examination, ptosis is prominent along with proximal muscle weakness. The most likely diagnosis is
What is concerning for cervical cord involvement rather than just a stinger?
Bilateral symptoms
highest risk factors for late post-traumatic seizures were found to be?
bilateral parietal contusion
blastic lesions come most commonly from what cancer
Under the prospective payment system for inpatient rehabilitation facilities, which item is used in assigning a patient to a case-mix group?
FIM motor score
Which description best localizes the extensor indicis proprius muscle (with the forearm fully pronated) for needle electrode examination?
Two fingerbreadths proximal to the ulnar styloid and just radial to the ulna.
Blink reflex studies can be useful in diagnosing which condition?
Midpontine lesion.
works by binding to B-lymphocyte CD20 surface antigens (monoclonal antibody) and thereby depleting the B cell population