Sacrum innominate Flashcards
Pelvis Tart sreen
They prone, go through lower back muscles check for tenderness. Then check psis heights. check piriformis tenderness and for tissue texture. Then check hamstrings (one hand up, other on hamstrings). Then they roll over on back. Look illiac crests heights, asis heights, tell them will palpate pubic bones. then check quadriceps. then do inside of thigh.
Standing flexion test
they stand, get down so eyes level of psis, thumbs on psis, they flex forward see which one moved more forward.
Comparing landmarks
They supine, do asis to midline, asis height, medial malleoli, psis, pubic tubercles
ASIS Heights, to midline, illiac crests, medial maleoli, psis heights, pubic tubercles
BLT: Anterior Innominate rotation
They sitting on edge of table, you sitting on chair, Hold ankles, pull down on affected side, push up on opposite, they rotate trunk in diretion that was pulled up. They hold, take deep breath in, hold, then when need to breathe take breath. Recheck is tart exam
BLT: Posterior Innominate rotation
They sitting on edge of table, you sitting on chair, hold ankles, push up on affected side, pull down other, they turn trunk in same direction, take deep breath, hold, then when need rebreathe.
Sacrum TART exam
Look for quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, pirfomis, hamstrings for tissue texture and tenderness. Check sacral sulcus depth, ILAs for what posterior,
Sacral diagnosis
Lateralization test + L5 + Sacral landmark (sulci + ILA) + Motion test
L5 Load and spring
Can do prone or seated
L5 uncompensated
Check if flexed extended or neutral, do a doctor wrap around (or elbow thing) to treat
Bilaterally extended sacrum BLT supine
They supine, one hand on sacral apex pushing it anterior, one hand across asis, pull the two asis together to gap the back, hold breath in,
Bilaterally flexed sacrum
They supine, can use both hands underneath pushing up on base, take breath in, hold, then relax
BT Sacrum left on left
One hand under to right base, push anteriorly, other hand bridge the ASISs, do respiratory phases
Sacrum right on a left oblique axis blt
You sit on side of rotation, anterior pressure to left ila, other arm bridge the asis’s, do blt.
BLT Seated Right on left
Monitor sacral sulci, have them slump down till feel sacrum push back out, then rotate patient through upper body in dirction of sacral rotation, so in this case rotate to right (use elbow and shoulder on his neck and shoulders to get him to move.