Sacrements- Page 50-52 Flashcards
What are Sacraments?
Christian rituals during which God imparts Gifts to the participant
What are the 2 Sacraments that Anglicans practise?
Baptism and the Eucharistic
What gifts are given to a person partaking in Baptism?
Removal of Original Sin
Entry into the Christian community
Passage to heaven
What are the 2 types of baptism?
Infant Baptism
Believers Baptism
What is done during an infant baptism?
Holy Water is poured over the baby’s head and the sign of the cross is made on its forehead in the name of the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit
What do the Godparents promise to do in an infant Baptism?
Reject evil, repent sins, and turn to Christ
What does the Pascal candle represent in an infant Baptism?
Receiving the light of Christ
What do the holy oils represent in an infant Baptism?
Strength to fight evil and salvation
What is done during a believers baptism?
The subject testifies to why the are getting baptised before being fully submerged in holy Water
What does Walking down 3 steps symbolise in a believers Baptism?
The end of old life and sin
Give 2 reasons for why Infant Baptism is better
Enables the child to receive other Sacraments
Gift of Holy Spirit allows child to grow up strong
Give 2 reasons for why Believers Baptism is better
Because Baby’s are not old enough to appreciate the promises they made
It is not the parents right to decide which religion their child should be
What is the Eucharist?
Where bread and wine is fed to people to honour the Last Supper
What was the Last Supper a sign of?
A new covenant (agreement) between God and believers
What do Orthodox Christians believe the bread and wine is
Bread and Wine with Jesus mystically present within them
What do Roman Catholics believe about the bread and the wine
Transubstantiation- the invisibly transform into the the actual body and blood of Jesus
What do Protestants believe about the bread and wine?
That it represents Jesus’ body and blood