Sacral Somatic Dysfunction Flashcards
What does the Backwards Bending test tell you?
A positive test occurs when the sacral sulcus appears assymetrical througout the motion (going from lying flat to extending the back) or gets worse
Positive finding indicates the sacrum is in extension (base is posterior, apex is anterior)
Negative finding occurs when the sacral sulcus appears symmetrical throughout the motion or improves
Negative finding indicates the sacrum is in flexion (base is anterior, apex is posterior)
What are you looking for during a Respiratory Motion Test?
You are ensuring that the sacrum has normal motion during respiration.
Inhalation: Sacral base moves posteriorly; sacral apex and coccyx move anteriorly
Expiration: Sacral base moves anteriorly; sacral apex and coccyx move posteriorly
What are you looking for in a Lumbar Spring test?
Lumbar spring test involves the patient lying prone while you press down on their lumbo-sacral junction.
Normally you should feel lumbar spring (negative) - which indicates that the sacrum is flexed
When there is no lumbar spring detected (positive), the sacrum is in extension
What are you looking for in a Oblique Axis Passive Motion test?
Patient is prone while you monitor contralateral sacral sulcus and ILA
An anterior force is applied with the heel of the hand onto the patient’s ILA while you monitor for posterior motion at the opposite sacral sulcus
Test is repeated on opposite sulcus and ILA
How do you tell if you have a forward or backwards torsion?
Forward Torsion = Letters are the same; e.g., L on L and R on R
Forward Torsion = Flexed Torsion
Backward Torsion = Letters are opposites; e.g., R on L and L on R
Backwards Torsion = Extended Torsion
What do the letters in Torsion Diagnoses tell you?
First letter tells you the direction the anterior surface is facing
The second letter tells you the axis
L on R = Anterior surface of sacrum is facing left; Right oblique axis
How does L5 sidebend in regard to the oblique axis during a Sacral torsion somatic dysfunction?
L5 sidebends toward the Oblique Axis
Direction of rotation varies
What is the diagnosis when you have the following findings:
- Lateralized to the Right
- Deep Sulcus on the Right
- Posterior ILA on the Left?
L on L Sacral Torsion SD
Forward (flexion)
What is the diagnosis when you have the following findings:
- Lateralization to the Left
- Deep Sulcus to the Right
- Posterior ILA to the Left
L on R Sacral Torsion SD
Backward (extended)
What is the diagnosis when you have the following findings:
- Lateralization to the Left
- Deep Sulcus to the Left
- Posterior ILA to the Right
R on R Sacral Torsion SD
Forward (flexed)
What is the diagnosis when you have the following findings:
- Lateralization to the Right
- Deep Sulcus on the Left
- Posterior ILA on the Right?
R on L Sacral Torsion SD
Backward (extended)
What would be the physical findings of a patient with a R on R Sacral Torsion SD?
Lateralization to the Left
Deep Sulcus to the Left
Posterior ILA to the Right
What would be the physical findings of a patient with a L on R Sacral Torsion SD?
Lateralization to the Left
Deep Sulcus to the Right
Posterior ILA to the Left
What would be the physical findings of a patient with a L on L Sacral Torsion SD?
Lateralization to the Right
Deep Sulcus to the Right
Posterior ILA to the Left
What would be the physical findings of a patient with a R on L Sacral Torsion SD?
Lateralization to the Right
Deep Sulcus to the Left
Posterior ILA to the Right
When the L5 is compensated, how is it sidebent and rotated?
Compensated L5 will exhibit the following:
- SIDEBENT toward the AXIS
How do you tell if L5 is F, N, or E when compensated?
If you have a Forward Sacral Torsion (Flexed, R on R, L on L), compensated L5 will be neutral
If you have a Backward Sacral Torsion (Extended, R on L, L on R) compensated L5 will either be Flexed or Extended