SAC 3 PREP - RE Flashcards
What is joy?
The delight, pleasure, happiness and even elation that can be found in an experience or relationship. Pure joy is an inexplicable, intense gratitude for life that can catch us off guard. Joy can give purpose to life or may emerge from difficult situations, demonstrating the resilience of human spirit, despite the harshest of circumstances.
What are examples of Joy?
Life-cycle milestones such as birth (not own birth), baptism, first holy communion, graduation, marriage can bring intense happiness into people’s lives
How does Joy enhance religious beliefs?
The experience of joy can strengthen a person’s beliefs by providing evidence of transcendence; it may take a person back to their religious tradition after a lapse in practice or may provide evidence of an ultimate reality that speaks to them on a profoundly personal level.
What is wonder?
When an individual experiences wonder, they are struck with astonishment, awe and admiration.
This feeling cannot be easily fabricated but arises from experiences that have an anticipated or unexpected impact on a person’s feelings, beliefs and spirituality.
What are examples of wonder?
one may marvel at the birth of a new life. Wonder can be derived from a discovery from within oneself or through a new understanding resulting from a significant life experience.
How does wonder enhance the religious beliefs?
RTs also provide adherents with many structured opportunities to experience wonder through rituals, worship, music, festivals and community.
What is suffering?
the emotion that most confronts beliefs is often suffering; the experience of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual anguish.
What are examples of suffering?
a natural disaster such as an earthquake or an individual or loved one contracting an incurable illness.
wars, political suppression, economic deprivation, neglect, ridicule, bullying, ostracism, hatred or lack of care for one’s fellow human beings.
How does suffering enhance religious beliefs?
Distressing life events can also lead some to question religious beliefs and experiences a weakening or even loss of faith. Some people can find affirmation or a strengthening of their beliefs as a result of their suffering, leading to a renewed spirituality or greater connection to their faith.
What is Love?
feeling affection, displaying affection or adoration, or being devoted to another. Ideally, this devotion is returned, but love is something a person gives even if not reciprocated. The capacity to love brings people closer to one another physically and emotionally.
eg. marriage
How does Love enhance the religious beliefs?
For adherents of religious traditions, their love of God or their ethical values direct them to show love for all humanity, even the least lovable.
What is death?
- It is an inevitable part of the cycle of life.
- Death marks the end of an individual’s physical existence on Earth, and can have a profound impact on both the person who is dying and their loved ones.
- Death is often seen as a transformative experience, as it represents a transition from this life to the next.
How does death enhance religious beliefs?
- provide comfort and meaning for individuals and communities.
- it forces individuals to confront their own mortality and consider the legacy they will leave behind.
- Death can also bring people together in profound ways, as communities often come together to mourn and honor the deceased.
- Funeral rituals and traditions can provide a sense of closure and comfort for those who are grieving.
How is death showed in RT?
The Christian belief in eternal life can offer hope and consolation to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
What is major life choices?
daily choices that may seem insignificant in the scheme of things but which can have far-reaching implications for our future relationships, faith, career or life story. At other times, we are forced to make difficult decisions that cause us much heartache or soul-searching.