SAC#2 quotes Flashcards
You’ll never bury that body in the grave
Creon; blindness/sight
But that man the city places in authority must be obeyed, large and small, right and wrong
Creon; blindness/sight
I did not think that your decree was of such weight that they could countermand the laws unfailing and unwritten of the gods, and you a mortal only and a man
Antigone; pride, arrogance and hubris
Do as you like, dishonour the laws the gods hold in honour
Antigone; pride, arrogance and hubris
Whoever places his friend about the good of his country, he is nothing. I have no use for him
Creon; pride, arrogance and hubris
she will be stripped of her rights, her stranger’s rights
Creon; pride, arrogance and hubris
Oh it is hard to give in! But it is worse to risk everything for stubborn pride
Creon; pride, arrogance and hubris
The mighty words of the proud are paid in full
Creon; pride, arrogance and hubris
Did you break the king’s laws, some mad act of defiance
Chorus; man made law vs natural law
Gall to break this law
Creon; man made law vs natural law
The state is the king!
Creon; man made law vs natural law
The city is the king’s - that’s the law
Creon; man made law vs natural law
But whoever places his loyalty to the state…I’ll prize that man in death as well as life
Creon; man made law vs natural law
What greater glory could I win than to give my own brother a decent burial?
Antigone; man made law vs natural law
Protect your rights? When you trample down the honour of the gods?
Haemon; man made law vs natural law
Lucky tyrants! Prerequisites of power!
Antigone; power and tyranny
He is my brother…no one will convict me ever convict me for a traitor
Antigone; Political loyalty/filial loyalty
What a splendid king you’d make of a desert island, you and you alone
Haemon; power and tyranny
And the whole race of tyrants lusts for filthy gain
Tiresias; power and tyranny
I don’t even exist, I am no one, Nothing.
Creon; power and tyranny
Let death come quickly and be kind to me
Creon; power and tyranny
How many griefs our father Oeidipus handed down!
Antigone; fate and free will
She is the man if this victory goes to her
Creon; gender
The mighty words of the proud are paid in full
Chorus; power and tyranny
The ruin will never cease, cresting on and on from one generation on through the race - like a great mounting tide driven on by savage gales
Chorus; fate and free will
While I’m alive, no woman is going to lord it over me
Creon; gender
Fool, adolescent fool! Taken in by a woman
Creon; gender
Never be rated inferior to woman
Creon; gender
We are women, we are not born to contend with men
Ismene; gender
We’re underlings ruled by much stronger hands
Ismene; gender
I would be prepared to die, if only I could slit my mothers throat!
Electra; gender
I pray he pays in full for it
Electra; justice and revenge
Grant us victory, if what we ask for is just
Electra; justice and revenge
You gods, and all seeing justice, you have come at last!
Electra; justice and revenge
Punish my father’s murders, their blood for his
Electra; justice and revenge
Now they shall rule in justice…now that they have overthrown the enemies of justice
Electra; justice and revenge
“[the] gods deals out justice sooner or later. Monstrous is your suffering, but what you did to your husband, heartless woman, gave the gods cause for anger
Electra; justice and revenge
But you have paid justly for taking their father’s life
Electra; justice and revenge
I have committed the most terrible of acts
Electra; repentance and atonement
Mother killer
Orestes; repentance and atonement
I’m sorry for what I have devised! I let my anger against my husband drive me too far!
Clytemnestra; repentance and atonement