Sac 1 Revision - 2 Flashcards
Management Skills
Management skills are the abilities or competencies that managers use to achieve business objectives.
Communicating involves the ability to transfer information from a sender to a receiver, and to listen to feedback.
Delegating refers to the ability to transfer authority and responsibility from a manager to an employee to carry out specific activities.
Planning is the ability to define business objectives and decide on the methods or strategies to achieve them.
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is long-term planning, usually over 2 to 5 years.
Tactical Planning
Tactical planning is flexible, adaptable, medium-term planning, usually over 1 to 2 years.
Operational Planning
Operational planning provides specific details about the way in which the business will operate in the short term.
Leading is the ability to influence or motivate people to work towards the achievement of business objectives
Decision Making
Decision making is the ability to identify the options available and then choose a specific course of action from the alternatives
Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills refer to the ability to deal or liaise with people and build positive relationships with staff.
Corporate Culture
Corporate culture refers to the values, ideas, expectations and beliefs shared by members of the business.
Official Corporate Culture
Corporate culture can be revealed officially in the policies, objectives or slogans of a business
Real Corporate Culture
Corporate culture can also be seen in the unwritten or informal rules that guide how people behave, such as the way staff dress, the language staff use, and the way staff treat each other and customers.
Decision Making Process
Step one: Develop objectives and criteria
Step two: Outline the facts
Step three: Identify alternative solutions
Step four: Analyse the alternatives
Step five: Choose one alternative and implement it
The Planning Process
Step one: Define the objective. Management begins the planning process by considering where they believe the business is headed.
Step two: Analyse the environment. Managers attempts to work out exactly where the business currently stands. A common analyse technique is known as a SWOT analysis. This identifies and analyses the business’s internal strengths and weaknesses and also opportunities in and threats from, its external environment.
Step three: Develop alternative strategies. In response to the question, ‘How will the business get there?’, managers develop several strategies and then decide to put one into action.