sac 1 Flashcards
Product Design process 4 stages
Investigating and designing
designing and developing
planning and production
product design process
4 stages
10 steps
parts of design brief
context- where when etc,
constraints and considerations
desgin brief
outline of the context, contrints and consideration
evaluation critea
is about the finished product
parts of evaluation crieta
4 parts question justifaction - how to achibe actions to achive how to check
where do evaluatopn critea questions come from
from the constraints and considerations from the desgin brief
researh into the factctors realted to the desgin brief : materials and process investigations
what are the 3 drawings in a product desgin process
desgin optioms
working drawing
quicl thumbnail drawing to devlop ideas from rescerah
desgin optoions
series of drawings to decide which is the best sultion for the desgin brief
working drawings
drwaings including technial drawings, showing product specfications ( ie sizes and constuctions methods) needed in the prouction planning,
2 stages of planning and prodution stage
during the production and palnning stage there is 1. schelued production plan and 2. production
scheduled production plan
a sequnencd plan and timeline, listing tools, equipment and machines with risk assesment and a materials list
product and productuon record, Refinments and modifactions including pattern drafting may be made throughout production
what is stage 10
production evaluation
Product evaluation
evaluation of product quality using evaluation creitia and end user feedback. Recomend improvemnts.
interlectiual propetery
interlectial property
interlecatl proptery is the ownership of ideas and information.
the 10 of the desgin brief
- idenify the end user,need, promblem or opportunuty
- desgin brief
- evaluation crieta
- reserach
- visulasations
- desgin options
- working drawings
- production plan
- production
10.product evaluation
9 product desgin factors
- purpose function and contex
- user centerd desgin
- innavation and creativitey
-Visual, tactile and aesthetic - sustainablity
legal responsibilities
- purpose function and contex
the reason and need for a product.
user centerd desgin
the End-user/sā problems or needs identified to improve wellbeing and/or quality of life.
innavation and creativitey
Innovation requires a creative approach to develop new or improved solutions to unsolved
problems and opportunities.
Visual, tactile and
realtes to the prouducts look and feel
Involves the connection and interaction between three pillars of sustainability: social, economic and environmental systems.
eg carbon footprint, fair trade ect
the time and cost, when making the product but also wehn selling to the end user
legal responisibliites
the IP
the law and legisaltion
Materials are selected for use based on their properties
propiters include strength, durability, thermal resatince ect - all in realtion the the product
what is susatinability
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet thier own needs.
3 pillars of sustainability