Sabre Fencing Final Flashcards
Nine important sabre masters:
Barbasetti, Conte, Magrini, Masiello, Pecoraro, Pessina, Radaelli, Rossi, Schiavoni, and Sestini.
What are the two principle parts of the SABRE?
The BLADE and the HILT.
What are the THREE distinct parts of the BLADE?
What are THREE additional parts of the blade?
The true edge,the back edge, and the spine.
Define the ready position:
A calm state of composure showing balance and steadiness of the mind.
Name the three parts of the HILT:
Guard, Grip, and Pommel/Nut
Define Molinelli:
A circular cut.
Name the six kinds of Molinelli:
Inside molinello, outside molinello, molinello in terza, molinello in quarta, the ascending molinello in terza, and the ascending molinello in quarta.
Define the On Guard:
A fundamental balanced fencing position in which the fencer is equally prepared to either attack or defend.
Define the Appel:
To lightly strike the ground two times with the entire lead foot while keeping the body still.
Define Rassemblement:
To return to a plomb position from the on guard.
Name the seven parry positions:
Prima HI, Seconda LO, Terza HO, Quarta HI, Quinta HO, Sesta HI, and Settima HO.
Define the Lunge
The longest possible step in fencing. Most vigorous and prevalent offensive action.
Define the Lines:
spacial designations determined by the body and blade
Define the feint:
Simulates an offensive action to provoke the adversary’s parry which is then deceived for the final attack.
Define the lines of defense:
Spacial designations dividing the body into quadrants.
Define the valid target:
Torso above an imaginary line that connects the hipbones, including the arms, the head, and the front leg two inches above the knee.
Define Parry:
Fundamental defensive action to prevent offensive action by deflecting, derailing, or diverting the opposing blade.
Define Engagement:
Firm but supple contact on your adversary’s blade to deviate their threatening point off line.
Define change of engagement:
Engagement taken in a line opposite of the original.
Defining line if direction:
An imaginary line running through the rear heel and lead foot continuing through the same points in your adversary.
Define the attack:
Offensive action executed by extending weapon arm and continually threatening adversary with the blade.
Simple attack:
Offensive action executed in a single action and is generally done by lunging.
Define compound attack:
Offensive action executed in two or more actions.
Define the cut:
Performed as a pushing or pulling action aided by the fingers. (Direct or Molinello)
Define Riposte:
Offensive action made by fencer who has parried the attack. (can be simple of compund)
Define Counter-riposte:
Offensive action made by fencer who has parried the riposte.