SA580 and SA590 Flashcards
- Who originated the phrase fitness for use within the quality movement?
Joseph Duran originated the phrase fitness for use.
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- What are Ishikawa diagrams useful for?
Ishikawa diagrams, also known as fishbone diagrams, are useful for exploring (brainStorming) the possible causes of a problem.
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- Who coined the phase quality is free and what did he mean by it?
The American quality pioneer Phillip Crosby coined the term, and he meant by it that the cost of non-conformance(not acheiving quality goals) often far exceeds the cost of conformance (achieving quality goals) meaning that assuring quality can actually save money in the long run.
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- Give some examples of cost of conformance.
Planing, training, process validation, inspections, walkthroughs and testing are all examples of the cost of conformance.
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- How are quality and grade different?
Quality is the degree to which requirements has been satisfied; grade is a category or rank of product or service.
- Give some examples of non-conformance. Which one is most prevalent in software development?
Rework is the major cost of non-conformance in software development. Additional costs of non-conformance are complaint handling, liability judgements, product recalls, damaged customer relations and loss of business.
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- How does the cost to correct errors made in scope change depending on when they are discovered?
The cost to correct errors made in scope goes up exponentially with later phases in which they are discovered.
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- What role does testing ply in software quality assurance?
Testing is an integral part of quality assurance in software development, but it is important to recognize the quality cannot be tested into a software product. It must be built into the product from the start.
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- Contrast validation with verification in software quality assurance.
Validation focuses on prevention, whereas verification focuses on detection. It is sometimes said that validation is concerned that we are building the right product. Verification focuses on whether we build the product right.
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- Would testing be considered a validation or verification event?
Testing is a verification technique.
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- Would inspections and walkthroughs be considered a validation or verification event?
Inspections and walkthroughs are a part of validation (prevention).
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- How would you describe the overall testing strategy for software?
In general testing should begin with “in the small” (unit testing) and move “toward the large” through integration testing to system testing to acceptance testing).
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- On what general principle are test cases chosen?
Test cases should be chosen to provide as much coverage of critical areas and functionality within the software as possible, realizing that you can test all possible cases in an enterprise sized program.
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- What is regression testing and why is it necessary?
Regression testing (sometimes called negative testing) tests the larger program or system into which a new or modified unit or module has been inserted. It is necessary because a working system can be made unsafe by inadvertent (unintended) changes to the system when apparently unrelated are introduced.
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- What is acceptance testing and who should be involved in doing it?
Acceptance testing is testing done with or by the customer to decide if the system is acceptable that is, did it meet requirements as demonstrated by predetermined acceptance criteria. Slide 81