SA prosection Flashcards
Which structures help stabilise the shoulder joint?
Tendons of insertion of supraspinatus, infraspinatus and subscapularis
How would you describe the clavicle of the cat? Which bones does it articulate with?
Small vestigial rod of bone that doesn’t articulate with any other bone - it lies within muscle
How would you describe the clavicle of the dog?
A tendinous line in the Brachiocephalicus muscle that does not articulate with any other bone
What bones does the accessory carpal bone articulate with?
Ulnar carpal bone
Styloid process of ulna
Which muscles insert onto the accessory carpal bone?
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Which two tendons cross the metacarpophalangeal joint at the palmar aspect and state their function
- Tendons of the superficial digital flexor and deep digital flexor
- Flex the carpal, MCP, digital joints
How many rows of carpal bones are there?
Two - proximal and distal
Which nerves would you associate with the metacarpal region?
Radial - supplies dorsal aspect of the limb
Median and ulnar - supplies the palmar aspect of the limb
How would you describe the formation of the carpal canal?
Fibro-cartilaginous reinforcement of the palmar aspect of the carpal joint capsule and palmar retinaculum around the DDFT
Which structures run through the carpal canal?
Median and ulnar nerves
Tendon of DDF
Blood vessels