SA- Enviroment Flashcards
What is the condition of the city?
Revolves around terrorism
Dark and full of evil- soul crushing at the start of the century
What is London like?
Dark and wet.
Always rain or fog noted.
‘The van and horses merged into one mass, seemed nothing alive’
Always a sense of menace in the streets.
Dark and gloomy inside settings- never light or pleasant- cannot escape
‘Fresco paintings ran flat and dull all around the walls with no windows’
Terror attack and significance of location.
Symbolic attack of science and maths due to locations significance in the standardisation of time, the Prime Meridian.
Links to Marinetti- celebrates violence destruction of linear history.
Explosion- metaphor for exploding constructs formed to keep order- attack what people have total confidence in- no more order.
Environment as absurd.
Relativity of crime- what is crime? Merely a social construct that shows an incapacity to change that is mirrored through the absurd nature of the setting of the novel.
‘Madness and despair’
Umbrella term for the whole city.