SA Ear and Pinna Surgery Flashcards
What is an aural haematoma?
Warm, fluctuant blood-filled swelling on the inner surface of the pinna.
List four methods of conservatice treatment of an aural haematoma
Benign neglect
Daily systemic corticosteroids
Aspiration +/- flushing +/- intralesional injection of corticosteroids
Small incision and place haematoma tube
Why is benign neglect of an aural haematoma not a suitab;e option?
Fluid resorption, fibrosis, contraction leading to malformation of the pinna and then pinna malformation increases the risk of future otitis.
List four complications associated with a GA and ear flush
Iatrogenic damage to TM
Neurological damage
Irritation/damage to inflamed ear canal tissue
Aspiration of fluid
Why is a GA required for an ear flush?
An ear flush must be performed using a GA due to the risk of aspiration.
Which sutures may you use for a pinna repair and why?
Vertical mattress suture and a figure of 8 suture.
What is a lateral wall resection and what are the indications?
The lateral part of the vertical ear canal is resected to create a direct opening into the horizontal canal. Excision of benign/malignant mass lesions located near the lateral part of the vertical ear canal.
What is a myringotomy and what is it used for?
Surgical puncture of the caudo-ventral tympanic membrane, to relieve pressure/obtain diagnostic samples/facilitate flushin and instillation of topical treatments.
List two indications of a myringotomy
Otitis media
Biopsy of mass within bulla.
What is the indication for a tympanostomy tube placement (Grommet) and what breed of dogs is this used most commonly in?
Primary secretory otitis media. This is a disease reported in CKCS.
Which procedure is TECA always performed in conjunction with?
Lateral/ventral bulla oseotomy
What are the two most common serious complications of TECA surgery?
Facial nerve (CNVII) injury - common
Chronic sinus tract development (aka para-aural abscess) - most common
What can a ventral bulla osteotomy be used for in cats as a standalone procedure?
For removal of nasopharyngeal polyps
List two nerves which are blocked in ear surgery?
Auriculotemporal nerve
Greater auricular nerve