S3 Major Blood Vessels of the Head and Neck Flashcards
on the right side, where do the subclavian and common carotid arteries arise from ?
brachiocephalic trunk
where do the vertebral, internal thoracic and thyrocervical arteries arise from ?
subclavian in the base of the neck
where does the CCA bifurcates from ?
around C4
describe route of vertebral artery
ascend in the neck through transverse foramina in cervical vertebrae 6-1 and pass through the foramen magnum
vertebral arteries supply the brain along with ICA
describe route of Internal carotid artery
gives no branches off in neck
enters skull through carotid canal
what are the borders of carotid triangle ?
Superior - posterior belly of digastric
Lateral - Anterior Sternocleidomastoid
Medial - superior belly of omohyoid
what are the contents of the carotid triangle ?
Internal jugular vein
bifurcation of CCA at C4
what is the carotid triangles clinical significance ?
surgical approach to CA or IJV, can access CN X and CN XII via this triangle, can palpate carotid pulse here, carotid sinus massage can lower heart rate
where is clinical significance of the bifurcation of CCA ?
common site of atheroma formation
causes narrowing of the artery (stenosis)
rupture of the clot can cause an embolus to travel to brain causing TIA or stroke
what is the carotid sinus ?
swelling at bifurcation ( internal CA) and also the location of baroreceptors for detecting changes in arterial BP
what is the carotid body ?
peripheral chemoreceptors which detect arterial 02, massage in supraventricular tachycardia to stimulate baroreceptors to reduce BP. A hypersensitive carotid sinus may cause fainting upon pressure here.
common site of atherome due to turbulence
describe route of ICA
enters skull through carotid canal in petrous part of temporal bone
turns medially and horizontally
enters cranial cavity the makes s- shaped bend
courses through the carvenous sinus
what is the carvenous
sinus and what are its contents ?
plexus of extremely thin-walled veins on upper surface of sphenoid
Contents –> O TOM CAT
O- Oculomotor nerve
T- Trochlear nerve
O- Ophthalmic branch
M- Maxillary branch
C- Carotid artery
A- Abducens nerve
Lateral wall (S to I) : Oculomotor, Trochlear, ICA, Abducens
Transversing trigeminal branches : Ophthalmic (CNV1), Maxillary (CN V2)
what is the route of the Ophthalmic artery ?
ICA – > Ophthalmic artery —–> Supra-orbital artery
what are the branches of the external carotid artery ?
Six branches : SALFOPMS Super Angry Lady Figured Out Post Menopausal Syndrome Superior Thyroid Ascending Pharyngeal Lingual Facial Occipital Posterior Auricular Maxillary (terminal) Superficial Temporal(terminal)
describe the blood supply to the scalp
rich blood supply with many anastomoses
largely branches of external carotid artery ( superficial temporal, posterior auricular, and occipital arteries) except supratrochlear and supraorbital arteries( branches of the ophthalmic artery) which arises from the ICA