S3 Flashcards
What happens when you encrypt an object in S3?
It creates a new version of the object, which is encrypted. An old unencrypted version still exists
What is MFA Delete and what is it used for?
It is Multi-Factor Auth Delete and it is used to prevent accidental deletes.
What 2 things do you need MFA Delete to do?
- permanently delete an object
- suspend versioning on an object
How do you enable MFA Delete?
The root account owner must enable it via the CLI
What is the new way to enable encryption in S3?
Use the Console to enable default encryption
What was the old way to enable encryption in S3?
Set the “x-amz-server-side-encrption:AES256”
How do you calculate the total number of IP addresses of a given CIDR Block
Subtract the mask number from 32, then raise 2 to the power of the result:
/27 = 32 - 27 = 5
2^5 = 32
What are the 5 steps of S3 cross region replication?
Select Bucket Replication tab Select Source/Destination buckets Make sure Versioning is enabled Assign/Create IAM role Copy previous files to the destination using command-line
What is the default timeout for S3 pre-signed URLs?
3600 seconds (1 hour)
How can you change the pre-signed URL timeout?
Use the –expires-in [seconds] argument
What are 3 examples of why you would use a pre-signed URL?
- Allow logged in users to download premium content from a bucket
- You want to generate URLs dynamically for an ever-changing list of users
- Allow temp access to a bucket
How do you make sure your generated URL is compatible with KMS?
Run “aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4”
Using the CLI, how do you generate a pre-signed URL?
Run “aws s3 presign s3://bucket/file –expires-in 300 –region us-east-1”
What 3 services does Cloudfront work with?
- S3
- EC2
- Load Balancing
What is Cloudfront Origin Access Identity
A Special Cloudfront user associated with your distribution