S2: energy storage (glycogen + fat) & lipid transport Flashcards
Describe the major energy stores in a 70kg man
Triacylglycerol = 15kg (600,000kJ) Liver glycogen = 0.1kg (1000kJ) Muscle glycogen = 0.3kg (3000kJ) Muscle protein = 6kg (100,000kJ) In obese people, only triacylglycerol stores increase, everything else stays the same
Describe the reaction involved in glycogen synthesis
Glucose + ATP -> Glucose 6 phosphate + ADP (hexokinase)
G6P Glucose 1-phosphate
G1P + UTP + H20 -> UDP-glucose + PPi (G1P uridylyltransferase)
Glycogen + UDP-glucose -> Glycogen + UDP (glycogen synthase/branching enzyme)
Describe the reaction involved in glycogen breakdown
Glycogen + Pi -> G1P + Glycogen (glycogen phosphorylase/de-branching enzyme)
G1P < — > G6P (phosphoglucomutase)
Muscle (lacks enzyme to convert G6P to glucose): glycolysis - energy production, liver: glucose - released for use by other tissues
Compare the functions of liver and muscle glycogen
Liver: G6P converted to glucose and exported to blood
Liver glycogen is a BUFFER of BLOOD GLUCOSE levels
Muscle: lacks the enzyme G6 phosphatase, therefore enters glycolysis for energy production
Explain the clinical consequences of glycogen storage diseases
Liver and/or muscle can be affected
Excess glycogen storage can lead to tissue damage
Diminished glycogen stores can lead to hypoglycaemia & poor exercise tolerance
Explain why and how glucose is produced from non-carbohydrate sources
Gluconeogenesis = production of new glucose
Three main precursors: 1) lactate (anaerobic glycolysis), 2) glycerol (released for adipocytes breakdown of triglycerides) and 3) amino acids (mainly alanine)
Explain why triacylglycerols can be used as efficient energy storage molecules in adipose tissue
Highly efficient energy store
Energy content per gram twice that of carbs or protein
Describe how dietary triacylglycerols are processed for storage
Intake > requirements converted to TAG for storage
TAGs are hydrophobic and therefore stored in an anhydrous form - adipose tissue
Storage and mobilisation of TAGs is under hormonal control
Describe how fatty acid degradation differs from fatty acid synthesis
Fatty acid oxidation = C2 atoms removed as acetyl CoA, occurs in mitochondria, oxidative = produces NADH and FAD2H, insulin inhibits
Fatty acid synthesis = C2 atoms added as malonyl CoA, occurs in cytoplasm, reductive = requires NADPH, insulin stimulates
Describe how lipids are transported in the blood
Transported in blood bound to carriers
2% of lipids carried by albumin (limited capacity)
98% of lipids are carried as lipoprotein particles
Describe chylomicron metabolism
Loaded in small intestine + apoB-48 added before entering lymphatics
Empties into left subclavian vein and acquires two new apoproteins (apoC and apoE)
apoC binds to lipoprotein lipase on adipocytes and muscle -> releases fatty acid contents
apoC dissociates and chylomicron becomes chylomicron remnant
Chylomicron remnants return to liver + taken up by receptor mediated endocytosis
Describe hyperlipoproteinaemias
Raised plasma level of one or more lipoprotein classes (overproduction or under removal)
6 main classes - defects in enzymes, receptors, apoproteins
Describe hypercholesterolaemia
Name the 3 main signs
High levels of cholesterol in blood
Xanthelasma = yellow patches on eyelids
Tendon xanthoma = nodules on tendon
Corneal arcus = obvious white circle around eye (in young)
Describe IDL & LDL metabolism
VLDL content depletes to 30%, particle becomes IDL
IDL can be taken up by liver or rebind to lipoprotein lipase to further deplete fat content
Depletes to 10% = IDL loses apoC and apoE and becomes LDL particle (high cholesterol)
Describe HDL metabolism
Synthesised by liver and intestine (low TAG levels)
Have ability to remove cholesterol from cells and return it to the liver (important in blood vessels)
Mature HDL taken up by liver via specific receptors
Functions and clinical relevance of LDLs
Function: take cholesterol from liver to tissues
Do not have apoC & apoE so are not efficiently cleared by liver
Clinical relevance: half-life is much longer (more susceptible to oxidative damage)
Macrophage -> foam cell -> atherosclerotic plaques
Explain how hyperlipoproteinaemias may be treated
Diet = reduce cholesterol and saturated lipids in diet, increase fibre intake
Lifestyle = increase exercise, stop smoking to reduce CVS risk
If no response:
Statins = reduce cholesterol synthesis by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase
Bile salt sequestrants = bind bile salts in GI tract, forces liver to produce more bile acids using more cholesterol
Explain why raised serum LDL is associated with atherosclerosis
Oxidised LDL -> recognised by macrophages
Lipid laden macrophage = foam cell which accumulate in intima of blood vessel walls to form a fatty streak
Evolve into atherosclerotic plaque -> encroaches lumen of artery -> angina
Can cause artery to rupture -> acute thrombosis -> stroke/myocardial infarction
Describe VLDL metabolism
Made in liver for purpose of transporting TAGs to other tissues
ApoB100 added during formation, apoC and apoE added from HDL particles in blood
VLDL binds to LPL on endothelial cells in muscle and adipose and starts to become depleted of triacylglycerol
Muscle = used for energy production
Adipose = fatty acids used for resynthesis of TAG + stored as fat