S2 Flashcards
Teaching assumptions
What sustainability (thinking) is in relation to science?
Two ideologies
Concept sustainability
Wicked problems
What sustainability (thinking) might contribute to my future?
What if its a hoax?
How (societal) sustainability thinking specifically will contribute to solving ecological problems
…generate own ideas that they act upon, this partly recreates the given but also alters it to give rise to new sensations and experiences, so new methods, problems and ambitions
Sustainability links….
What if we need to decide whether we invest further in nuclear energy?
What is sustainable technology?
3P, nested model
End extreme wealth
Levels of existence
(Societal) sustainability thinking
Natural society moves to industrial society
Structure of Activity
The structure of human activity (after Engström)
what your role can be in sustainability (thinking)
Which questions should you ask yourself?
Ideal ‘methods’ for the pursuit of sustainability?
Methods: experience complexity in society
Intervention point
Sustainability issues : nature of the problems (analysis)
Criteria for determining the role of science in policy and politics
Sustainability issues & scientists (solution searching)
Sustainability issues, scientists & governance (action/implem)
give examples of problems
The integrative mode of access
Transdisciplinary teams – analysis actions?
Anticipatory competence - misconceptions